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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2822
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Chapter 2822 Past


Quinlan uttered, “Tell me about this creature's background.”

Zeke elaborated, “Fortuna claims to be King of Dragons from the past and the king of all primordial beasts on

Theos Island. Since you were the first master of the island, you should know about it.”

King of Dragons!

Upon hearing that, Quinlan was so shocked that his jaw nearly dropped.

Zeke hurriedly asked, “What's the matter, Mr. Hayes? So, you do know King of Dragons?”

Quinlan was still in a state of stupefaction and had yet to come back to his senses.

After Zeke repeated his questions several times, Quinlan finally pulled himself together.

“Ah! K-King of Dragons. I-I do know it. We were acquainted in the past.”

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Zeke was elated. “I'm glad to hear that! Mr. Hayes, to be honest, Fortuna, or King of Dragons, swallowed a spirit pill

and spat a fire seed to help me forge a divine weapon. Previously, Fortuna was my servant and pet. I was able to

instruct it to do my bidding. However, after it regained its memories and realized it was King of Dragons, Fortuna

left me and no longer obeyed my commands. Since you were acquainted, I'd like to ask you to plead with King of

Dragons to help me forge a divine weapon.”


A slightly fearful look flashed across Quinlan's countenance.

Zeke frowned. “What's wrong? Is that difficult to achieve?”

Quinlan swiftly replied, “T-That is indeed a little challenging.”

“Is it because you're not on good terms with Fortuna, so you're afraid it won't listen to you?”

“How should I put it? In the past, King of Dragons controlled the primordial beasts' area, and I was in charge of the

human territory, and we didn't interfere with each other. We weren't enemies, but I wouldn't say we were friends.”

“If Fortuna is unwilling to yield, why don't we band together and force it to serve us?”

Still, Quinlan shook his head. “That's not appropriate, not appropriate at all.”

“Mr. Hayes, don't tell me you're no match for Fortuna?”

Quinlan immediately retorted, “That's outrageous! Back then, Fortuna was nothing but a little worm to me. I almost

skinned it to make soup on several occasions. How could I not be a match for it? Young man, don't talk nonsense if

you don't know anything. Mind your words, or I'll cripple you.”

“But your expression seems to show some apprehension.”

Provoking him indeed worked; Quinlan immediately snapped, “Hmph. You brat! Do you take me as a weakling

because I'm not displaying my strength? Let's meet with King of Dragons now. I guarantee that when it sees me, it'll

grovel at my feet immediately.”

Is that so?

Zeke flashed a faint smile. “I'd like to see King of Dragons begging for mercy on its knees. It would be a spectacular

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sight. Let's not delay and go now.”

Quinlan, feeling uneasy, followed Zeke out.

In actuality, Zeke was right. Quinlan wasn't a match for King of Dragons at all.

Back then, Quinlan was just an insignificant cultivator in the human world. Later, he accidentally stumbled upon

Theos Island.

At the time, Theos Island was not as vibrant as it was now. The environment was barren, and there were hardly any

plants, let alone beasts.

However, there was an incredibly mighty existence on Theos Island: King of Dragons.

As soon as Quinlan set foot on the island, he encountered King of Dragons. At that moment, the first thought that

occurred to Quinlan was that he was done for. He figured he would be devoured by King of Dragons, turned into its

feces, and completely vanish from the world without a trace.

Surprisingly, King of Dragons didn't seem to have much interest in Quinlan. Perhaps it was the first time it had seen

a human and found it amusing, so it toyed with him for a while.

After getting bored, King of Dragons even grabbed Quinlan and used his hair to wipe its rear end.

Quinlan still felt nauseous whenever he recalled that scene.

Unable to leave Theos Island, Quinlan had no choice but to survive on the island.