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Mated To My Sister’s Alpha Fiance

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134 Skylar "You did WHAT?!" Daisy looks like she is about to beat us both. We just told her that Lucas murdered Aron, who most likely cto the mansion to discuss peace.

"I fried him," Lucas tells his mom with a frown. We are standing in the Alpha office, but Xavier is the one sitting in the chair with Daisy in his lap.

He ki*ses the shoulder of his mate. "Calm down. You know what Aron did to Skylar, don't you?" "No, I don't!" Daisy growls. "I'm not a mind-reader like you lot and I'm tired of being out in the dark. And yes, I realize Aron was an asshole, but killing him will just make Alpha Max even madder." "We can handle him," Lucas says. "Aron needed to die because that bastard was a pedophile, mom. He...he sexually abused the little girls at the pack's orphanage." Daisy's eyes widen before she studiesin silence. When I shoot her a hesitant smile, anger ticks against her jaw. "I should have murdered that bastard myself!" Xavier holds his mate steady by hugging her to him. "Schh, my love, he is gone. There's no need to get so upset." "HE TOUCHED MY FUTURE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW!" "I know, I know," Xavier says, trying to calm Daisy down by stroking his demon tail over her leg in soothing patterns. It seems to work as she slumps against his chest.

"Why are there so many creeps, Xavier?" Daisy asks her husband while rubbing her c*eek against his broad chest.

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He chuckles. “I don't know, but our son did a great job avenging his mate,” his odd-colored eyes meet mine. "Are you ready to becLuna yet? I know we are in the middle of a war, but I feel like the pack could use sgood news, and a spontaneous Luna ceremony and sgood food might raise people's fighting spirit." Lucas laughs. "You want us to party in the eternal darkness?" Xavier shrugs. "I don't see why that's a problem. We could have a fire show or something. Maybe even have sfireworks. I can assure you that your pack would appreciate it. They have been fighting demons and all kinds of monsters for hours without proper training. Your pack is loyal, my son. Showing sappreciation would be wise." Lucas considers the old Alpha's words. I can hear the cogwheels turning, and then he looks atwith those vulnerable and soft eyes that makefeel like a living, breathing marshmallow.

"Would you...would you even want to becmy Luna?" he asks in a low tone. "We just marked each other, and yes, I know it's early, but-" "I'm ready," I interrupt him and place my hand on his chest, rubbing it with a smile. "I want to be with you, and I know you need a _una." ] Chapter 134 "Or you could beca second Alpha," Xavier suggests.

"No," I respond before Lucas can. "I don't want to becanother Alpha. I'm happy being second in command," a grimace works over my face. "That way, my future husband can handle all the annoying paperwork and complaints.

Lucas narrows his eyes at me. “Oh, so that's how it is? You just want to sit back and enjoy the privileges of being Luna, but lethandle all the dirty work." I shrug. "Is that a problem with you, Alpha?" Lucas chuckles. "No. Not really." "In that case, yes. I plan on being a lazy Luna. Maybe I'll occasionally help with decision-making, though. Only when I feel like it, of course." I tease.

All three members of the Reeves family chuckle. I nervously scratch my head while they do, wondering if I went too far with my joke. They seem to be taking it well, though. There's no judgment here.

"Look at her," Xavier beams at Daisy, who still has an angry expression on her face from the earlier conversation. "She's already playing her role perfectly. Skylar will be a great Luna." Daisy finally cracks a smile, a genuine one that crinkles the corners of her eyes. "Indeed, Xavier. It looks like our son has chosen well." 3 Lucas chuckles. "I think it was Skylar who chose me..." "We know, son," Xavier deadpans. "But we are trying to give you scredit here." "Well, in that case," Lucas grins, brushing my red hair back from my face. "Then I definitely have chosen well." His gaze is tender as if he can't help but get lost in my eyes. The sincerity of the moment swells within the room, momentarily pushing away the harsh realities of war that linger just outside the mansion walls.

"Very well," Xavier clears his throat. "If Skylar is ready to becLuna, then I suppose your mother and I have a Luna ceremony to plan for tomorrow morning. You two just enjoy the evening. We will prepare everything you need." With that, the old Alpha gets up from the chair with Daisy still in his arms. She looks tired, and I don't blher. Fighting demons all day and all night is taking its toll on all of us.

Xavier leaves the room after giving us a final nod, his tail flicking in an almost casual manner Daisyrests manner her head against his shoulder, her eyes fluttering closed as she lets out a sigh. The door closes behind them with a soft click, leaving Lucas andalone in the large, ornately decorated room.

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Lucas turns towards me, his hand sliding up to cup my ch*ek. I close my eyes, melting into him as Ptake in the feeling of his rough palm against my skin. "You're sure about this?" His voice is quiet, filled with concern and an undercurrent of persistent worry. I open my eyes, meeting his steady, piercing gaze. “More than anything," I reply, my voice steady.

He searches my eyes, looking for any sign of hesitation but finding none.

is shoulders slump in relief. "I couldn't have asked for a better mate. You're perfect, and you're going to make one hell of a Luna." Chapter 134 I grin. "I know I am." +5

My confidence makes him growl in need, and then he pullsclosen wrapping his arms aroundin a tight embrace. "Stop being so damn f*cking cute," he mutters. "Never." I nestle into his chest, content in the warmth he provides against the chill seeping from the walls.

For a moment, we are lost in each other, our mutual fears and uncertainties fading into the background as we savor this rare moment of peace.

Tomorrow, the ceremony will be held, and tomorrow, Alpha Max will probably avenge Aron. But for now, I plan on just hugging my mate and future husband.