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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 1
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1178 words 2021-07-25 19:33:04

My best friend in the entire world is making out with my boyfriend at our favorite spot. Our spot! Under

the shade of the trees, hidden in the forest, next to the lake that glows under the sunlight. It’s been our

spot since we made it official five years ago. She’s touching his hair, the soft, pretty blonde that I’ve

spent days playing with and admiring. I inhale a great deal of air, and I hold my chest as I begin to gasp

for more. When I received a text message from an anonymous person letting me know that my best

friend and boyfriend were sneaking around behind my back, the first thing that ran through my mind

was that this person was insane. I trusted them both with everything in me. I ignored the first text

message, dismissing it as nothing but a jealous person trying to destroy what we had, and now I feel

like a complete fool for ever trusting them so blindly. Today, after receiving another anonymous text

about both of them hooking up inside his limousine with a picture of them entering the car, I thought

that there had to be an excellent reason as to why that was happening. But when I called Bryan, and

he chose to lie about his whereabouts and who he was with, I knew that something was incredibly

wrong. Still, I wanted to trust them. So, I called Aria and asked her where she was; she also lied and

said she had an appointment with the royal hairdresser. That’s when I knew that I had to stop being so

trusting and get to the bottom of it. I followed them for a long time; there wasn’t any proof of anything

suspicious happening until now.

How did I not see the signs before this? Aria has always looked at Bryan in a way that showed she had

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some feelings towards him. I always dismissed the warnings thinking that they would never do anything

to hurt me; never once did I see this coming.

Bryan would often compliment her; in fact, he complimented her more than he ever did to me. I couldn’t

blame him; Aria was beautiful with her blond hair and bright blue eyes. She also had the kind of figure

that men would get into accidents to view her better.

I, on the other hand, was always told that I was too skinny and needed to eat more. Both Bryan and

Aria often said those exact words to me. I never thought anything much about it, even though their

words did make me incredibly insecure.

I had bright red hair and green eyes with freckles on my cheeks, and I didn’t have the ass that Aria had,

nor did I have big breasts.

I was never jealous of her; however, I was always proud to have such a beautiful friend. Guys often

used me to get to her; I can’t count the number of times men have approached me, intending to meet

her through me. Still, I always dismissed it, happy that I had a friend as famous as her.

Bryan has been my boyfriend for over five years now; I was just fourteen years old when we first

started to seek an interest in each other after being best friends for years before that.

To me, he was everything; I planned out my entire future with him in mind. We even discussed how

many children we would have after our royal families got us married. It was supposed to be one of the

biggest weddings our kingdoms have ever witnessed.

But now, clearly, my entire world was shattering before my eyes. Everything I’d dreamed about,

everything I’ve wanted to do in the future, was all over in a quick second.

I didn’t just lose my boyfriend, the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with; I also lost my best

friend. I always thought that we would get pregnant at the same time and be close friends even after

marrying the man we loved. We even spoke about our children being best friends like us. How they

would betray me like this is beyond my comprehension.

I always thought that Aria would marry Ashton; they seemed like the perfect couple. Ashton matched

her in looks; he was just as handsome as she was gorgeous. There was also this dark side to him that

had girls swooning over him. I’ve never once looked at him in that way; in fact, we hardly ever get

along. We barely say any words to each other.

An image of his devilish brother breaks into my thoughts, and again I’m hit with the need to breathe.

Adam. . . That was his name. Adam Ashford. His family was unlike any other in our supernatural world.

Their power was different; it was dangerous, dark, frightening. They could create black holes but not

just any black holes, the kind that released demons. Even though their family, on the whole, was

terrifying, Adam was on an entirely other level. He could create more than one simultaneously, making

him more dangerous than the rest of them.

I shake my head; this wasn’t the time to think about him. I’ve already spent countless nights feeling

guilty about my forbidden thoughts about the murky prince; that’s what I call him. No one else does it

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but me. I mean, yes, all of the other girls around our school have their names for him; for example, the

dark prince, the forbidden man, I could go on and on. Still, mine is my favorite. It’s my secret, my crazy

secret, that somehow makes my insides melt. I love the idea of having a secretive name for him;

something about it makes me feel like I’m closer to him, in my weird way.

I shake my head. Not this again; I forcefully push him out of my mind.

I had more important things to focus on, including my cheating boyfriend and lying best friend, who, at

the moment, are still going at it. They are now removing each other’s clothing.

How long has this been going on? How long have these two been betraying the friendship that we


I’m angry, and I’m not thinking right; I know that I want to hurt them both just as much as they’re hurting

me right now.

I take my phone out of my pocket and point the camera at the two of them, sticking their tongues down

each other’s throats.

I don’t waste any time trying to confront them; I turn and leave. After today, I will have nothing to do

with either one of them.

Without a second thought, I upload the video to my FirePic account. I had over a million followers on

there, and my popularity was only because of Aria and Bryan. They were popular on their own;

everyone only followed me to keep track of the two of them.

Now they would all know that the two of them were liars and cheaters!