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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2837
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Chapter 2837 Knew No Bounds

Zeke was rendered speechless.

D*mn it!

Even in his wildest dream, Zeke never thought Quinlan would be so spineless. King of Dragons merely got angry,

and Quinlan was almost scared to the point of wetting his pants.

How many more things is this old fart keeping from me?

King of Dragons suddenly stomped forcefully on Anteater, causing the latter to open its mouth in pain and spit out

its spirit pill.

King of Dragons swallowed the spirit pill in one gulp. Then, it slapped Anteater, sending Anteater flying straight

toward Zeke and his companions.

Anteater's speed was extremely fast. As its body streaked through the air in Zeke and his party's direction, the

resulting friction even produced sparks.

Zeke felt an overwhelming pressure coming at him. The pressure was so intense that they could hardly breathe.

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Everyone hurriedly released their energy to resist.

Even so, they were still knocked hundreds of meters back. After landing, Anteater was left with only its last breath.

Sole Wolf and the others also suffered varying degrees of internal injuries.

Zeke was relatively better off, with only some minor superficial wounds.

Still, King of Dragons merely swiped at Anteater with its claw, and the latter's momentum as it was sent flying

backward could damage the body of a Celestial Class warrior. That was sufficient to show King of Dragons' strength.

Anger burned in Zeke's heart. He really didn't expect Fortuna to be so ruthless, turning its back on them once it

became powerful.

If he had known it was so heartless, he would have roasted and eaten it back then.

King of Dragons laughed arrogantly. “Haha! Don't say I didn't give you a chance. It's not something impossible if you

want to use my fire seed to forge divine weapons. Come and find me at Dragon King Pit! If you can make it to

Dragon King Pit, I'll help you forge divine weapons. Haha!”

With that, King of Dragons soared into the sky, stepping on white clouds and cackling as he left.

Sole Wolf spat out a mouthful of blood and cursed, “You d*mn ungrateful creature! If it weren't for the fact that I

can't beat you now, I would skin you alive! Zeke, you really shouldn't have taken that thing in back then. You should

have slaughtered it.”

Zeke sighed. What's the point of saying all this now?

He didn't respond to Sole Wolf. Instead, he released the strand of Quinlan's consciousness.

Feeling extremely embarrassed, Quinlan looked at Zeke and the others without saying a word.

Zeke said, “Mr. Hayes, someone previously mentioned King of Dragons was just a little worm to him. How did that

person become the other party's toilet paper now?”

Quinlan chuckled awkwardly, “Well... I was just bragging, you know, for exercise...”

Sole Wolf cursed angrily, “Screw your exercise! Who uses bragging as a form of exercise? Mr. Hayes, what's the

deal with this toilet paper thing?”

Quinlan hastily explained, “It's n-nothing—”

Before he could finish his sentence, the space behind Quinlan suddenly cracked open, and a claw emerged from

the spatial rift.

It was King of Dragons' claw. Half of its tail was also exposed.

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The next second, it grabbed Quinlan and used him to wipe its tail. No, to be more precise, it was its dragon


Impure spiritual energy was constantly discharged from the dragon's buttocks.

King of Dragons only wiped once before tossing Quinlan far away.

“F*ck, you're just a strand of consciousness! Quinlan, have your physical body come to wipe my butt within ten

days. D*mn it. I swallowed two spirit pills in a row, and I'm having trouble digesting them now.”

Quinlan quickly shouted, “King of Dragons, my physical body is trapped in a parallel universe and can't come out.

You're capable of helping me get out, King of Dragons. If you do me this favor, I'll be your toilet paper for the rest

of my life!”

However, King of Dragons had already flown far away and didn't respond to Quinlan.

Quinlan hung his head in dejection.

Zeke and the others' eyes almost popped out of their sockets as they witnessed what had happened.

They initially thought that Quinlan would at most just assist King of Dragons to wipe its buttocks, but who would

have thought that Quinlan would actually use his body as toilet paper to clean the latter's rear end?

That realization had shattered their worldviews. This b*stard, Quinlan's shame knows no bounds. He has already

lost all self-respect.