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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2842
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Chapter 2842 I Am Thinking The Same

A pair of massive, blood-red eyes slowly appeared in mid-air, a puzzled look in its gaze. However, the creature only

seemed confused for a moment before vanishing.

As soon as Zeke and his companions entered the ancient sector, three people and a snake appeared.

The trio was none other than Theos, the Guardian of Mount Kush, Karter Kush, and Erebus. Naturally, the snake was


Corra smiled slightly. “They just went in, and already there's thunder and lightning inside. I estimate they've been

struck dead. Many people who entered before were struck dead.”

Theos smiled faintly. “That's only a possibility, not a certainty. I won't be at ease until I see their corpses.”

“If they're dead inside and we can't get in, how will you see their corpses?” Karter asked.

“You don't understand. The ancient sector has a peculiar rule. It doesn't allow dead things. If someone dies inside,

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their corpse is sure to be thrown out. As long as their bodies aren't thrown out within a day, it means they're still

alive,” Theos explained.

Thrown out?

Karter was bewildered. “By whom?”

Theos' face showed a hint of wariness. “By the Master of the ancient sector, of course.”

Karter wanted to ask more, but Theos said, “Enough, no more nonsense. Watch the ancient sector closely for me.

Even if a fly comes out, report it to me.”

He continued, “Corra, have your friends gather here.”

“All right.” Corra immediately burrowed into the ground, contacting its friends from afar.

In fact, Corra's friends had been hiding about twenty kilometers away, per Theos' orders to avoid being discovered

by Zeke.

It didn't take long for Corra's friends to gather outside the ancient sector. Over twenty fearsome primordial beasts

assembled, each a formidable existence.

However, in the face of the ancient sector, these mighty creatures felt suppressed and terrified, hardly daring to


Theos said, “Thank you all for coming to help. Now, please surround the ancient sector. If any living thing tries to

break out, bombard them back in. If a dead thing is thrown out, report its whereabouts to me promptly.”

One of the primordial beasts said, “Lord Theos, we can help you, but you promised us benefits.”

Theos replied, “Rest assured. Since I've promised you, I won't go back on my word.”

“That's good, that's good!” The primordial beast sighed in relief.

Theos looked at Corra and asked, “Is this the network of connections you've been building over so many years in

the primeval forest?”

Initially, Theos had arranged for Corra to infiltrate the primeval forest with the purpose of befriending many of the

fearsome primordial beasts, sparing no effort.

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Corra replied, “There are more friends, but they are too far away, so I didn't ask them to come.”

Theos said, “Let them all come. The more, the better. Each one adds to our strength.”

Puzzled, Corra said, “Lord Theos, in my opinion... is that really necessary? We already have so many primordial

beasts, and our fighting power is very strong. Even if King of Dragons appears, we have nothing to fear. It's just a

few humans, after all...”

Theos chided, “You still have the same old problem of underestimating the enemy. You've suffered losses because

of this. Haven't you learned your lesson yet? Those people with Zeke surely have some hidden trump cards. We

must take precautions.”

Although Corra disagreed with Theos, she dared not argue further. Having received the order, she obediently

notified her other friends, asking them to hurry over as well.

The primordial beasts at the scene began to worry.

“Do you think Theos has enough Rejuvenation Grass for all the help he's summoned?” one of them asked.

“Yeah, I seriously doubt there's even enough Rejuvenation Grass on the entire Theos Island,” another chimed in.

“Ugh, if it really comes to it, let's just ask Theos to give us the Rejuvenation Grass in advance.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”