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Love at the Next Stop

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 A Toast

It sure seemed that Korbin had informed Zane of the occasion, but she wasn’t informed beforehand. Due

to the trio’s awkward relationship, Stella had a bad premonition regarding what was to come. Although

she was initially thinking of skipping the meal altogether, she wouldn’t know what might happen in her

absence. Therefore, she washed up before heading to the venue in Zane’s car, feeling uneasy while on

her way there.

When they arrived, Korbin and Miles were already there. They were both talking about work-related stuff.

By right, it was unlikely that someone of Miles’ calibre would have common ground with Korbin, but he

seemed to be patiently explaining to Korbin the methods to retain customers and operate capital. In

short, he seemed to be tutoring Korbin.

After greeting them, Stella sat down with Zane on her left, and Miles on her right. Throughout their meal,

Korbin kept on thanking Zane for all the help he offered. He even told Zane to not look down on Stella,

seeing that they had yet to have children despite the fact that they had been married to each other for a

while now. After that, Korbin even had Zane and Stella toast each other.

It wasn’t until then that Stella understood why Korbin invited all three of them to dine together. His plan

was to show off her relationship with Zane in front of Miles in order to hinder her supposed relationship

with Miles. Although Stella didn’t hail from a rich family, her family was still considered pretty well off, so

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his act of belittling her and her family wasn’t directed at Zane, but Miles. For heaven’s sake! Aside from

the one-night-stand and the kiss that happened before I met Zane, I’m not even associated with Miles

outside of work.

“Come on, darling!” Zane cooperated nicely with Korbin. Knowing what Korbin meant to do, Zane stood

up while holding his wine glass.

Initially, Stella’s face was pale when she hesitated while remained seated. However, what Miles didn’t

notice was that Zane had been pinching on her arm with his right hand, and the pain elicited from her a

frown. For lack of a better option, she could only stand up. After that, Zane was still pinching her on the

arm, but she couldn’t voice out her pain, so she merely wore a frown while facing her husband.

In the end, they toasted each other. Korbin smiled in satisfaction after witnessing that. Upon casting a

glance at Miles, he noticed that the latter was still drinking while remained seated. It seemed that

everyone had their own agendas in mind while eating. As soon as Korbin had achieved his goals, they

left the restaurant before they even filled up their stomachs.

Meanwhile, Stella was saddened by the turn of events. After Korbin and Miles drove off, she excused

herself by telling Zane that she wanted to go shopping, as she was feeling irritated. When Zane heard

that, he regarded her in a self-conceited manner while whistling at her. “Don’t forget to come home


Unaware of the underlying implications in his words, Stella remained in her feelings of grief, but even she

herself didn’t know why she was feeling like this. Pulling her coat tighter around her, she walked across

the street, but she was pulled to the side just when she got to the entrance of the mall. Then, she

followed the person passively, but she burst into tears as soon as she saw who it was before her; that

person was none other than Miles.

Shouldn’t he be long gone? By that point, she was uncertain of her feelings toward him. He was but a

man whom she met during a one-night-stand, so she never planned to see him again after that.

However, they wound up getting tangled up in each other’s life, and his presence burned her heart like

hot iron. “Let go of me! Let go!” Stella began weeping tears of anguish while backing away.

However, Miles was unfazed by her reaction. Without a word, he led her into an alleyway beside them.

The depths of the alleyway was eerily quiet. While she was fearful of such silence, she was less afraid

when Miles was with her. Meanwhile, he stood in the dark without saying anything before suddenly

turning her around to make her back face him, and then pressing her against the wall. Then, he started

unbuckling her belt, which shocked her. Although she never had sex with Zane, she knew what was to


She struggled, but her struggles were futile, as Miles was utterly furious at her. While he busied himself

with his hands, he was resolute, refusing to give up before he got what he wanted. Stella had always

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been afraid of his firm determination, as she always found herself losing control in such situations, which

was unbearable to her. Before she realized what was happening, she felt him inside her; he was grinding

her with his hard member.

Although she had always been afraid of the darkness, the pleasure within her dissipated everything else;

all she knew now was that she belonged to him. The beastly movements coming from him that followed

her caused her to moan softly as she sobbed.

The chilly winter air, the warmth at a certain region of her body, as well as the gush of liquid between her

thighs that was quickly freezing her up was causing her such euphoria that she couldn’t get enough of it.

She felt like her consciousness was on a roller coaster ride, soaring into the heavens before plummeting

into hell by the next instant.

Women wouldn’t know the pleasure that sex could bring without experiencing it, but after she had tried it

once, and had gone without it for an extended period of time, she would miss the physical intimacy a lot.

However, Stella wasn’t sure what she missed more—the man himself or the physical union.

She had been having a lot of lewd dreams that she dared not talk about. In her dreams, she would

constantly revisit the night when she was with Miles. Although his figure used to be a blur in her dreams,

she would always see him in her nighttime fantasies ever since the incident with the luminous watch

tipped her off that he was her first man. I would be drowned for committing adultery if I lived in the

ancient times. Just as Zane said, I am a sl*t, as I am disloyal to my husband!