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King of the Underworld by RJ Kane

Chapter 501
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“No, it’s never happened before. I’ve always been able to find an answer, but everything was fuzzy

that time. It’s been getting clearer for me every other time, too,” he said. He was clearly perplexed.

“Have you tried to look for that same answer again?” Stephen asked.

“Yeah, same result each time,” Misha said.

My mind was racing. I unwrapped Adrik’s arms from around me so I could walk to the remaining

cookies I’d made for Andrei. They all smirked at me, knowing I had a serious sweet tooth if

something was bothering me. “What? Sugar helps me think, I said, biting into the cookie.

“They need frosting next time,” Misha said. “They’re just boring without it.”

“Noted, my adorable Russian guardian,” I said. As I finished the cookie, I had an idea pop in my head.

“Were you looking for Sal’s kids specifically?” I asked. Misha nodded his head. “What if the outcomes

on them aren’t clear because no one knows what will happen to Sal yet? Like we don’t know if

Stephen will be needed or if Adrik will be needed. Make sense?”

“That falls in line with what Misha was looking for, actually. We said there was a possibility they

would never move against us if they find out what really happens to Sal.” Ivan said.

I felt Adrik getting itchy because I was no longer next to him, so as I walked back to his side, I said,

“there’s also the possibility that no one knows what will happen when Adrik is needed.”

Everyone was quiet as I settled into Adrik’s arms once more, loving the contentment 1 could feel

from him once he had his arms around me again. “Do you think Kostya can find that answer?” Ivan


“We can ask him. Lena might be able to find out too. Those two are the most accessible, if you will,”

I said. “I’m not entirely sure anyone like us has ever existed before, though. There may not be

answers to be found.”

Andrei yawned as everyone mulled over what had been said. “We can worry about it all tomorrow. I

think everyone should get some sleep tonight,” Adrik said. Sleep was definitely the last thing on his

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mind right now, but it sounded reasonable enough to everyone else.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Adrik’s lips were on mine. He was desperate for me, like he

hadn’t seen me in months. “What is wrong with me,” he said against my lips. “I cannot get enough

of you right now.”

“Please never do,” I said, pulling him with me toward the bedroom. I didn’t think the uards outside

the door needed another performance tonight. I would prefer if no one heard me this time.

By the time we made it to the bedroom, we were both completely naked. A trail of clothes remained

between the kitchen and the bedroom, waiting to show us the way out should we need it at any

point. We were both giggling at our inability to control ourselves.

His hands were everywhere at once, making sure there was as little distance between as possible.

His desire felt different. It was almost primal. I broke the kiss long enough that I could look at him.

His eyes were swirling between his usual blue and black.

I smiled at him, switching my eyes to black. It was all he needed to stop the internal struggle he was

having. He smirked at me as he roughly grabbed me, picking me up. When he got closer to the bed,

he all but threw me on it. Flying through the air is now a surprising turn on for me,

He usually struggled to maintain control and would force himself to go slow, at least in the beginning.

He still worried he would hurt me most of the time. Tonight was not that way. He flipped me onto my

stomach and pulled my hips toward him. He was inside me and I was moaning before I even knew

what had happened.

He was rough, but I loved it. I could feel his fingers digging into my hips as he held me tightly. The

scar from the night of the ball was usually numb, but when he held my hips, I could feel his fingertips

pressing into my skin. As strange as it sounded, it was nice to have something to feel there.

He was pounding into me, his rhythm unrelenting. I was beginning to question if I’d be able to walk

the next day, but I wanted him to keep going. All I could do was grab the sheets and hang on as he

showed no signs of stopping.

I felt his hand move up my back. Same as my hip, I didn’t normally have much feeling over my back

because of my scars. He discovered that if he ran his fingertips over my scars, 1 could feel it. He was

apologetic when he first did it. He thought I was sleeping when it happened. He didn’t want to make

me uncomfortable by exploring my scars. I surprised him by telling him I really liked it as he gave me

something to feel there, other than extreme pain, since it had happened.


With his hand on my back now, I could feel everything like normal. Like there were no scars. His hand

left a trail of fire over my back and I loved it. I wanted more. “Your hand. Use the other one too,” I

told him. Thank *od for being able to talk to hire silently. There was no way I’d have been able to get

that out in between screams otherwise.

He moved both hands to my back, letting them roam while he pulled me back to him with each thrust.

It started an entirely new wave of pleasure through my body. I was completely on fire under his

touch. I could feel everything on my back like it wasn’t completely scarred. My body completely

exploded. I was no longer in control. He was in complete control of my body, forcing it to ever higher

levels of pleasure with each touch, with each thrust of his hips. He owned me in those


Adrik could feel what I felt. Even through my pleasure, I could feel his gratification at being able to

push me to new heights. He always took pleasuring me as a challenge. Like he was trying to beat his

personal best each and every time. I fully supported it.

He didn’t let up, he just kept pushing my body to feel more pleasure with each time he pushed into

me. It felt like I could do nothing but or*asm. There was no ending, there was no beginning. There

was just pleasure.

I finally felt him find his own release and he collapsed onto the bed beside me. I had to work to catch

my breath for the first time in a long time as I rolled over next to him. He immediately began to

worry when he noticed. His eyes were still black, which somehow managed to calm me. I just focused

on his eyes, finding peace in the fact that he would destroy anything and everything that ever

thought to cause me harm. I couldn’t help but smile at him as my breathing finally returned to normal

once again.

“That hasn’t happened in a while,” he said, concern very evident on his face.

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“Um, se* like that hasn’t happened ever. I don’t know why you’re surprised I couldn’t catch my

breath,” I said, grinning at him.

He chuckled. “Maybe you’re right.”

I got up, pulling him up with me. He reached down and picked me up, walking us both to the shower.

“I might’ve made it difficult for you to walk,” he said, a boyish grin on his face.

“You definitely did, but I loved every minute of it.”

As we stood under the hot water, he was watching me. “What happened when I put my hand on your


“Mmm, you brought all the feeling back. It felt almost like I didn’t have scars. Same for the scar on

my hip. I have feeling there when you grab my hips.”

He smirked down at me. “Well, then I’ll have to grab you more,” he said, holding me against him


“Please do. I’m a fan,” I said, giggling at the look of surprise on his face.

He leaned down and kissed me. “You never cease to amaze me with how perfect you are for me.”

“It’s like we were meant to be or something,” I said, grinning at him.

His face turned serious as he looked down at me, brushing a curl from my face. “Sephie, I’ve never

been more sure that I can get through anything life throws at me now that I have you by my side. All

of this…s*it that’s happening with the other bosses? It doesn’t worry me in the slightest. I find

myself enjoying the process, simply because you’re with me. I know you will always be there to make

my path in life even brighter with your light.”

My breath caught. I looked up at him, my fingers lightly running over his facial hair I felt the pull in

my chest from him so strongly. A smile slowly stretched over my face as I looked at him, thinking

about how completely I loved him. I felt the same as he did. I knew I could get through anything as

long as I had him. I stood up and kissed him sweetly, then rested my head on his chest as his arms

completely enveloped me. He sighed as I pushed all my warmth to him, his body completely relaxed

and content to have me in his arms.