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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107 To be honest, Onon wasn't exactly Mr. Nice Guy, but his cooking is top tierf After eating just once in Willowdale, she found the flavor unforgettable, and her taste threshold was suddenly elevated. Meals cooked by her aunt and mother at hno longer satisfied her.

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Onon caught the fleeting glance she threw at the sweet and sour pork ribs and with a slight tilt of his elongated, deep eyes, he teased. "Ms Nightshade, won't you join me?" "No, no thanks!" Xanthea swallowed hard, rejecting the offer with great difficulty.

She glanced at the digital clock. Why was tmoving so slowly? Every second felt like an eternity! "Ms. Nightshade." His voice, dripping with temptation, reached her again. Unable to resist, Xanthea cut him off, "Mr. Lockwood, I think our relationship hardly qualifies for sharing a dinner, right? Even if we had spast interactions, after your behind-the-scenes manipulation during the 'Realm of Illusions' audition, that should have ended." After her words hung in the air for a few brief seconds, just when she thought she might finally get speace, Orion suddenly said, “7 was just wondering, Ms, Nightshade, if you heard any strange noises?" Instantly, her cheeks flared up in embarrassment as she reflexively covered her stomach, “What strange noise? No, not at all, maybe it's just your kitchen's exhaust fan still running!" Orion's lips curved in a smirk, watching her feign innocence, sweeter than the pineapple on his plate, “Hmm." She couldn't sit still any any longer, the hunger r was so intense she felt she could eat her own hand. She needed a distraction, and fast! Xanthea looked around, and her gaze ultimately fell back on Orion by the dining table because, whether it was the dishes or him, they were the most eye-catching presence in the room.

"Onion." She suddenly called out to him, causing a puzzled look to cross his face as he hadn't expected her to initiate a conversation given their earlier standoff.

"Ms. Nightshade."

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"I have a question for you. At the rights auction, you fought tooth and nail againstover “Realm of Illusions, and then publicly eliminatedduring the auditions. So why did you end up selling the rights to my upcle? Was it just to make a $10 million in profit?" When she first heard this from her uncle, she was furious. But after calming down and thinking it over-who was he? The chairman of the prestigious Lockwood Group, a fixture on the Forbes list, casually gifting diamonds and jewels worth millions. What did a mere 10 million dollars mean to him? Why would he hand over something he worked so hard for, just for that amount? And more so, he dotes on Isabella, right? Why wouldn't he give 'Realm of illusions' to her when she loves it so much?

After asking, she looked at him with a puzzled expression, but he looked down at the dish in front of him, seemingly not prepared to answer her question. "Orion."

е "If Ms. Nightshade would dine with me, I could answer your question," Orion replied, lifting his gaze slightly. The combined allure of his look and the food was too much for Xanthea. Before she could verbally respond, her body honestly stood up, "Alright."