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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell

Chapter 2331
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Chapter 2331 Stella hesitated briefly, then Keegan whispered something in her ear, and she didn't object anymore.

When Felicity faced difficulties in Rivera, Stella provided considerable help. Florence, Felicity's mother, always remembered this act of kindness. So, when Felicity requested funds to assist with Rainee Spade's medical expenses, Florence promptly transferred a million without hesitation.

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Keegan had overheard Vermont mention this and kept it in mind. Without fanfare, he redirected all procurement for the Vinci Rivera Group's subsidiaries, holiday gifts, and partnerships with supermarkets to Florence's company, Deron Holdings.

Florence was loyal and principled, but she was also a savvy businesswoman. She would quickly deduce the origin of these orders and understand that her daughter's friend, from a prominent family in Rivera, was quietly supporting her business. She wouldn't hesitate to return the favor, nurturing a mutually beneficial relationship. It also boosted her daughter's reputation, which was an added bonus.

Keegan understood this well, so he didn't allow Stella to refuse. He knew that their future collaborations wouldn't stop there.

Vermont quipped jealously, "Ah, making money is nothing compared to marrying into wealth. Why don't I have such luck?" Felicity glanced at him, saying, "Should I leave then?" Vermont hugged her, grinning. "Marrying into wealth isn't a bad idea." Felicity poked his chest, teasing, "Have sambition! Always thinking about marrying up, are you spineless?" "I don't have Keegan's grand ambitions. All I want is a warm family in this life. If you want to marry, I'm in. If your mom wantsto marry into wealth, I'll do it. I'm sticking with you for life. When we have kids, you can earn the money, and I'll stay hwith them, supporting you." In the summer heat, Felicity playfully pushed him away. "Were you always this clingy with your past girlfriends?" "You trustthat much?" Felicity teased, "I work with actors all the time, many of them quite handsome. Aren't you worried I might be tempted and keep someone on the side?" Vermont smiled confidently. "Sweetheart, if you misbehave, I can make sure you're surrounded by many other beautiful, talented actresses. It's all part of my job." Felicity's smile tightened, and she ground her teeth. "You win!" "Now that everyone's given their gifts, what about yours, Stella?" Vermont smoothly redirected the conversation. Keegan also looked at Stella, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Stella smiled softly and said, "I originally ordered you a pair of cufflinks, but I figured N m you wouldn't wear them much since you're not fond of suits. So, I prepared something else." She pointed to a red cloth-covered item and whispered to Keegan, "Lift the cover and see. I hope you like it." Encouraged by Stella's expression, Keegan approached and unveiled the red cloth.

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Beneath it lay a mech model that Keegan had long desired.

Keegan was a passionate enthusiast for mechanical models and had an ollection at home. Whenever he wasn't working, he would take them out to play.

Back during their standoff, both too proud to make the first move, Keegan used his remote-controlled model cars to deliver a cup of water to her and then "accidentally" bump into her foot. X