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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 667
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Chapter 667 Father and Daughter

"When you came back to us, your mother and I tried our best to be fair to both of you. I was delighted to see you

two get along. I thought that would go on forever. I thought we could have two brilliant girls we could call our own. I

thought you girls could help each other out, but… it seems I was wrong. I failed. She wasn't raised well. I failed the

Woodses. They raised you into a kind, understanding woman while I raised Kelly into an evil, prejudiced girl." Adam

couldn't blame it on genetics since the Woodses were kind people. The only thing he could blame that on was


"When you came back to us, your mother and I tried our best to be fair to both of you. I was delighted to see you

two get along. I thought that would go on forever. I thought we could have two brilliant girls we could call our own. I

thought you girls could help each other out, but… it seems I was wrong. I failed. She wasn't raised well. I failed the

Woodses. They raised you into a kind, understanding woman while I raised Kelly into an evil, prejudiced girl." Adam

couldn't blame it on genetics since the Woodses were kind people. The only thing he could blame that on was


"It's none of your fault, Daddy. You raised her to be a brilliant woman, but people change. They are the product of

their environment. Money is always the best thing to discover someone's true colors." So many people had their

relationships broken over money—friends, family, and even couples.

Adam buried his face in his hands and cried quietly.

Kendall wrapped her arm around his shoulder quietly. She spent so much time turning Kelly and her parents into

enemies so they would be hurt less by Kelly's betrayal, but that plan failed. Her parents had raised Kelly and spent a

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lot of effort on her. They hoped she would grow to become a great woman, but now she wanted to take their lives.

The pain was almost unbearable.

A long while later, Adam finally calmed down and said, "She's escaped, but I have told Dylan about it. I made sure

he'd help the cops out. Kelly must be punished for what she did."

"She can't escape. She might be able to escape this city, but she'll be caught eventually."

Even though Adam wanted Kelly to be caught, he was still agonizing over it. "Kendall, I need to tell you something."

"Of course, Daddy."

"The victims only fell to their demise because of us. I'd like to help those victims' families out for Kelly's sake by

giving them some money."

He explained, "Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to help Kelly. It's just that I feel like my conscience won't rest easy

if I don't do anything for them. They only died because of us."

For the time being, everyone saw them as victims who were lucky enough not to drown even when they fell into the

river. However, the cops would tell everyone the truth someday since many people had their eyes on this case. And

the public had the right to know, anyway. Once the truth was out, people might sympathize with the Parkers, but

they would also understand if the Parkers compensated the victims' families. Kelly was still the Parkers' daughter,

after all.

"You have my support, Daddy. No matter what you do."

Adam nodded. He was glad his daughter was getting more and more capable. "We can't hide it from your mom

forever. You have to come with me and break the news." Charlotte might look like she didn't care about Kelly, but

the moment she got in trouble, Charlotte would get worried. The truth of this matter would most certainly land a

huge blow to her and the Woodses.

Kendall nodded in silence. They both came back home. Charlotte had some friends over, and they were her good

friends. Ever since Kendall and Dylan's wedding was announced, they came bearing gifts. After having a moment of

idle chat, they decided to start a poker game.

Sally and Nelson stayed back while Milo and Roger went back home. They had things to do at home, so they would

only come over when the wedding drew near.

Sally insisted on Nelson staying. He was almost 30, and it was time to think about settling down. Roger had just lost

his love, and she didn't want to force him to join a blind date right now, so Nelson's case was on her priority list. She

asked Charlotte to introduce some nice girls to Nelson. Though, she didn't dare to ask for the best ones. Girls with

about the same background as Nelson would be good enough. After all, the Woods Family wasn't the best out there.

Charlotte was surprised to see Kendall and Adam coming back. She shuffled the deck and smiled. "Aren't you guys

busy? It's rare to see you two come home early."

Kendall stood behind her mother and smiled. "So, how's the game, Mommy?"

Charlotte's friends smiled. "Kendall, your mother's been lucky. Probably because you're getting married soon. She's

winning all our money."

Charlotte smiled. "Ah, it's just a few grand. It's nothing to you all."

Kendall greeted Charlotte's friends.

"They came bearing gifts, Kendall. More dowry for you."

Kendall said thank you quickly.

"Oh, it's alright. We're friends with your mother. You're like a daughter to us. Your wedding's around the corner, so

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we thought we should give you some gifts."

Some small talk later, Charlotte realized something was wrong with her husband. "What's with your father? He's

been quiet since he came back. Did something happen at work?"

"It's alright, Mommy. Work is fine."

"In that case, what's his deal?"

Kendall said nothing.

Charlotte looked at her daughter suspiciously before looking at her silent husband. They had finished another

game, so she said, "That's all for today, ladies. I need to ask my husband what's going on."

The ladies gave her understanding smiles. Charlotte was the happiest among them all. Her husband respected her

and never cheated. Even now, they were still in love, unlike them and their husbands. They might look like happy

couples in public, but they were the only ones who knew what truly happened behind closed doors.

Ever since the wedding was announced, their husbands had been nice to them because they were friends with

Charlotte. Their mistresses didn't come to their homes to spite them since then. Sure, their husbands didn't fall

back in love with them, but at least they gave these ladies the respect they deserved, and life felt that much better.

After she sent her friends off, Charlotte asked, "What's wrong, Adam? You didn't say a word since you returned

home, and not to mention you look as black as thunder. They didn't come to play at first. Just here to give Kendall

some presents. I was the one who suggested the game."

Sally poured a cup of tea for Adam.

"Thank you, Sal." He stood up and took the cup of tea with both hands.

Adam's formal attitude only made Charlotte feel more suspicious.