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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19

I take a step forward so that we are now eye to eye. “Let me live my life Aria. I don’t need to answer

you. We are no longer friends; we aren’t even enemies. You have no place in my life whatsoever. For

once, will you listen to my request?”

“No.” She snaps. “Adam is very dangerous, Amiera. You do not know him as well as I do. He isn’t just

some bad boy from school; he’s more than that. He screams danger. If he’s suddenly interested in you

after all this time, believe me, he wants something from you. The minute that he gets it, he will drop you

like you’re nothing. You’ll be left with a broken heart. He will use you until there is nothing left. I don’t

want to see that happen to you.”

“Oh,” I say. “You mean like what you and Bryan did to me? I hate to say it, Aria; he wasn’t the one to

hurt me. You and Bryan did that on your own, and now that I’m trying to move on, neither one of you is

letting me. Why is that? Why can’t you just let me live my life?”

“I think Amiera has said enough.” Abigail cuts in. “You need to leave. You’re not wanted




My skin suddenly begins to feel hot all over; what’s caused this change? My eyes scan my

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surroundings, and I finally find the reason behind the tingly sensation.

Adam. He’s looking straight at me, and he isn’t trying to hide that fact from me. After not paying

attention to me for the entire day, why does he choose to now when Aria is speaking to me about him?

His eyes on me make it hard for me to pay attention to Aria anymore.

“Are you even listening to me, Amiera?” She asks.

“What part of I don’t want to speak to you do you not understand?” I respond with a question of my

own. “And you’re acting like this when you dated his brother! You’ve dated one of them already, and

everyone in school knew about it. Why are you behaving like this just because I spoke to him a few

times? And it’s not like it’s any of your business either way.”

“Bryan and I are just concerned about you. I know that we did something to hurt you, but that doesn’t

mean you have to be so reckless with your life! Do you even know how dangerous

Adam and his family are?” She demands. “Both of our parents have warned us before. I don’t

understand why you’re behaving this way when you’ve always been the only one out of the three of us

to follow all of the rules. And I also don’t understand why it has to be this rule out of

all that you decide to break.”

“You can stop pretending to care about me now,” I say, “what I do from now on does not concern you

nor Bryan. So please, listen to me and stay away from me. Whatever happens to me should not matter

to the two of you.”

looked as though he was focused on us, and I believe that meant that he was at least trying to figure

out what we were talking about. The last time he chose to speak to me in front of Bryan, now I have to

wonder, did he do that deliberately? Did he somehow know that they were telling me to stay away from


Did he invite me to his house to piss off Bryan? Was that what all of this was about? Bryan

did steal his brother’s girlfriend; he was practically their enemy now.

All I know is that he never showed any interest in me until now. That’s precisely what Aria just said to

me; I’ve known it all along; I didn’t need her to point it out.

I can still feel his eyes burning into my back as I exit the cafeteria, and part of me wants to

turn around and go right back to him. I don’t know what was causing this dangerous pull between us,

but I didn’t want to stop it, not for me, not for Bryan, not for Aria … Not for anyone.

My eyes widen when I see my brother in front of me. When did he arrive? I knew that his return had

been delayed, but no one informed me that he would be here today. He looks like someone who’s

about to beat the s**t out of someone else.

“Where is he?” He hissed.

I take a deep breath, scared that he’s talking about Adam. Did he somehow find out that I

was there yesterday with him … In the shower.

Oh my goodness. I was in deep trouble. But how would he have found out? Did Aria tell him

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something? Or did Bryan. It is evident that the two of them wanted me to stay away from Adam; would

they go to such lengths to get me to cooperate? It was possible, they were sneaky like that, and my

parents did favor them despite what they did to me.

Thold my chest in fear as he pushes me to the side and walks into the cafeteria. The girls in the

cafeteria go into an uproar. They were crazy about my brother and even more so now

since he wasn’t here for weeks because of the sports club.

His eyes zero in on someone and I follow his gaze. To my surprise, he’s glaring at Bryan,

not Adam.

Oh, why didn’t I think of this? Of course, he would be pissed off at Bryan after he cheated on me with

Aria. He must have returned just after I left for school. Did this mean that my sister was also finally

back? I missed them both like crazy, but this was not the way I wanted to be

reunited with them.

I watch in horror as Noah grabs Bryan by his shirt and shoves him against the wall with so much force

that the sound of the collision travels around us.

you get away with your betrayal so easily, think again, fool.”

My eyes widen when he punches him in the stomach once, then twice, and another. Bryan gets red

with rage as he clenches his fists just as fire forms within his grasp.

“Noah!” I scream. I don’t warn him in time and the fire from Bryan’s hand slams straight into his

stomach. Noah’s body flies halfway across the room, but it doesn’t affect him as badly as I expected it

to. He picks himself off the ground and attacks Bryan with fire of his own. They go back and forth with

each other, Noah becoming angrier with each passing second.

Oh, God. I had to stop them!