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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20

Noah manages to escape one of Bryan’s attacks, and before Bryan has a chance to form

fire, my brother tackles him to the ground.

The cafeteria is now in chaos, with everyone running in opposite directions, trying to get away from the


Noah and Bryan don’t seem to care about any of that; they are still fighting.

Girls are screaming, and men are shouting, “fight, fight, fight!”

It’s a nightmare. I can see Noah forming fire in his hands, and his eyes are turning a blazing orange. If

this continues, both of them can get seriously hurt.

“Noah!” I scream. He doesn’t listen to me; I’m not even sure that he can hear me above all

of the noise.

I’m about to step into the fight when Adam steps in front of me, “don’t. You will get hurt.” I’m surprised

by his protective stance; his eyes are not lying to me, I can see clearly that he doesn’t want me to get


Just as I’m about to protest, I spot my sister through the crowd of students. She has a

murderous look on her face, and my jaw drops when she walks up to Aria and slaps her hard across

her face.

“You backstabbing b***h!” She screams. “Who do you think you are? If you wanted Bryan


all along, you should have opened your big mouth and said something. Both of you didn’t have

to do that to my sister. You’ll pay for what you did. Do you think that just because she’s kind, that

means that you can walk all over her? Think again, honey. You better stay the hell away from her, or I

swear to God, if one of you tries anything again, I’ll make you pay!”

Aria is in too much shock to react; this was the perfect opportunity to snap a picture. After

looking around, I realize that I’m not the only one thinking that way, phones are out, and I’m sure that

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more than one person got a recording of the slap… Along with the fight between Noah and Bryan.

Security guards, as well as teachers, show up next to stop everyone and separate them. The boys

surrounding them don’t hide their disappointment from the abrupt ending of the fight.

“You four!” Professor Miles says to them. “In my office, now!”

I should go as well; after all, this fight only took place because of me. However, when I try

to follow them, everyone tells me to stay behind … Including the professor.

I watch as they leave helplessly, and Abigail joins me once more. “Okay, I’ve always known that your

siblings were awesome, but damn, they’ve outdone

those two did to you.” She confesses. “But what are your parents going to say about this? Surely

they’re going to flip. I don’t think I remember ever hearing your siblings involved in something like this

before. This must be a first.”


She was right. I didn’t even think about my parents. There was no way to hide this from

them; the principal would no doubt call them in. And then the truth remained that there were

already videos circulating everywhere.


“What was that about?” Ashton asks me the moment that we are home and away from

prying eyes. I know what he is speaking about, but I choose to pretend that I am lost.

“All what?”

“I saw you stop Amiera from entering that fight. First, you invite her to movie night, and suddenly you’re

protecting her?” he demands. “What is it that you’re not telling me? There is no way that my brother will

have an interest in someone as dull as she is. So what is the real

reason that you’re suddenly bringing her into your life? You fancy powerful women, and she is anything

but powerful, so don’t even try lying to me. What is your deal?”

I clench my jaw and drop my bag onto the table. “Since when do I have to report my actions towards


He quirks a brow and flexes his arms, “since you’re getting involved with one of the most protected girls

in our land. Her parents do not like our kind one bit. You getting involved with her will cause

unnecessary trouble for all of us. Can you imagine what will happen if her

parents go to that white fox?”

Ah, yes, the incredible white fox. Everyone is scared of him; I am not.

“You will know soon enough why I’m sticking so close to her,” I inform him. “Until then, do not bother

me about this matter again.”


“What do you three have to say for yourselves?” My mother demands.

Noah’s face is slightly bruised from the fight, and Belle looks anxious now that our parents are

questioning her. I never expected her to slap Aria the way she did, but it was indeed about

Noah. What can I say? My siblings made headlines no matter what they did. I’m saddened that it’s in a

negative light now, and it’s only because they were defending my honor. I would forever feel guilty

about this but I still enjoyed it a little more than I wanted to admit.

I wanted Aria and Bryan to pay for what they did; I’ve been saying this since it happened; this is the first

time that I got a chance to see some revenge take place.

“Mother, please don’t be angry with Noah and Belle. It’s not their fault; they were only trying to protect

me. They are not in the wrong. If you have to punish anyone, punish me.” I tell


“Are you insane?” Belle asks me. “Noah and I are the ones who caused the entire thing; how are you at

fault? You’ve been betrayed by the two closest people in your life; you haven’t ever been so close with

Noah and me. How can we just let this go without teaching those two a damn lesson?”

I want to give a response to that, but the words are clogged in my throat. What could I

say? Everything she just said was the truth. I was closer to both of them; in fact, I chose to hang out

with them instead of my siblings. The more I thought about it, the more I believed that

Aria and Bryan deserved to pay for what they did to me, it was incredibly unfair, and I didn’t deserve it

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at all.

“All three of my children are completely losing their damn minds,” my mother cries in frustration. “Why

are you three choosing to destroy your reputations like this? I’ve always been proud of how well

mannered you’ve been all of your lives. Now I’m ashamed by your actions.”

My mother’s frustration bothers me. I did not want to disappoint her, none of us did. But she didn’t

understand what I was going through, and I don’t think that she ever will.

“Mother,” Noah growls. “That bastard cheated on my sister with her damn best friend. How could I sit

back and let him get away with it? How can you and father allow him to walk freely like that? She’s my

sister, your daughter, she has feelings. Are you even thinking about her at all?”

His questions make her pause and think, and I know that she doesn’t want to hurt me in

any way, but her kingdom still comes first. My father is sitting back and watching the exchange between

us after going off on us a few minutes before.

“Go to your rooms!” She shouts. “All of you. Go and think about what you’ve done today and how it’s

going to affect our kingdom when the news starts to spread for everyone in the damn world to know!”

Noah walking right behind me.

“Listen to me,” Belle says as the both of us reach my room. “Don’t you ever let people walk all over you

like that again. Stand up for yourself. Let them know that you don’t need them, let them know that your

presence in their life was a blessing, and never forget that. There are times where Noah and I won’t be

there to protect you. That’s when you’ll need to be strong.

Don’t trust easily and never fall for anyone as quickly as you did for Bryan again. Get to know

the person first, alright?”

My cheeks turn bright red at her words. What would she say if she knew that I fell for someone else

already? And what would she say if she knew that the person I fell for was none other than a dark


“I’ll try my best,” I promise.

She nods, “since that’s out of the way, we need to change your closet. I have the perfect outfits for you,

the same ones you always refused to wear. We are going to dress you up so much that no one

recognizes you at school tomorrow.”