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Mated To My Sister’s Alpha Fiance

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122 Skylar Even though I'vel'm gotten pretty good at using my powers, I still consider my teleporting abilities risky, Sometimes, I wind up in places that I didn't mean to go, and now, as I think of Luca, I'm PRAYING the portal will open directly to him.

But it doesn't.

One second, I'm in Spain, and the other, I'm teleported to a large room. It's definitely Haven City since the first person I see is Xavier. He is sitting by the edge of a huge table, amused byfloating in the air before I land on top of it.

"Ouch!" I whine, freezing when I realize this must be ssort of meeting. There are many werewolves here, and a blush spreads over my cheeks as I look around. “S-sorry to interrupt!" "Oh, you're not interrupting anything" Xavier says, leaning his cheek against his knuckles with a smirk. "I take it you're here for my son?" I shyly nod, and Xavier tries not to laugh at what must be a face redder than a tomato, "He is in the garden with the new recruits. Jaiden is with him, too. Go and say hi I smile at Xavier but feel my cheeks burn even brighter when I notice all the amused werewolves around the table.

"Uhh...ahh...I didn't mean to land on the table. I'm sorry if I broke something" "You didn't break anything, Skylar," Xavier reassures me, yet it does nothing to makefeel less embarrassed. The werewolves around the table are whispering among themselves, and I notice one of them looks like an older clone of Jaiden. He lifts his hand to wave with a grin on his lips, and I just know he has to be Jaiden's dad, Yato. So, then, the womani on his right is the wife? Sabrina? "It's a pleasure to meet you," Yato holds out his hand towards"I'm Yato, Jaiden's dad. My son is supposed to take over as the pack's Beta after me. I assyou're going to be the future Luna, yes?" Everyone around the table gasps, and while I shake Yato's big hand, I see their eyes widen "Lucas' mate?" "The one who rejected him?" "Schh, she can hear you!" "I heard he never rejected her back-does that mean Alpha Lucas might get his happy ending anyway?" "She is very small.” "But pretty!" Xavier sighs in his chair before raising his voice, “That's enough! Whether or not Skylar becomes the pack's new Luna is between her and Lucas. It's no one else's decision, and I expect you to respect that.” His commanding voice drops to a soft murmur, “Skylar, don't let their chatter ruffle your feathers. The Bloodmoon pack hasn't seen you in years, and they just care TOO MUCH about my son." 49% 11:29 Fri, May 17 ter 122 I nod shyly at him before glancing around the room. Noticing everyone has turned quiet.

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"This is probably the best tto leave, Jinx tellsand moves to climb down from the table.

"Lethelp you," Yato offers, and before I know it, he gently liftsoff the table and setsback on the ground. I let out a soft thank you before turning towards the doors.

The hallways of Lucas' mansion are just as beautiful as I remember them.

This is the place where you rejected Lucas all those years ago, isn't it?' Jinx asks.

"It is, I confirm. “But it's the place where I hope I can make things right." She giggles. 'By boning your Alpha mate?' "Jinx!" 'Fine, fine!" she laughs. I won't tease you."" "Thank you!" I'm just excited that you're finally about to do the deed with Lucas. He will be so happy to see you, too." "It's only been a week since he left Spain 'And I'm sure he has missed you tremendously!" Her words makefeel confident...until I'm behind the house and in the big garden. There's a field there and plenty of werewolves training. Lucas is leading them, but he is currently surrounded by female pack members. My heart lurches at the sight, and a pang of jealousy stabs through me. I watch as they laugh at something Lucas says, their hands reaching out to touch his strong arms.

"D*mn, Jinx mutters. "He is shirtless, too." I swallow at that. Sometimes, I wish Lucas wasn't as hot as he is, that he would fall off a cliff and cback looking like an accident, so only I would find him attractive.

Jinx chuckles. That's ridiculous, Skylar." 'I can't help it. He is too pretty! 'He is." 'And those girls are taller and prettier than me.

Suddenly, I hear one of the girls laugh out loud. "Oh, Lucas! You're so funny!" ucas is funny? Since when? He is usually always grumpy around other girls! F*ck, was it a mistake coming here? Is he having more fun without me? My grip tightens on the hem of my dress, my powers itching to teleportback to Spain, where I can safely nurse my wounded pride.

11:29 Fri, May 17 Chapter 122 Don't let them see you fatter, Jins advises, her voice stearly and adming in my ear. You're his mate. They're nothing 49% I swallow hard and tell myself she's right, but the sight in front ofis still unnerving Doubts creep into my mind, what it Lucas has moved on? What if he doesn't wantanymore! I take a step forward, steeling myself for whatever comes nest. My heart beats against my ribcage like a war drum as 1 approach Lucas and his group of admirers.

Suddenly, Lucas turns towards me, his eyes meeting mine from cross the field. His wolfish gaze is piercing, as though he'd felt my presence even before he saw me. Sof the laughter around him dies down as he makes his way over to"Skylar," Lucas says as he finally stands in front of me, the warmth in his eyes replacing sof the doubts that had begun to creep up into my mind. "You're here "I am. I blink up at him. "Is that a bad thing?" "Bad thing?" he frowns before he bends himself in half to hugwith his strong arms. "Don't be silly. I've missed you so much, especially your underwear." I shrick. "Pervert!" Lucas, however, doesn't let go of me. He chuckles but keeps huggingas if I'm this long-lost treasure. This makes the women around us disperse, their faces a mix of disappointment and acceptance.

"They know you're his mate.

sure f*cking hope so.

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Fierce, Jinx teases. ‘I like it. I'm very protective of our mate, too. I want nobody else's hands on him "Agreed" Lucas pulls away to stare atas though I'm the only person who matters in this entire world. His blue and red eyes look softer than usual, full of warmth.

"This is the opposite of a bad thing," he murmurs, his hand coming up to cup my cheek. "The best thing, actually An involuntary blush creeps up my cheeks at his words, and I find myself looking down at the ground to hide my embarrassment. His touch feels electric against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"Did you chere to see me?" he asks, his voice sounding hopeful.

I look up at him then, gathering the courage to meet his gaze once again. "Yes," I respond, and I can't help but marvel at how true the word feels in my mouth He smiles then; it's an expression that lights up his entire face, making him look much younger and carefree. It's a sight that feels so precious that I wish I could capture it and keep it withforever.

"I've missed you, Sky," he admits in a whisper so faint that I almost miss it.

My heart feels lighter after his confession. "I missed you too," I tell him honestly.