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MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Novel

Chapter 812 Netherworld Confrontation
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812  Netherworld Confrontation           When Ren and the others stepped into the Netherworld, they were immediately greeted by a sight that took their breath away. The first thing that caught their attention was the influx of players milling about, their colorful avatars dotting the landscape like vibrant specks against the backdrop of the cavernous realm. It was a bustling scene, filled with the hustle and bustle of adventurers embarking on their own quests and missions.

For Leonel, Isolde, Sumeri, Nikolai, Ragnar, and Roz, it was their first time setting foot in the Netherworld, and the sight before them was both awe-inspiring and overwhelming. The barren landscape stretched out before them, with jagged rock formations jutting up from the ground and ominous shadows dancing across the dimly lit caverns.

Despite its desolate appearance, the group couldn't help but marvel at the fact that they were standing beneath the earth's surface, in a whole new civilization hidden beneath the crust of the world above. It was a surreal experience, to say the least, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation coursing through their veins.

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Like Ren and Evie the first time, they were captivated by the intricate network of air tunnels that crisscrossed the underground realm, connecting the surface areas and regions with a labyrinthine complexity that was both daunting and fascinating. The air was cool and damp, carrying with it the faint scent of earth and minerals, and the sound of distant echoes reverberated through the caverns, lending an otherworldly ambiance to the surroundings.

As they ventured deeper into the Netherworld, the group encountered other players from various guilds, each with their own agendas. Some were engaged in fierce battles with formidable monsters, their swords clashing against scaly hides and claws as they fought for dominance in the underground realm.

Others were engaged in more peaceful pursuits, exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of the caverns, searching for valuable treasures and artifacts that lay hidden beneath the earth. At some point, tensions occasionally flared as some players found themselves at odds with one another. Whether it was a disagreement over loot distribution or a simple misunderstanding, conflicts often arose, resulting in heated confrontations and skirmishes between rival factions.

In some cases, players clashed over coveted treasures or rare items, their greed and ambition driving them to resort to violence in their pursuit of wealth and power. Swords clashed, spells were cast, and the echoes of battle reverberated through the air as opposing forces engaged in fierce combat.

However, not all conflicts stemmed from material desires. Misunderstandings and disagreements also played a role in fueling animosity between players, leading to petty squabbles and arguments that escalated into full-blown confrontations. Tempers flared, insults were exchanged, and before long, fists were flying as tempers reached a boiling point.

Despite the chaos and discord that occasionally erupted in the Netherworld, there were also moments of camaraderie and cooperation among players. Allies banded together to fend off common threats, forming temporary alliances and pooling their resources to overcome formidable foes.

"Whoa . . . have you upgraded her weapons again?" Leonel asked Ren, eyeing Isolde's guns with envy. "So jealous. I wish I could have one too." New ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄhapters are published on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

Isolde hummed in acknowledgment and proudly introduced, "This is Isolde 5.0, also known as the Dual-Blaster Variants. These babies boast different reload times and damage outputs depending on the mode selected.

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"When in bazooka form, they required a longer reload time but delivered massive explosive damage, capable of obliterating multiple targets in a single blast. In shotgun mode, they offered a faster reload time and spread out pellets with lethal precision, ideal for clearing out enemies at close range. "Finally, in rattling gun mode, they maintained a rapid rate of fire, continuously peppering adversaries with a barrage of bullets to overwhelm them.

"Additionally, the speed of attack varied between modes, with the bazooka mode delivering slower yet devastating blows, the shotgun mode providing quick bursts of damage, and the rattling gun mode offering sustained and rapid assaults.

"These are versatile and deadly weapons, perfectly suited to my agile and adaptive combat style. With the ability to transform and adjust to any combat scenario, I'm confident that I can take on even the most formidable opponents with ease," she said without pause, delivering each line within seconds.

"I-is . . . is that so . . ." Leonel could only stammer, not quite grasping more than half of what Isolde had said.

"Focus. They're coming," Ren warned, for the battle was about to start.