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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

“But there isn’t a date for divorce, is there?” Gael questioned “In my heart, you’re Mrs. Fox. You’re the

right woman he’s been looking for

Met with the older man’s gaze, Melinda couldn’t help putting on a smile. Thanks for telling me

everything. I’ll let nature take its course when it comes to love. Now, I just hope that the kids will always

stay healthy and happy”

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll resume work.”

After she nodded, Gael turned around and left.

Soon, her phone started ringing. She picked it up and realized it was Jessica calling.

After the call connected, she asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Td like to treat you to a cup of coffee, Melinda. Do you have time to talk?” Jessica sounded joyful. For

some reason, she had been rather cheerful as of late.

“Sorry, I don’t have time.”

“Come on!” Jessica then spoke in a serious tone. “I met up with your husband earlier. Do you want to

know why? It’s about you. If you want to find out more, come to the cafe now. I’ll send you the address

on WhatsApp. See you later!”

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Melinda was startled for a moment. After giving it some thought, she was no longer curious.

Who cares if they met up? It’s not like he can glean any information from Jessica.

She wasn’t willing to head out that day, for she had a challenge in the afternoon–she had to visit her

mother- in–law, who became an eccentric person after escaping death’s door.

After she got changed, she waited for Stanley to come home..

At the thought of Stanley’s age, she still found it unbelievable. I can’t believe he’s 12 years older than

me! Given my beauty and intelligence, I should’ve fallen in love with a younger guy. How did I end up

marrying a middle- aged man? It’s inconceivable!

Half an hour later, she received a call from Jessica again

She connected the call with a smile and said, “Hello?” xo.com fast update

“Are you stuck in traffic or something?” Jessica asked. “Where are you?”

“Why would I be stuck in traffic when I’m at home?” Melinda sat down on the couch in Stanley’s study,

facing the window as she basked in the sun. “Just tell me what he asked you about.”

“Aren’t you worried I’d expose your identity?”

“Have I admitted to anything?” Melinda refuted. “Jessica, if you dare pry any secrets from me again, I’ll

start treating you like I used to half a year ago. We’ll no longer be friends.”

“Please don’t do that to me!” Jessica quickly relented. “I know you don’t want to get too close to those

from the business and political circles, but you’re married to Stanley, aren’t you?”

“That’s why I have to stay away from you,” Melinda threatened.

“Alright, I got it. Stanley might be looking into your background.” Jessica gave her a heads–up. “I didn’t

tell him that you’re Emma, though.”

“I’ve never admitted that I’m Emma.” Melinda curled her lips. “He can do whatever he wants. It’s not

like I’ve committed any crimes. Thanks for giving me a heads–up, Jessica.”

“Why can’t you level with me?” Jessica just wanted to know who the woman truly was.

“There’s nothing to level with you about. Remember–if you still want to be friends with me, stop trying

to find out my secrets.”


After the call ended, Melinda’s alluring gaze turned solemn. She knew Stanley would investigate her

background. After all, he wouldn’t let someone he knew little about stay by his side, let alone sleep with


In the president’s office of the Fox Group, Stanley was seated in his custom–made chair as a sense of

dejectedness flashed across his dark gaze.

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Max stood beside him with a solemn expression.

Although they detected that Melinda was on the phone with someone, they were unable to find out who

the other party was and what the conversation was about.

Max mustered his courage and said, “Mr. Fox, don’t you think you might’ve made a mistake by keeping

someone like her by your side?”

Nevertheless, Stanley didn’t respond to him.

Max went on to say, “Her phone is protected with some sort of advanced technology. It’s obvious that

she’s no ordinary person.”

Everyone in Riverdale knew that those from the Fox Group were powerful and efficient. There was no

one in the world that Stanley couldn’t find any information about.

Nonetheless, he had failed in his attempt to discover Melinda’s real identity.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Fox. I’m just worried about you and the company…” Max said sincerely.

Stanley parted his lips and replied, “I know what to do. Go and do your work.”

“Yes.” Max believed that the president would prioritize the company’s interests.

For the entire afternoon, Stanley’s usually dispassionate gaze appeared hesitant. Have I made a

mistake by marrying Melinda? Who on earth is she?