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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell

Chapter 2329
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Chapter 2329 Keegan slowly got out of the car with Stella's guidance.

The air was cool, carrying the subtle fragrance of jasmine. Keegan felt as if he could see countless small white flowers trembling in the breeze, the scent he loved wafting through the air.

"There are steps, lift your legs a bit higher, don't trip," Stella's soft voice reminded him. Keegan held her hand firmly, taking each step carefully.

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The path beneath his feet was paved with gravel, which crunched softly as they walked. After a short distance, Stella said, "Alright, we're here." Keegan stopped and asked gently, "Can I take off the eye mask?" Stella laughed, i'll help you with that." Keegan lowered his head to let her remove the mask. As it coff, he squinted instinctively. Light seeped in through the slits of his eyes, and when he opened them fully, he saw white jasmine flowers surrounding them, just as he had imagined-each tiny bloom gently trembling in the wind.

String lights circled the small courtyard, converging at a projection screen. The next moment, the projector lit up, showing Carter Lowe's image on the screen. He was dressed casually, seemingly recording from home.

"Keegan, happy birthday. Get well soon and remember US. Let's catch up for drinks when you can." The screen went black for a few seconds before showing Trevor Saun," Happy birthday. Just for today, I won't scold you. And by the way, the orange treats are delicious; Stella lied to you." He finished with a mischievous grin.

Keegan chuckled, thinking, "Childish." Next up was his grandmother. It was her first trecording a video, and she kept asking Baldwin Clint if it was recording. After the third confirmation, she adjusted her white curls and sat up straight.

"Keegan, it's Grandma. I'm so glad to see you've grown another year. It feels like a dream watching you grow from a tiny baby to such a fine young man." She coughed a few times. Baldwin handed her swater, but she waved it away, continuing to look warmly into the camera.

"The new product launch was very successful. I'm so proud of you. You've grown into a man like your father, even better. From now on, you can walk far on your own withoutholding your hand." Keegan's eyes reddened. Stella squeezed his hand, giving him strength.

"For the new year, I wish you a bright future and a happy life." Grandma coughed again. "Bring Stella over for meals often. Letspend twith my great-grandchildren. I don't know how much longer I'll be around, so each visit counts." Stella turned away, afraid she might cry before Keegan did.

"Your birthday money is under your pillow as usual. Don't forget to take it next tyou're home."

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After Grandma's message, there were birthday wishes from Leighton, Noah, Keegan's teachers, and sclose classmates. Each person on the screen sent heartfelt and touching birthday greetings to Keegan. By the end, this tough guy*s eyes were as red as a rabbit's.

Stella handed him a tissue, but Keegan stubbornly refused, "I'm not crying. It's just the wind; it blew sand into my eyes." Stella couldn't help but laugh.

Then, Vermont Snyder appeared on the screen.

He still had that carefree, playful look, smiling at the camera, "Congrats on getting another year older. Iremember when we first met, you were just this tall. Now you're taller, better looking, and richer than me. I'm proud but also jealous. So, no birthday gift from me. I'll save it for your wedding gift, for your kids' diapers and formula."

The video went black for a few seconds, seemingly ending. Just as Keegan was about to speak, Om vel Vermont's voice sounded from behind him, "Seriously? You believed that? I must have spoiled you too much!"