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Mated To My Sister’s Alpha Fiance

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137 Skylar With one last glance at my reflection, I take a deep breath and follow Daisy out of the room. The girls from earlier shootdirty looks, but I tell myself they are just jealous.

'They definitely are; Jinx agrees. You're going to be a wonderful Luna, and they just want to take your spot...and your future husband.' I blush at that. 'I don't know if Lucas wantsto be his future wife...

"Eh, Luna... wife...sthing. He is basically yours already. Truston that.' My wolf's words warn my heart, and I smile as I follow Daisy through the corridors. We attract looks from other pack members as we walk. Sare kind, offering smiles and waves. Others hold veiled hostility.

Lucas is waiting forby the door to the balcony and I can see the bright lights from the mansion's garden, lighting up the eternal darkness. In spite of the whispers and judgment, I feel safe knowing my mate is right by my side.

He is clad in a black suit that accentuates his muscular body, the sleek fabric clinging to him perfectly. His eyes light up when he spotsapproaching; his gaze rakes over my body before finally settling on my face. My heart skips a beat at the intensity of his stare.

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"You look stunning, Skylar," he murmurs, taking a step towards me. "I couldn't ask for a more beautiful Luna. That dress really fits you." "Thank you." He smiles and takes my hand in his, leadingout on the balcony so my Luna ceremony can begin.

'I'm so excited!' Jinx howls within me. 'We will finally be able to lead and do good!' Her words excite me, but I don't respond. I'm too busy trying not to pass out.

There are so many people here.

A gasp of astonishment sweeps across the gathered pack members as they see Lucas and I step onto the balcony. Hushed whispers fill the air, but I choose not to focus on them. It wouldn't end well since I'm so nervous. Instead, I let Lucas leadto the center of the balcony, where two seats are waiting for us.

Our chairs are elevator, so we can see over the balcony's edge. There are many hopeful expressions in the crowd, but there is also suspicion.

I grip Lucas's hand tighter, feeling a rush of nerves swimming in my stomach. "I don't know if I can do this," I whisper.

"Yes, you can," Lucas encourages me.

"How can you be so sure?" "Because you are already their Luna, Skylar," he whispers into my ear as he delicately places a comforting hand on my lower back.

1/3 Chapter 137 "Believe in yourself, okay?" My nervousness fades ever so slightly at his calming words, remindingthat I am not alone in this.

Next, Lucas raises our entwined hands high into the air, a grand gesture invoking cheers from spack members while others remain stubbornly silent. I stand tall next to him, my posture upright and eyes fixed on the crowd below us.

"Pack members,” Lucas speaks in his Alpha voice. "Today, we gather to acknowledge and celebrate Skylar as your new Luna. She is my fated mate and has proven herself deserving of this title through her loyalty, courage, and strength in the latest battle against the demons." His voice is steady and strong, silencing those who had been whispering amongst themselves. The simplicity of his words fillswith an unknown strength as well. Deep down, I know that I deserve to be here by his side.

He continues speaking.

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"I know Alpha Max, Lucian, and the eternal night are upon us, which is why we now, more than ever, need a strong Luna to lead by my side. And I couldn't think of a better Luna than Skylar-the psychic wolf herself!" To my surprise, the crowd cheers, and Lucas turns towith pride in his eyes. "Skylar," he says clearly for all to hear. "Will you declare yourself as Luna of the Bloodmoon pack?" I swallow hard before stepping up to speak. Even though the crowd is enormous and their gazes intimidating, there's a newfound sense of conviction within me.

“I will," I declare boldly, my voice carrying across the assembled crowd. "My nis Skylar, and I'm your new Luna starting today." The reaction is mixed - sapplaud while others remain silent; however, I find myself not caring about their approval. I am the Luna, and I intend to lead with all the strength and compassion I possess.

Lucas givesa proud smile, then pullsin for a kiss under the bright lights. The cheers grow oude? now, and feel a weight lifting off my shoulders. As long as we stand together, there's really nothing we can't overcome.

The applause continues, a mingling of cheers and claps that fills the garden. I watch Lucas's gaze soften as he looks at me. It's like he is looking at another piece of himself. His eyes are filled with so much love that I, at that moment, know I won't love anyone else as much as I love him., "Skylar," he whispers just loud enough forto hear over the applause, "I am so proud of you." "I'll do my best, Lucas," I promise with a nod. "But this is all new to me. I will need you by my side." "You'll have me, always," he replies confidently, his voice carrying reassurance and warmth..

Lucas turns back towards the crowd, raising our clasped hands one more time. "Pack members!" He shouts out with conviction. Tonight marks a new chapter for us all! So let's celebrate our Luna by holding a great feast! Everyone is welcto join us inside the mansion!" The crowd cheers again, and Lucas glances down at me, a smile playing over his lips. "See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" "Harr, harr, easy for you to say, who isn't introverted like me. That speech? It was hell to sit through." He laughs before she speaks. "But it's over, and you survived. You can relax, and guess what? You're now officially my Luna, and I'm never letting you go. Not now. Not ever."