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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 655
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Chapter 655 Majestic Gifts

Tilly's presence was a clear indicator of her respect for Kendall, and no one would dare to look down on Kendall in

the future. No one in the Coleman Family had to guts to disrespect Kendall since she was the wife of the firstborn

son in that generation. Even if the other men of the same generation got married to women from wealthier

backgrounds, those women would still rank below Kendall in the family.

Tilly was more than aware of the role that Kendall would play in the future, so she actively placed Kendall on a

pedestal from the start. "Dylan is my first grandchild, and Kendall is my first granddaughter-in-law. They hold a

special place in my heart, and I wouldn't miss a special day like this for anything. I'll show up as long as I still have

my two feet to walk," the old lady said with a pleasant smile on her face. She even patted Charlotte on the back of

her hand. "Life will be good from now, my in-laws."

Charlotte returned the smile. "We'll have to thank you for that, Old Madam Coleman." Both Charlotte and her

husband were certainly going to live a good life as long as they had a son-in-law like Dylan. "Grandma," Kendall

uttered sweetly. Charlotte took this as her cue to let go of the old lady's hand, and both Kendall and Dylan then

stepped forward to hold one of Tilly's arms. Tilly's grin seemed to grow wider after that. "Have you been taking care

of Kendall, Dylan?"

Kendall responded in a playful tone. "Look at my waist, Grandma. I grew a few inches because Dylan took care of

me a little too well."

"My eyes aren't good, so I can't tell that you've gained weight. Dylan, on the other hand… I can see his double chin.

It's time to lose some weight, Dylan." The old lady glanced at Kendall before commenting on Dylan's looks.

Dylan was speechless. My mom called me fat earlier, and now my grandmother's complaining about my double

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chin. Am I not allowed to gain some weight?

"I like how Dylan looks with some meat, Grandma." Kendall beamed. "He used to be a little too skinny. I felt like I

was hugging a bag of bones whenever I hugged him."

Tilly chuckled at Kendall's words. "Did you hear that, Dylan? Kendall likes it when you're meatier, so you don't have

to think about losing weight anymore. I guess you do look a little healthier with some meat."

"Whatever you say, Grandma," he muttered after being speechless. He still had plans to watch his diet and weight—

he wouldn't want to get too chubby as he wouldn't want to disappoint Kendall.

With a big smile on his face, Adam called for everyone to get into the house. Along the way in, the Coleman

Family's bodyguards stuck a bunch of stickers and posters for the newlywed couple. Once they entered the house,

the most significant and eye-catching thing in the room was the huge chests filled with cash and jewelry.

Even the neighbors from a few floors above their house could see the glimmering jewelry under the bright sun. On

top of that, there were also tons of property ownership documents and car keys.

Even though Dylan didn't allow Kendall to drive, it didn't stop him from buying her a luxurious car. He also gave her

a house that was under his name, while the older generation of the Colemans gifted her another piece of property.

In other words, Dylan gave Kendall almost everything that he had. He practically gave everything up just to get

married to Kendall. After all, Kendall was a priceless gift in his eyes, and he was willing to give up on all the material

items if those things made Kendall happy.

In fact, Dylan was willing to give his whole self to her. He didn't want any other woman to lay a finger on him at all.

Kendall was shocked to see all the gifts. After Tilly took a seat, both Kendall and Dylan sat down beside each other.

Kendall nudged him with her elbow. "Hey, did you spend all of your savings on this?" she whispered.

"You'll be the head of our family in the future. All I'll have to do is earn more money—I won't interrupt with anything

else," he whispered in reply before holding onto his lover's hand. "You'll have to take good care of the household,

darling. Also, please don't ever dump me. I don't have anything but you now," he muttered into Kendall's ear.

"I'd dump anyone but you," Kendall replied sweetly.

"Aww, I don't have to worry about that anymore, then." Dylan was bubbling with joy. The Coleman Family's offerings

were extremely flashy—Adam and Charlotte were beyond satisfied with these gifts. They had prepared some gifts

for their daughter as well, but after looking at their in-law's offerings, they felt like their gift was barely anything at


The elderlies were talking about Dylan and Kendall for a while before one of the staff brought the wedding plan to

show Adam and Charlotte.

They took a long while to go through the whole plan. "These are the two dates that I chose for their wedding, Adam

and Charlotte. Can you guys look through to see which date fits you best?" Tilly pulled out another piece of paper

with the written dates, and Fergus quickly took it from the old lady before handing it to Adam.

"All the dates work fine for us," Adam replied with a smile. The Parkers had already been preparing for this since

Kendall and Dylan's unexpected marriage. They wouldn't be flustered even if they had to host the wedding in three

days. Adam looked through the dates that Tilly had chosen, and he saw that the latest date was in the following


After calculating the months, he figured that Kendall's child would've been out by then. Old Madam Coleman

probably considered Kendall's pregnancy, and she probably figured that this last date would allow Kendall to give

birth before her marriage.

The closest date was just 20 days. Kendall had just gotten pregnant, and there wasn't a baby bump yet, so she

wouldn't have any issues wearing a wedding dress. The in-between dates were closer to the end of the year, which

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was closer to a lot of other festive celebrations. Adam pointed at the two dates closer to the end of the year to ask

for his wife's and in-law's opinions. "Kendall would've settled down a bit more by then…" he muttered.

Adam didn't want to choose the closest date as he was worried that Kendall would get stressed out over the

wedding planning. She wasn't suffering from any pregnancy side effects so far, but she was still a pregnant woman,

after all. Charlotte and the Colemans agreed on the date that Adam suggested as well, but the decision-making

eventually went back to the couple who was getting married. Adam handed them the list. "You guys should decide

since it's your marriage, Kendall and Dylan."

Dylan handed the list to his wife right after he took it. He had already gone through the dates a long time ago.

Kendall's cheeks turned red after she saw the list. "Mom, Dad, I think it's best that we do it in 20 days. I'd like to

have the wedding a little sooner," she explained. The date that her parents had chosen was in the wintertime, and it

was a lot colder.

The farthest date was not an option for Kendall—it was too long of a wait. She was eager to marry Dylan, and she

felt like her whole journey wouldn't be complete if they received their marriage certificate and had a child but not a


Kendall felt like her marriage to Dylan would only feel official after the wedding itself. She wanted to make up for all

her mistakes in her past life. "Would you be okay with having the wedding so soon?" Adam asked his daughter with

a hint of concern in his voice. Dylan spoke up in a warm and loving tone before Kendall could say anything. "Don't

worry, Dad. I'll take care of her."

What more could Adam say? He simply took the list of dates back from his daughter. "Well, since the kids have

decided to take the nearest date, let's do it according to their wishes," he uttered. Tilly beamed at this. "Sure. Let's

do as they say."