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Mr. Sallow's Sinful Wife by Maisie Chasey

Chatper 5
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Chapter 5 Madelline Injured Her Leg

“Nancy, how could you use that tone … ” Before Nicholas could finish his words … Suddenly, the driver

slammed on the brakes violently. Nancy was thrown into Nicholas’ arms, and her eyes were spinning.

Fortunately, Nicholas protected her head with his hands. Otherwise, she might have suffered a head

injury. The driver kept apologizing, “I’m sorry, Mr. Sallow.” “Keep focused when you’re driving.” Nicholas

turned to Nancy and said, “How could you use that tone?” “You’re the one who asked me to beg you.”

Nancy continued replying in a charming voice. Being married to Nicholas these years, this was almost

the first time she acted spoiled to Nicholas. She had always restrained herself, fearing he might not like

it or think she was too childish. Knowing that they were getting divorced soon, she felt more

courageous. Even if he doesn’t like it, this might be the last time for her to act like this. “Sit properly,”

Nicholas looked at and told Nancy. Nancy immediately sat up straight. “Speak nicely in the future,” he

reminded her. “Oh.” He seemed extremely dissatisfied with Nancy’s answer and said, “Did you

understand what I have just said?” “I did.” “It’s pointless if you just listened without doing it.” “And by the

way, don’t use that tone with other men,” Nicholas added. After saying that, he couldn’t help but mutter

to himself, ‘Nicholas, what are you doing?’ It’s simply insane! You’re getting divorced soon. After that,

she can act spoiled with anyone else she wants. How can you control it? He loosened his tie in

frustration and finally felt some relief in his breath. When applying the ointment, Nicholas’ movements

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were very gentle and soft. His fingertips lightly massaged Nancy’s neck, as gentle as a feather, tickling

her. His breath blew softly to Nancy’s earlobes, leaving an indescribable feeling. Nancy couldn’t help

but tremble slightly. Nicholas’ fingers also trembled. His eyes were deep, making it difficult to discern

his emotions. Finally, he had finished applying the ointment. Nancy breathed a sigh of relief. At a traffic

light intersection, Nicholas suddenly spoke. “Turn left. Let’s go to the mall.” Nancy wondered and

asked, “Aren’t you going to the company today?” “Grandpa’s birthday is ahead of schedule, and we

haven’t prepared any gifts yet.” Enlightened by his words, Nancy immediately understood and nodded,

“I’ll go with you.” The two of them went directly to the jewellery department. As soon as they arrived at

the store, they heard a soft voice calling out, “Nicholas!” Nancy turned around and saw Madelline. In an

instant, she was utterly stunned. She wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes.

Because she saw it clearly that Madelline was sitting in a wheelchair. How can it be? Her leg? She had

never heard anyone mention that Madelline had a leg injury. Wasn’t she a dancer? Nancy was shocked

to her core and stood there, unable to react for a long time. Until Nicholas spoke, “Why are you here?

The mall has a strong air conditioning, and you’re lightly dressed. Aren’t you cold?” While speaking, he

took off his clothes and draped them over Madelline’s shoulders. Feeling embarrassed, Madelline

looked at Nancy and said, “I’m not cold, actually. He’s too worried about me and afraid I might catch a

cold.” These words were clearly said on purpose for Nancy to hear. Nancy lowered her head and

remained silent. Madelline looked at Nicholas and continued, “I heard that Grandpa’s birthday is

coming up early. I would like to pick a gift for him. You just happened to come over, and you know what

Grandpa likes. Can you choose it with me? “Okay!” Madelline immediately smiled with happiness,

resembling a gentle young woman. “Mandy, I’m a bit thirsty. Can you pass me my water please?” “Miss

Phillip, I’m sorry, the water in the thermos has run out. I’ll call and ask someone to send another bottle.”

Nicholas quickly spoke, “How long will it take for the delivery? I’ll go pick it up. All of you wait here.”

Then, he looked at Nancy and said, “I’ll go and be right back.” “Okay!” Nancy nodded. After Nicholas

left, Madelline also dismissed Mandy. Instantly, only the two of them remained. Nancy moved her lips

slightly and was about to speak, but Madelline took the opportunity and spoke first, “He’s always like

this. He’s very hands-on when it comes to anything related to me.” “I have also told him to leave it to

his assistants, but Nicholas said he can’t trust anyone else,” Madelline continued. Even though Nancy

didn’t want to listen to any of their love stories, Madelline’s words still managed to affect her. Nicholas

was indeed very attentive. In their two years of marriage, he never forgot her birthday, anniversary, or

any occasion. However, every time, it was Lynn Dawn who handled everything. Nicholas never

personally took care of anything. On the other hand, Madelline only needed hot water for her thermos,

and he insisted on fetching it himself. Indeed, one’s wouldn’t be hurt if there’s no comparison. Nancy,

oh, Nancy, you have lost so miserably. They remained silent for a while, then Madelline initiated a

conversation, “Want to have some talks?” “Yeah.” Nancy nodded. Seeing Nancy continuously looking

at her leg, Madelline said, “It seems like you really don’t know.” Nancy shook her head and said, “I have

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never heard about it. How can your legs become like this? Nicholas didn’t tell me.” “Of course Nicholas

didn’t tell you,” Madelline’s tone became excited. Perhaps realizing this, she took a deep breath and

controlled her emotions, “I’m sorry, I got a little bit too excited.” “Not only Nicholas, but I think nobody in

the Sallows would dare to tell you.” “Why?” “Because Grandpa is the absolute authority in the Sallows.

His orders are absolute. Who would dare to defy them?” Seeing Nancy’s confusion, Madelline

continued. “The Sallows have protected you too well, especially Grandpa. You are incredibly lucky

even though you come from a humble background, do you know that?” “Grandpa treats you like his

own granddaughter just because your mother saved their lives, right? Sometimes, I can’t help but think,

if my mother was the one who saved Grandpa and his son, would my fate with Nicholas have been

different? Would I have been able to marry him as I wished?” Nancy had a bad feeling about this. For

some reason, she felt that there were things she didn’t know about, and they were slowly revealing

themselves. “What do you mean by saying these words?” Nancy’s breath became faster. “Back then,

Grandpa was determined to match you with Nicholas. He wanted Nicholas to marry you, but Nicholas

never agreed. The two of them were in a standoff for a long time. However, Nicholas was still young,

and the Sallows’ power was all in Grandpa’s hands. He used various means to pressure Nicholas, and

in the end, Nicholas couldn’t resist anymore and was forced to marry you.” “No, you are lying.” Nancy

suddenly resisted fiercely. She couldn’t accept that her marriage was a result from coercion behind

closed doors. Madelline smiled without saying a word. “I’m speaking the truth. Nicholas married you

because he had to protect me.”