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Monster Integration (Web Novel)

Chapter 3869: Big Snake
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Another roar reverberated through the battlefield before the monster revealed itself. When I saw it, my eyes couldn't help but wipe.

The cold sweat instantly covered my body, and I thanked my luck, that I didn't kill the monster I was fighting.

The monster that appeared is the big version of the one, I am fighting.

It is massive, over a hundred meters long, and mouth big enough that it could easily chomp tens ofto death. I am one hundred percent sure that the Prmonster is its mother.

They bear exceptional similarities, more than those that share the srace.


It opened its mouth again and this time, not to roar, but to attack. It had released a concentrated stream of water, powerful enough to obliterate anything that cinto its path.

No Sky Sovereign could defend against this attack; anyone who would try would find themselves getting vaporized by it.

The attack horrifiedto my core; it was the first tI had seen the attack of the Prso close. I know, I should never cclose to it; I will die.


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The loud bang was round as the Prdefended against the monster with his saber. Creating a shockwave powerful enough that it had sent us flying.


I stabilized myself, only to see the monster roaring before attackingagain.

"Fucking hell!' I cursed as I moved my shield to defend myself.

I lost the appetite to fight this monster when I saw the mother. I don't want to be near the monster and would have liked it if it had stopped fighting like how most of the monsters did.

I could see the pitying glances of others. Even those most powerful didn't want to fight this monster.

I curse my luck as I defend against its attack. There is nothing else, I could do other than hope that Prwould kill the monster. If he did, then I could kill it without any consequences.


The prhad started fighting again with the monster. This time, a little further, but their shockwaves still affected us.

The snake didn't stop attackinglike before seeing its mother's attack. Instead, its attacks have intensified further.

I didn't respond and only defended.

I even wanted to pull my strings back in case the Prmonster saw them and wanted to kill me, but it didn't. It had taken seffort forto wrap it around my string, and I didn't want to lose it.

It might not seem like it, but if our Prwas able to deal with the monster. I will kill it unhesitantly.

Seconds passed and turned into minutes, and the battle of primes was still going on. It had becintense, and I hate to admit it, but our Prwas once again getting suppressed by the monster.

However, this time, his condition is much better than when he was against the Grimm.

There I was really scared. I am scared even now, but not as much as I had been when he was fighting the Grimm.

It was terrifying, because there I knew I wouldn't survive, If the Grimm won.

Here there is a chance, because it is a monster, and the ship has something that could really harm it.

They don't like to use it. If the Prfelt the threat, he could order the attack. It is why, I hadn't gone under the ocean yet. However, I am still looking for a possible escape, if things really go south.

It is who I am; I don't trust others with my safety. If I feel the threat, even the slightest, I will start searching for the exit.

I feel the sea is much safer than the ground, but here the chances of escape, if things went south is less than 1%. I could hide from the Earth Sovereign and Sky Sovereigns, but I have barely any confidence in the Prime.

It's not like, I could test my abilities against them. They are important and I am not idiot enough to go to the place full of Primes to test that.

I will not do that, even when I reach the peak of Prime.

My soul waves moved in every direction and I device multiple methods of escape. From stealthily moving through the water, or sneakily hiding in the bodies of one of the monsters.

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There are sgigantic monsters here that I could hide inside them without them knowing.

I turned to the monster ahead, and it was still attacking me. It is the second monster aside from the Prwho is still fighting. It had madethe center of attention, which I absolutely hate.

I like to be as inconspicuous as possible. Attention brings trouble and I don't need any more than I usually attract.

Another minute passed and the Prmonster was getting frustrated. His attacks have becpowerful and fast, but our prseemed to have no problem in dealing with them.

He might not be powerful, but he has sgood defensive moves.

He had kept the monster contained in its spot and not let even a single attack hit him. Which is good because if it had, it would have been a gover for him.


A minute passed when suddenly, the monster stopped and let out a massive roar. It was different, it had stopped the monster from fighting me.


The snake roared lowly, but angrily, before going down in the water. The sbegins to happen with the thousands of monsters, while the Prmonster watches.

The monsters were retreating, but I didn't dare to get myself so happy. It wouldn't be a retreat unless the Prmonster disappeared.

It happened forty-two seconds later, and I finally healed a sigh of relief.

I am a little disappointed that, I didn't get to kill the snake. I am sure, there were a lot of secrets in there, but I am gladder being in one piece.

That's the most important thing.