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King of the Underworld by RJ Kane

Chapter 504
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My mind was wandering to Sephie for most of my meetings throughout the day. Thankfully, I didn’t have many and

the ones I did have weren’t very serious. She never failed to impress me with each new thing she came up with.

I felt her close to my office when my current meeting was wrapping up. Our connection was so strong now that it

was getting easier to tell where she was and who she was with at all times. I did have a few moments of guilt that it

took me so long to find her when she and Ivan were taken. If it happened now, I’d be able to find her immediately. I

did take some solace in that.

I felt her warmth as she broke me free from my thoughts before my meeting had officially ended. She knew.

As soon as my associate walked out of my office, she walked in, her wide smile stretched across her face. She was

carrying coffee. Our inability to satiate our s*xual appetite was cutting into our sleep. We were both tired.

“I love you so much right now,” I said, as she handed me the coffee.

“I know,” she said, grinning at me. “You need to be sharp. We’re leaving to meet with the mayor and DA after your

next meeting is over.”

“Oh?” I asked, loving that she knew my schedule before I did. She knew I liked it what she got bossy, so she would

be extra bratty sometimes just to drive me a little

more crazy.

“Mmm hrum. We’re meeting in a parking garage, apparently, like some kind of clandestine secret meeting, so I get

to check that off my bucket list. I’m gonna need everyone to be completely on point,” she said, trying to hide her

smile that was threatening to show itself.

I laughed, pulling her into my lap. “You might need to stop. Literally everything you do turns me on right now. I don’t

want to have to suffer through my last meeting with a b*ner,” I said, my lips next to her ear. I felt her breath hitch.

“You like it when I’m all bi*chy and bossy,” she said, grinning at me.

“I very much do,” I said, as we both heard the elevator doors ding to signal the arrival of my last meeting of the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

day. I kissed her quickly, then said, “you’re welcome to stay for this one. It’s Neal.”

“I’ll say hello, but I promised Ivan I would help him be even more aware of what’s going on around him,” she said.

“The Wonder Twins are going to be my g*inea pigs.”

Viktor walked in with Neal as Sephie stood up to greet him. They exchanged pleasantries and after she had asked

him a few questions about the building project, she politely excused herself.

Neal sat down across from my desk, a small smile on his face. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but the more

time you two are together, the more beautiful that woman gets.”

“I could not agree more,” I said.

On the way to meet with the mayor and DA, we were all very serious, very focused. Stephen had gone ahead with a

team of his own and set up across from the building, but once we were in the parking garage, his cover would be

limited. We weren’t necessarily worried about Doug or Eric, but we still wanted to be prepared for anything. To the

point that even Sephie was armed for this meeting.

We had also agreed to have Kostya on standby. Viktor and Kostya had devised a way to make it happen very

quickly, so Viktor just needed to quickly touch both of them and Kostya could fix them. If I was going to rely on

these two, I wanted to make sure I did everything in my power to keep them loyal. I did not want another Henry to

deal with.

We’d decided that Viktor was going to check both for weapons when we first arrived. It would be quick, it wasn’t out

of the ordinary to do in these kinds of situations, and they likely wouldn’t question it. Kostya could fix them and they

would never be the wiser.

Eric and Doug arrived shortly after we did. They were supposed to be inside the building in a “meeting. Because the

men that Henry had following both Eric and Doug were not well trained, they never followed them into a building.

They would wait outside until the two men emerged and would pick up the trail from there. It was a rookie move.

There are plenty of ways to ditch a tail once you enter a building.

Or, have secret meetings, in our case. “It did make our lives somewhat easier, so I was always grateful for


The guys were on high alert and didn’t leave Sephie very much space as we walked teet Eric and Doug. She

enjoyed it. She never once got irritated with them for feeling overprotective of her. She would tease me about it

occasionally, but only just laughs. I knew she secretly loved it. She had spent so many years never feeling truly safe

when she was with her uncle especially, but even after she had gottes away and was on her own. Now that she had

it, she was never letting go of it.

Viktor walked ahead of the group to check both Eric and Doug, making it look like las checking for weapons. The

rest of us watched as their auras lit up while Kostya was fixing them. He made quick work of it. Luckily, neither man

needed tooh work. Doug’s aura had started to heal itself after Stephen had scared off the demon that was trying to

attach to him.

We weren’t sure exactly how it worked, but we were noticing that a person could heat their own aura, given enough

time. It seemed to work even if the person wasn’t necessarily conscious of it needing to be done. Dario’s likely

healed tremendly since he’d been hiding at the building. We were all surprised to see how strong it was when

Andrei showed us, especially given how broken that man was when he first got back from Colombia.

To their credit, Eric and Doug were both good sports about being checked for weapon you’re still worried about two

desk joc*eys,” Eric said, laughing quietly once Viktor

“One can never be too careful,” I said. “Tell me about your plan for Dr. Moretti.”

“I’m guessing you guys have enough firepower to level this building and Kostya were done.

Eric had a small smile on his face. “We’re getting closer to figuring out a way to chat him with the back-room

procedures. We can’t find anyone else that can recognize him, but we have an extensive victim list, thanks to Dr.

Williams at the herital. That, plus a money trail that we’re slowly uncovering points directly at Dr. Moretti. The

brawn, as well as his very clear ties to Salvadori will land him in jail for sure. It will buy us some time to find more

about the illegal procedures, which should keep him in jail.”

“With what you gave us on the connection to Salvadori and Dr. Moretti, it gives us rounds to look more seriously at

the connection to Henry. I know you said he’s mostly been paid in cash, but there are still ways to find details. We’re

working on that one, as well. It’s slightly more difficult, since Henry is trying to do the same to us, from his position,”

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Doug said.

I was quiet for a moment, making them think I was mulling things over in my head. They had not told me anything I

didn’t already know, so far. “Niko and Vito are coming back within the next two weeks. They’re in need of more

cash flow, so they’re coming back to try and force the underbosses to collect taxes. We need the people to stop it.

They’ll be informed. They’re the reason the underbosses stopped in the first place. This gives you both an excellent

opportunity to appear tough on crime. Dr. Moretti can be the first domino to fall, revealing the other connections to

S and Henry once he’s in custody. The wild card in that scenario is Henry’s allegiance to Sal. If he uses the police to

stop the people, the plan won’t work.”

Eric looked from me to Sephie, who was standing just behind me and between me and Ivan. “How much of this was

your plan?” he asked her.

“It was a group effort,” she said.

“That job offer is still on the table,” Eric said. He looked to Doug, both of them thinking over the plan I had just laid

out for them. They both nodded in agreement.

“I like it. I do, however, want your word that in the event that we get a judge that’s al’s pocket, unbeknownst to us,

and the doctor goes free that you’ll take care of him,” the mayor said. “I don’t want him walking free in this city

ever again.”

“That will not be a problem,” I said.

“Do you know when Niko and Vito are coming back?” Eric asked.

“No specific date yet, but we have people watching them. We’ll let you know as soon we know. Once they’re here,

everything needs to happen quickly. Sal and Ricardo don’t need any extra time to react to what’s happening here,”

I said.

king round the clock to find a concrete connection between Henry and Sal

“We’re ready to move on Dr. Moretti as soon as you hand him over. We have people Once Henry goes down, most

of the police chiefs go down with him, as well as his gulfriend,” Eric said.

“That does seem to be one of her favorite positions,” Sephie said, mostly under her bath, but still loud enough that

we all caught it. We even heard Stephen Laughing through our earpieces