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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell

Chapter 2339
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Chapter 2339 Stella agreed.

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Before long, the doors of the operating room swung open, and the patient was wheeled out. Stella and Shea approached.

"Doctor, how is she?" Shea asked.

Glancing at them both, the doctor inquired, "Who is the patient's family?" Shea replied, "I'm her neighbor, and this gentleman is a foreigner. I don't know her family." Stella stated, "I'm representing the welfare hwhere she made donations." The doctor explained, "The cancer has spread extensively. She has at most three months. Please contact her family as soon as possible. Although surgery is no longer beneficial, she requires regular medication adjustments. Without intervention, her pain will be severe, and her final days will be agonizing. Please reach out to her family promptly." Handing them a form, the doctor added, "Please sign this first." Glancing at the form, Stella suddenly noticed the word "male" under gender. She paused, "Doctor, she's a man?" Giving her a strange look, the doctor cautioned, "Don't perceive transgender people with bias." Stella was stunned. Urged by the doctor, Shea took the form, signed it, and handed it over. Stella stood there, dazed, struggling to process it.

She had believed Dillon was living under the nPaul Morant. Transgender? Why would she undergo such a transformation? There were too many mysteries surrounding this person.

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Approaching Keegan, who was playing rock-paper-scissors with Shea's son, she quietly asked, "What happened?" Stella shared her discovery with him, but Keegan showed no surprise.

"You're not shocked?" she asked.

Keegan replied, "If she was concealing herself as a man, how could she maintain the passport and visas were all genuine, even from Mystonia. She had to visit hospitals frequently, and her true identity couldn't remain hidden. She must have been a man all along.

home, her mannerisms, habits, and "When I first saw her at the welfare speech were so feminine that! m started to suspect something. I never expected she would actually be a man. It was like stumbling upon the truth. "If Dillon had acted more like a man, more confidently, I might not have paid much attention to her."

Keegan fell silent for a moment before saying, "Do you think there's a possibility she didn't choose to m transition? So in her mind, she still sees herself as a woman and unconsciously retains sfemale habits?" Stella was taken aback. "An involuntary transition? Wouldn't that... be illegal?" Before Keegan could respond, Shea approached them, "Stella, she's awake.