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Mr. Sallow's Sinful Wife by Maisie Chasey

Chapter 214
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Chapter 214 Never Letting You Go

As Nicholas leaned in for a kiss, Nancy didn’t pull away this time. Instead, she embraced him. reciprocating his

affection. Those around them discreetly averted their eyes. Although she usually felt self-conscious in such

situations, she disregarded the onlookers. She simply yearned to share her love with him, reveling in the warmth of

his embrace. Her entire being seemed to dissolve in his arms, her strength fleeting in the intensity of the moment.

Yet, as she nestled closer, something sticky caught her attention, jolting her back to reality. With sudden concern,

she gently pushed him away, her eyes reflecting worry. “You’re still injured. We must go to the hospital to remove

the bullet.”

“No, I don’t want this moment to end so soon,” Nicholas replied, wincing from the pain in his wound. but savoring

the moment. “I didn’t want it to slip away, and now that you’re kissing me willingly, I’m not letting this opportunity

go.” He touched his forehead to hers and exhaled.

Nancy blushed, finally feeling a hint of embarrassment. “You still need medical attention.”

“Will I get another kiss after I get treated?”

“Yes.” Lowering her head, she leaned in and kissed him again, her courage growing. “And you might get something

even better.”

Passion flared in his eyes. He held his arm and smiled bitterly. “I hope I can recover soon.”

Once they arrived at the hospital, Nicholas was promptly taken to the operating theater. Nancy anxiously waited

outside. She knew it was a minor surgery, and the bullet hadn’t struck any vital organs. However, all surgeries

carried inherent risks, and she couldn’t help but feel worried.

Meanwhile, Christian’s situation was more critical than Nicholas’. Christian’s surgery required meticulous attention

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due to the risk of infection, which could complicate his recovery. Since their surgeries were similar, the operating

theaters were situated in close proximity.

When the sign above Nicholas’ operating theater dimmed, Nancy hurried forward, her voice trembling with anxiety.

“How’s the surgery, Mr. Zimmer?”

“It went well. Just a small surgery, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Thank you, Mr. Zimmer.”

Soon, the sign for Christian’s operating theater dimmed. She quickly went over. She heard the doctor telling the

police that the surgery went well, and she was relieved. She heaved a sigh..

Since she had to take care of Nicholas, she chatted with the officer who had taken care of Christian earlier. “Hi, I’m



Nancy extended her hand and handed two pieces of candy to Henson. “Give these to Christian. Tell him to rest up.

I’ll see him when I have time.”

“Sure. Thank you, Ms. Nancy.” He looked at Nicholas. “Oh, right, Ms. Cohen, pardon me, is he your



“Yeah.” She nodded.

Nancy’s subtle nod extinguished the spark in Henson’s eyes. Initially thrilled by Christian’s evident interest in Nancy,

Henson’s excitement faded upon realizing her unavailability. “I’ll inform Captain Zayn about your message, Ms.

Cohen,” he said with a tinge of disappointment.

“Thanks,” she replied before heading off to attend to matters with Nicholas. Approximately an hour later, as the

anesthesia wore off, Nicholas regained consciousness. Unaware that she had stepped away momentarily to fetch

hot water, he awoke to find himself alone, which left him feeling despondent.

Nancy had not anticipated that he would wake up just as she had stepped away to get hot water. As Nicholas

grasped her hand, his countenance betrayed his unhappiness. “Where did you go?”

Softly caressing his hair, she reassured him, “Just went for some hot water.”

“I thought you left me alone.”

She paused briefly and playfully pinched him. “Someone’s acting like a little child.”

“Men always turn into little kids when the women they love are around. They like to act cute.”

“I see,” Nancy said. She looked at him and smiled. “So, you were acting cute, then, Mr. Sallow?” “Can’t I?” Nicholas

asked. He added, “Yeah, I’m asking for your love too.”

She paused, her hand lightly resting on her chest. In that fleeting moment, she felt her heart flutter and soften.

Naturally, she couldn’t resist that.

As the night settled in, he felt much better after a brief moment of rest. However, the gravity of her abduction

weighed heavily on his mind.

At that moment, Justin entered the room.

“Found anything?” Nicholas asked.

Justin nodded. “Yes. Puck Wolfe was the ringleader. He kidnapped Ms. Cohen.”

“Have we encountered him before?”

“No,” Justin said honestly. He added, “He wasn’t the one who kidnapped her, but…” Before he could finish his

sentence, he glanced at Nancy.

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“I’ll tell him,” Nancy said.

Justin said, “I’ll be going now, Sir.”


Her reluctance to revisit the past couldn’t be ignored, but she steeled herself to face it. “A few days ago, while you

were abroad, Hugo came to see me. He wanted 150 grand, but I said no. But he was adamant. Really adamant,



Nancy hesitated, her thoughts burdened by the truth about her parentage. “He told me I am not his real daughter.

My mother married him after she got pregnant with me. I have an unknown father out there. It shattered me. It

was so unexpected. He threatened me with that information, telling me he would tell everyone that I was born out

of wedlock if I didn’t give him money. He threatened to smear my mother’s name even after her death. I had no

choice but to raise the funds. Linda was in closed training during those days. I couldn’t contact her, so I called you,


Her voice trailed off as certain details were overshadowed by the gravity of the abduction, making everything else

seem inconsequential in the face of life and death. Even their unresolved communication breakdown, a mutual

silence they maintained, became palpable when mentioned, casting a chilling silence upon the room.

She hesitated, nervously fidgeting with her fingers, attempting to voice her thoughts several times. However, an

overwhelming ache in her heart restrained her from speaking.

Finally, Nicholas broke the silence. “But you heard the voice of another woman when you called me, so you didn’t

say anything, right?”

Nancy responded with a solemn nod. “Yes.”

He regarded her intently. “So, what now? Do you still want to ask me? Or do you still want to hear my explanation?”