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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94 This Xanthea had claimed confidently that she didn't seduce the chairman; turned out she was adept at playing hard to get secretly, which enthralled the chairman and made him unconditionally give her the lead role. So despicable! Wendy!" "H'm here. What's wrong?" Isabella questioned, "Tell me, did Xanthea seduce the chairman that day?" "Y-Yes, she did!" Wendy replied firmly.

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That day she ran pretty fast, and by the tshe arrived at the lakeside, she saw the chairman carry Ms. Nightshade, his coat wrapped around her tightly, their gazes intertwined with an undeniable attraction, their attractive figures matching, which made her unwittingly ship them Moreover as the top actress in Starlight Media, Isabella had never got wronged by anyone; that day, just because she and Ms. Nightshade had a bicker, the boss snarled at her. Now she couldn't even dare to think back that horrible scene.

"Did she use connections to get the role in "Realm of Illusions? "Well, about this." Wendy paused, grappling with her conscience, her voice practically a murmur, "Actually, even if the chairman hadn't given the role to Ms. Nightshade, the director team had already scored her the highest." "Zip it! Why don't you just go and be her assistant!" [By the way, about the bet I took with you a few days ago, let's just..] While Xanthea was texting, she received Oliver's call.

"Unde Oliver "Xan, there's a good news I need tell your "What good news?" You can play Phoenix!" Xanthea's moving hands paused in an instant, “I can play Phoenix? Why?" "Didn't I say, that your performance's extraordinary in the audition. You not just got the highest point, but the entire crew spoke highly of you; they all think you're actually Phoenix." "Is that so? But Orion doesn't think so." Before she finished, Oliver cut her off, "Don't worry, I've heard what happened at the audition, which is just a misunderstanding. Mc Lockwood recognized your performance, and suggested you play Phoenix" What? Xanthea's brows furrowed abruptly at the words.

Orion also recognized her performance, and was now backing her for the role? What was he up to this time? He was the one who publicly eliminated her at the audition, and now he was sending this resource to her?

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Did he think acting so fickle to fool her around would amuse him? Or did m of he think he found her pitiful and was doing skind of chanty? No wonder when Isabella called, she seemed furious.

"I don't need it! Uncle Oliver, tell him forthat I don't need this resource, .е.

nor do I want his pity!" It was the first tOliver'd ever seen her speaking in such an exasperated tone.

Mr. Lockwood had surmised that she'd get angry and no longer accept it, let alone forgive him.

"But I've already bought the rights to 'Realm of Illusions, including the production team." "What?!" Xanthea was stunned. "Uncle Oliver, why didn't you tellbefore doing that?” "Don't you like this ? So I bought it without talking with you" "How much did you spend?"

"Well," while Oliver was signing the free transfer agreement, he replied according to what Orion had said, "2 mil."