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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 659
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Chapter 659 After the Heart

"Dylan," the visitor said.

Tom and Rosemi were horrified. The fact that Dylan came here meant bad news. They wondered if he had found


"What now, honey?" asked Rosemi hurriedly. "Dylan's men have been keeping an eye on us for days, but he's never

shown up. He had no evidence back then, but now he's here. Do you think he's found something?"

"We'll have to deal with this." We have no other choice. Tom opened the door.

Dylan and Kendall were standing outside, accompanied by their bodyguards. Dylan was tall, muscular, and devilishly

handsome. This man was blessed. The heavens gave him everything a man could ask for, and his life had been

nothing but smooth sailing. The only blip was a car crash, but now he was healed. The heavens still kept a close eye

on him, evidently.

The air around him was icy. Terrifying. It scared Tom. The look in his eyes was as sharp as a falcon's, and Tom

couldn't even look straight into them.

Kendall was standing beside him. Despite wearing casual attire, she radiated a different air than usual. Back then,

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she acted like a bumpkin, but now she was elegant and regal. She had changed. Before Kendall got married to

Dylan, Tom wouldn't even give her a moment of his time, even if she was the Parkers' real daughter. Tom and

Rosemi still thought she was nothing but a bumpkin.

Life was full of surprises.

They were a perfect couple. Beautiful and handsome. For some reason, Tom thought they looked a little alike.

Maybe that's how most couples are. "G-Good afternoon, Mr. Coleman," he stammered and moved away for Dylan

and Kendall to go in.

Dylan took his wife inside, and four bodyguards came in, while four stood outside. When Tom saw the folder Dylan

was holding, his heart sank. Rosemi is right. Nothing good can come from this. He must've found the evidence.

"Mr. Coleman, Kendall, what brings you here? Please, sit. I'll get you some water," Rosemi greeted them warmly

and went into the kitchen to boil some water. She took out a few fruits from the fridge, cleaned them, and placed

them on a platter. She then poured a few glasses of water and placed it on a tray along with the fruits, then she

came out holding the tray.

The first thing she saw was her husband looking at a yellow file on the coffee table, and her husband looked grim.

Her heart started to race. I see. I'm right. She paused for a moment and went ahead, placing the water and fruits

on the coffee table. Sheepishly, she said, "It's not the best place. Sorry, we don't have anything better for you."

Kendall looked at her calmly. Rosemi was her mother-in-law in her past life, and she bullied her relentlessly. Rosemi

was incredibly difficult to get along with, and she was a bad mother-in-law, yet now she looked bashed by time. And

she was wearing nothing but cheap clothes. She was still alive at this point in time in the last timeline, and Rosemi

kept herself well. She looked like Kendall's sister when they walked together. Now that she lost all her right to

arrogance, she couldn't yell at Kendall anymore. Seeing Rosemi falling from grace so hard filled Kendall with smug

satisfaction. "Your eyes are puffy. Did you cry?"

Rosemi denied, "No. Just got some sand in my eyes on my way back, and I rubbed them too much."

"Really? And I thought you cried your eyes out because your daughter-in-law had a miscarriage. Thought you cried

because you lost a grandchild."

I shouldn't have lied. With Dylan here, he could see through everything. "Fine, you know what happened, Kendall, so

let's cut to the chase. Why are you here? And why do you keep a close eye on us, Dylan? You used your family to

destroy mine. Isn't that enough?"

Dylan still looked tense. He wouldn't even bother looking at Rosemi.

Kendall sneered. "We should be the ones asking questions here. Check the file out and you'll know why we're here.

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And we handed all the evidence to the cops before we came. They'll be here any minute now."

Tom put the papers down, looking grim, and his hands were shaking. She quickly sat beside him and picked the

papers up. They were evidence of her conspiracy with Kelly. There were records of her contacting the middleman

who contacted the truck driver and records of her contacting Kelly in private. She knew Dylan could find that out,

and she never thought she could escape, but she couldn't accept that her guess was true. Krystal's miscarriage was

Kelly's doing. He's good. In such a short time, he's collected all the evidence.

"Eight people died in that car crash. Eight innocent lives. You destroyed more than one family. Is that worth it for

Kelly?" asked Kendall coldly. She mocked, "Look at you? After everything you did for her, she killed your unborn

grandchild. Your family's descendant. Don't think it's fine because Kelly's also pregnant too. Think about it, Mrs.

Whittle. That woman slept with Brian during her pregnancy. Who knows if her child is really Jackson's?"

Rosemi paled. Kelly was a slut, and Kendall might be speaking the truth. Her child might belong to someone else. If

that was true, then everything she did, she did for nothing. No, she also ruined her life in the process.

"Karma always comes back to bite you in the rear, Mrs. Whittle. Don't think you can escape. She's not as easy to

control as you think. You're nothing but her pawn in this game of vengeance of hers."

The evidence Dylan gathered didn't point to Rosemi and Kelly working together to orchestrate the car crash. All it

proved was Rosemi was involved in it. If Rosemi wanted to shoulder all the blame and say she came up with the

plan just to get back at Kendall and Dylan, Kendall couldn't do anything about it, so she had to wear down her mind.

Once she broke down, she might confess that she and Kelly were the ones behind this freak accident.