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MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Novel

Chapter 804 The Kiss of Sacrifice
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Chapter 804  The Kiss of Sacrifice    


Ren shouted while still fighting the two angels, "You idiot fool! Are you going to put your friends through this again?! How could you do this to them?!"

Azazel clasped his hands tightly and closed his eyes, "I have already died, Ren. There's no need for all these sacrifices. From the start, I'm just here to put an end to an unfinished business."

"The hell with that!" Ren shouted angrily. "You're the Demon Lord, so act like one! You're not some righteous god that thinks about sacrifices and whatnot! You're the ruler of the Netherworld. You're the KING! The EMPEROR! You should be more selfish than anyone else! You should take what you want even by force! What's with this sacrificing yourself shit?!"

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"Ren . . ." Desira muttered while Vivi sobbed as she uttered Ren's name. "Enough, Ren," Azazel said and sighed wryly. "This is the right thing. This is how it should end."

"When have you cared about the right thing?! Are you going to abandon your friends again just because you lack the backbone of a Demon Lord to sacrifice all these souls?! You're thinking about others, but not yourself and those important to you! What is it that you really want? AZAZEL?!"

Azazel closed his eyes tight and gritted his teeth. There's nothing in this world that he wanted more than anything than to be with everyone again and journey through the realms.

As he closed his eyes tight, he could vividly recall the adventures they shared, the laughter that echoed through their journeys, and the sense of purpose that bound them together.

He yearned for the warmth of their companionship, for the feeling of solidarity that came from facing challenges side by side with those he held dear. The thought of venturing through the realms once more, exploring uncharted territories, and unraveling the mysteries that lay hidden within the world filled him with an indescribable sense of excitement and anticipation.

But more than anything, Azazel longed for the sense of belonging that came from being part of something greater than himself. He craved the connection forged through his bond with everyone, knowing that with his friends by his side, no obstacle was insurmountable, and no challenge too daunting.

Dark tendrils of malevolent energy began to envelop Lorelai as she willingly absorbed the corrupting force into her own being. Azazel, realizing her selfless act, attempted to intervene, but his efforts proved futile against her strength. Within moments, Lorelai had absorbed a significant portion of the corruption before forcefully pushing Azazel away.

Azazel's initial reaction wasn't one of joy or gratitude for the unexpected kiss but rather anger and concern for Lorelai's well-being. "What have you done?! Don't you realize what this could do to you?! This is a corruption and lethal to angels!" he exclaimed, his tone filled with worry and anger.

Lorelai, however, maintained a defiant smirk even as she struggled against the overwhelming darkness threatening to consume her. "This is nothing. I have a strong soul, and I can purify this corruption within me, you'll see." she asserted, though her voice betrayed the strain she was under.

Azazel's eyes widened in alarm at her reckless move. "You fool! It will destroy you! Give it back! Give it back now!" he shouted, attempting to retrieve the corruption from her.

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But as he reached out to touch her, a sudden surge of dark light repelled him, forcing him to withdraw his hand in shock. "W-what . . . I couldn't retrieve it . . . ," Azazel muttered, his voice tinged with bewilderment as he recoiled from the unexpected resistance of the corruption within Lorelai.

Meanwhile, Lorelai's cries of agony pierced the air, signaling the internal struggle she faced as the conflicting energies battled for dominance within her. The group watched in horror as she writhed in pain, her very soul seemingly torn apart from within by the forces at war inside her body.

Light and darkness clashed violently, the opposing forces tearing at Lorelai's skin as her eyes flickered from dark to light. Erratic magical energy erupted from her, casting a chaotic aura around her trembling form.

"W-what's going on?" Elena asked, her voice laced with concern.

"What's happening to her?" Vivi questioned, her voice trembling with fear as she struggled to comprehend the turn of events.

Iraelyn and Hubrion remained rooted to the spot, unable to move, their bodies quivering from the overwhelming power radiating from Lorelai's transformed form.

Avaris sought refuge behind Desira, seeking solace in her presence. Meanwhile, Lethargia maintained a watchful gaze on the current situation, her expression serious and focused. Beside her, Malifira mirrored her seriousness, her eyes fixed intently on the unexpected turn of events.

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