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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119 Onion narrowed his eyes, staring unwaveringly at her, "Ms. Nightshade, you are happy about having dinner with him, right?" Xanthea frowned, bewildered by his train of thought. She was no fan of his; why would dinner excite her? Perhaps.. was he jealous that their film crew not only had big stars but also got along well? "Yes, the Movie King is not only a gentleman but also charming and exceptionally handsome. Most importantly, he's responsible. He cares a lot about "Realm of Illusions.' I bet he invitedto dinner tonight to discuss the script." "Oh?" Onion released his bandaged arm and leaned in close, his lips curling into a mocking smile, "Handsome? How handsome?" As the man's tall and striking figure loomed closer, with his unparalleled handsface, Xanthea was startled, finding herself unable to move.

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Her first impulse wasn't to push him away but rather to acknowledge his unparalleled handsvisage. Indeed, Benjamin's looks seemed rather ordinary in comparison.

This face, stunning from afar and breathtaking up close, was so perfect that it left no room for dispute over anyone's looks.

"What are you doing?" As he closed in, leaving only inches between them, Xanthea could feel their mingled breaths.

Xanthea couldn't help but place her hand on his chest, turning her head slightly, "Alright, I admit you're more..." Click. The sound of a seatbelt fastening echoed.

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"?!" Xanthea was startled, only to realize that Orion had fastened her seatbelt. So, his leaning in was just to buckle her up.

"What am I more than him?" Orion looked down, his eyes showing a flicker of interest. Xanthea pushed him away, "You're more pretentious and self-righteous than he is! "Is that so?" The anticipation in Orion's eyes faded, leaving a semblance of cold indifference, "Unfortunately, Ms. Nightshade, you can't have dinner tonight with the considerate and charming Movie King." "Why is that?" Xanthea looked at him curiously.

Orion closed the medical kit, "This highway leads directly to Everglade. It'll take five hours, and by the twe arrive, it'll be night. Plus, there's no transportation back." "I don't need to go there. Just have Cedric dropat a gas station or rest stop ahead! Orion glanced at his watch, "Tm afraid that won't work, Ms. Nightshade. I'm on a tight schedule." "?!" Xanthea stared at him in disbelief. "Your schedule is so tight you can't spare a few seconds to dropoff?" Orion looked at her, "Are you that interested in my affairs?" "Of course not" Xanthea waved her hands dismissively, "I just care about when I can go back."

"Since I promised Mr. Lopez, I will ensure Ms. Nightshade's safe return, but we need to stay overnight in Everglade first." "Who wants to stay overnight with you?!"

Xanthea blurted out in frustration, then realizing she had spoken incorrectly as she caught, Orion's subtle change in expression. “Who wants to stay overnight in Everglade with you? I have things to do. Hurry up and dropoff!"

Turning turned to unbuckle her seatbelt, but then, with a "click" the seatbelt was locked, just like the car door had been locked earlier.