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Monster Integration

Chapter 3857 Titan Blood
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Knock Knock!

I opened my eyes as I heard the knock. As I had expected; it was Ven standing beside Sarena.


I got up from the couch and walked toward the door, before opening it.

"Cin," I said to them.

"Thank you," he said, and he entered inside. His expressions were impassive, but I could see the nervousness hiding in his eyes. I could pretty much guess, why he is here.

"Were you serious about helpingwith my breakthrough?" he asked directly as he took the seat in front ofwith his girlfriend.

I didn't say, I would help him with the breakthrough. I said I would give him, the breakthrough formation, but my intention was what he said.

"Yes," I replied.

"Can I ask why?" he asked. "We are not doubting your intention, but we want to know the truth first." Added Sarena.

I smiled. They are nervous, but it is clear, there is sproblem, and they need help. I wasn't able to find the problem, but my seeds, no matter how good they were, were not omnipotent.

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"The reason is simple. I have never seen your people make a breakthrough, I want to see it," I replied, and their expression couldn't help, but turn bad.

"Your words didn't give much confidence. Smight even say, they are disrespectful," said Sarena.

"My apologies, I had no intention of being disrespectful. It is just the truth, but don't throw away my offer just yet,"

"I am quite good at this. I had helped thousands of people make breakthroughs and have deep knowledge of natives and Grimm anatomy. You will find very few people of our level, who have deep knowledge like me," I replied.

There was a silence for a couple of seconds. I could tell, they were talking with each other telepathically.

It was over a minute later. Their eyes got focused back on me.

"Ven is powerful, he is at an absolute limit and satisfied all the conditions, that his chances of a successful breakthrough are over 90%," said Sarena and the smile on my face becbigger.

I could hear the 'but' in the sentence and it is because of it. They have cto me.

"But there is one problem," said Ven and I looked at them to describe it, but they put a crystal in front ofand activated it.

Soon, a projection appeared with a meta-scan and a lot of files. It is all hazy, one could not read anything through it.

"May I?" I asked, and they nodded. I tapped and everything becclear.

The first thing is the video of the meta-scan. It was at the particular moment of the breakthrough; the third stage, where merging is happening when something happens.

I looked at it for a few minutes before turning to literature.

It is quite detailed, but there are a lot of things that are hidden in it. It givesa rough idea about his problem, without revealing any secrets about him.

Though he had underestimatedtoo much. I could tell a lot of things with this data and when I cross reference with what I had got from the seed inside him, I get a clearer picture than even he has about himself.

Finally, I finished and turned to him.

"I thought the Grimms could have offspring with Grade 0 to Grade 3 races, but didn't expect to have them with Grade 4 races as well," I said, shocking him and Sarena.

The races are divided into the grades.

Humans are a Grade 0 race; the stone-skin, the elves, and the beastmen are Grade 1. Stribes among them are Grade 2; Grade 3 is rare in the world, and I have only seen one.

The grade is on magical potential. Humans are born without magic; they gain it through practice. The elves and stone skin and beast men were born with some, thus Grade 1.

Sof the tribes among them have more magic, like wood elves or lightning panther beastmen, which is Grade 2.

Grade 3 are extremely rare and each of their member reaches at least Sovereign.

The Grade 4 is a little complex, but the biggest group that made them are the titan-blood. They are far removed from the titan, but they still have titans blood, and that gives them amazing talent.

"H…how do you know?" he asked, and I tapped crystals. Soon, seven pages appeared, including a meta-scan.

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Slines began to get marked, and I made rounds on certain things in his meta-scan.

"It is quite hard to see them. The Grimm part of you hides them well, or rather suppresses them well as it suppresses the Grimm marks," I replied, before taping on crystal and closing the windows.

"Can you help with my problem?" he asked, to which I didn't reply.

His problem is quite complex and quite dangerous forto deal with, and might attract the forces that couldwith a mere look.

"I could already guess the Grimm part of you, but I need to know the titan part," I spoke.

"Which titan have you descended from?" I asked and he looked at me, before turning to his girlfriend.

"Veorsonal," he replied.

"The titaness of golden space," I said, and once again, a surprise appeared on their faces.

The nmaderelieved because the titaness is dead. This means the risk is far less. Yes, there will be a risk, but not as much as if it had been a live titan.

I turned back to his earlier question, which wasn't easy to answer, but the prophet of dealing with it madeexcited. I have never tried something like this and there will be so much to learn.

I could also mess it up and kill him. It might also be making the Prdiscover us.

My mind is tellingto say no and get the hell away. I don't want to be close when he makes a breakthrough. If Prsensed what happened; I would suffer a fate, worse than death.

"I believe, I can help you, but before, I can be sure. I need to perform a few tests and will need the data of the past breakthroughs." I said.