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Monster Integration

Chapter 3842 Big Battle I
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Puch Puch Puch!

I killed through the Sky Sovereigns as they cat me. In less than a minute, I had killed over ten of them.

It is a risky strategy, as I might attract sGrimms, that could killinstantly, but I am taking the precaution and moving strategically to manage the risks.


A few more seconds passed, and I had killed smore Grimms, when my expressions turned serious.

A Grimm ctoward me. It is alone, but seeing the aura coming off it; it didn't need anyone else.

"You have killed quite a lot of us," said Black Scaled Bearman as it reached close to me. The Bearman is covered in tar black thick scales; these scales are defensive and could absorb the physical as well as the elemental powers.

It is at the Mid-level of Sky Sovereigns; I had killed tens of them of such a level, even those with the bloodline.

This one had a bloodline, and it was damn strong. The strongest bloodline, of any opponent, I had fought since I had advanced to the Sky Sovereign.

"You can't blme for that. They were weak," I replied with a shrug, to which he had grinned. "They you won't blfor killing you for the sreason," it said and cat me.

Burst 90%.

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I didn't hesitate and directly took the burst to 90%. It is not an enemy; I dare to underestimate it.

It appeared in front ofin an instant, like a black blur, before attackingwith its massive ax. Its ax is black as night and it's blazing in the bloodline power. It is a good thing; I am not underestimating its attack.


Our weapons clashed, and I felt the colossal force behind it. At the stime, the dark bloodline energy envelopedfrom all sides.

I could see the faint surprise in its eyes, seeingcountering the attack without much shaking, but it didn't let that surprise slow it down and attacked again.

I moved my sword forward to defend, while at the stime, opening my armor and absorbing all the bloodline energy.

It is really powerful. It is also sticky and explosive. Bane to energy defensive mechanisms of the armors. I can already tell, the way this energy had destroyed the thousands of armors before mine. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

It is really nasty, but there is also so much to learn from it. I want my inheritance energy as nasty as it is.

It may be nasty, but my defenses are more than capable of dealing with it. The thousands of tiny formations have lit up. These tiny formations are powerful, as each of these formations has a small formation of ancient runes.

The energy would need to be really powerful, and overwhelm this armor of mine, and it is not even the most powerful.

It is an energy armor. If it had been a string armor, then dealing with it would have been far harder.


We clashed again and this time; it took all but an instant to absorb all the energy. It surprised it, especially when there was no reaction from it.

It had been waiting for my armor to crack open, but it didn't andfell down, vomiting blood.

My armor slurped down and all its energy without producing any reactions.

"Might of Arta!"

It roared, shouted and the powerful aura burst out of its body, forming a massive black cloud behind it.

It swung its ax, and it ccloser to me. That cloud of dark energy got denser and denser. It is invisible, but I could see how massive the amount of energy was pouring into that black cloud, making it powerful.

Its ax is no less powerful. That I had harnessed more power as I swung my sword at the counter.


We clashed and my sword shook faintly. The cloud of energy moved and envelopedlike a blanket.

I didn't resist and maybe, I should have seen the tendrils forming around it. Wanting to bindand drill into my armor. They are also quite powerful, capable of slowingdown.

It wouldn't be wise, to let them do what they want when the Bearman launches another attack, with a bigger cloud of bloodline energy forming around it.

So, I opened the armor. Usually, I do this without a thought, but this cloud is dangerous, and I need to be careful in dealing with it.

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As I didn't, the thin tendrils, drill through them rapidly into my armor, but not all tendrils did the same. No, sremained in their position, sticking to my armor, wanting to bind me.

I have many methods to deal with it, but seeing the attack so close. I decided to bring my most powerful weapon, while I swung my sword to counter the attack.

The strings cfrom my armor like needles, and they tore through the tendrils before my armor absorbed them.

They took a fraction of a second to deal with the powerful attack, that would have killed the most in this attack.


I was able to counter the attack one time, but ttoo my sword shook while the cloud enveloped me. This time, learning from experience; I had brought out the strings immediately and destroyed the tendrils.


It didn't stop the attack and continued, trying to overwhelmwith the dark blankets. It is a great strategy; these are things that are very good at eroding one's defenses.

Unfortunately, it won't work for me. I am dealing with them as they come; I am not letting them overwhelm me.

It could see that, but it is still attacking me. Hoping to tire out my defenses.

I didn't say anything and kept defending against its attacks. Let it understand on its own, that it is not working; it will givetto think my strategy.

It didn't take it long. Half a minute later, it had stopped.