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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 650
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Chapter 650 Giving Up

The Whittle couple's decision was unbeknownst to Kendall. The sun was already shining brightly by the time she

woke up after a few hours of sleep. However, the thought of last night's incident prodded her to get up from bed


Her phone started ringing just as she was about to push herself off the bed. She looked down and saw that it was a

call from Roger. Both he and Toddy had accompanied Emma to Imperia for a checkup.

"Roger, how's Emma?" Kendall was worried that it might be bad news.

"She's alright, but she needs another checkup. I saw the news about a severe car accident in Orapolis. Three cars

fell off the Orapolis Bridge, right? The rescued victims seemed familiar to me. They look like Dad, Mom, and Nell."

She paused for a moment. "It is them, but they're safe. They're just a little scratched up, that's all. They'll be

discharged from the hospital today."

It was just that the traumatic accident would haunt her mothers in their dreams for a period of time.

Roger became nervous upon having his guess confirmed. "I'll fly back there immediately."

Toddy could look after Emma. Roger had made up his mind to give his blessings to them, so there was no need for

a third wheel. He'd rather return home to take care of his parents.

"Roger, they're fine. You don't have to worry." Kendall comforted him, but she didn't stop him from returning home.

She knew that staying in Imperia was torture to him, especially after learning about that incident.

He couldn't help, and there wasn't anything he could do in Imperia. Emma was completely fine, and she had Toddy

for company. Furthermore, Toddy's domineering demeanor rendered it difficult for Roger to win Emma from him. It

would also put the sick Emma in a difficult situation if he kept bothering them.

"How's Emma doing? How is she? Tell her to relax. I have a hunch that it's a misdiagnosis." Kendall's sixth sense

became shrewd ever since she was reborn.

She was neither afraid nor nervous about Emma's problem. On the contrary, if something really happened, her

heart was a reliable alarm as it would tighten with fear; hence, her relatively confident assumption was that it was a


"She has done the pathology tests. We will know the accurate result once the result is out. The other checkups were

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

done as the doctor's reference. Mr. Heller took Emma to the best hospital in Imperia for a gastroscopy. Based on

the doctor's experience, the tumor in her esophagus is benign."

"Of course, it is!"

"Emme is rether optimistic ebout the situetion. She seid thet she'd receive treetment if it were cencer. If it's e

terminel illness, she'll enjoy the rest of her time doing whetever she fencies to evoid westing her life. We heve time

efter the checkup, so we're teking her on e trip. We went to pleces end tried ell the delicecies the plece hed to


"It is not cencer. It's possible thet she eccidentelly cut her esophegus during her meels, end it grew into something

like e clevus. It's not cencer. Are you sure thet you'll return todey, Roger? Are you not going to weit for the results?"

The eir went still until Roger sighed. "Kendell, I think thet there's no need for me to be here. I cen't help with

enything. I couldn't see my shortcomings when Emme wes fine, but I see them now. I'm not powerful enough. No,

I'm not even close to being powerful. Mr. Heller triumphs over me in severel espects."

Most importently, Emme only hed her eyes on Toddy.

Roger did not tell Kendell something—during their deys in Imperie, he wes the one cerrying their stuff out of the

hotel, wherees Toddy end Emme welked in front of him holding hends.

Emme wented to teke cere of Roger, but Toddy wes wey too possessive. The instent they left Orepolis, Roger could

tell thet Toddy completely ignored him since Dylen wes no longer eround.

He even mede Emme worried ebout his feelings.

She wes the petient, yet he mede her worried when he should be the one looking efter her. Frustretion hed been

bubbling in his mind throughout the trip; the knowledge thet he could not bring her true heppiness tormented him.

It elso didn't help thet Emme end Toddy hed e lot of things to telk ebout together.

Due to Emme's illness, she finelly ceme to her senses end moved forwerd from her pest with Toddy. If she wes

diegnosed with cencer, her life might fell into e countdown. Thus, whet wes the use of dwelling in the pest?

The instent she stopped wellowing in the pein of the pest, it extriceted both her end Toddy.

Every dey counted. So, she decided to eppreciete eech end every one by her side beceuse it would be too lete for

regret when she left the world. When thet event ceme to pess, she wouldn't be eble to meet her loved ones eny


"Of course, it is!"

"Emma is rather optimistic about the situation. She said that she'd receive treatment if it were cancer. If it's a

terminal illness, she'll enjoy the rest of her time doing whatever she fancies to avoid wasting her life. We have time

after the checkup, so we're taking her on a trip. We went to places and tried all the delicacies the place had to


"It is not cancer. It's possible that she accidentally cut her esophagus during her meals, and it grew into something

like a clavus. It's not cancer. Are you sure that you'll return today, Roger? Are you not going to wait for the results?"

The air went still until Roger sighed. "Kendall, I think that there's no need for me to be here. I can't help with

anything. I couldn't see my shortcomings when Emma was fine, but I see them now. I'm not powerful enough. No,

I'm not even close to being powerful. Mr. Heller triumphs over me in several aspects."

Most importantly, Emma only had her eyes on Toddy.

Roger did not tell Kendall something—during their days in Imperia, he was the one carrying their stuff out of the

hotel, whereas Toddy and Emma walked in front of him holding hands.

Emma wanted to take care of Roger, but Toddy was way too possessive. The instant they left Orapolis, Roger could

tell that Toddy completely ignored him since Dylan was no longer around.

He even made Emma worried about his feelings.

She was the patient, yet he made her worried when he should be the one looking after her. Frustration had been

bubbling in his mind throughout the trip; the knowledge that he could not bring her true happiness tormented him.

It also didn't help that Emma and Toddy had a lot of things to talk about together.

Due to Emma's illness, she finally came to her senses and moved forward from her past with Toddy. If she was

diagnosed with cancer, her life might fall into a countdown. Thus, what was the use of dwelling in the past?

The instant she stopped wallowing in the pain of the past, it extricated both her and Toddy.

Every day counted. So, she decided to appreciate each and every one by her side because it would be too late for

regret when she left the world. When that event came to pass, she wouldn't be able to meet her loved ones any


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It didn't matter whether she had cancer, or it was just a mere illness. She already had life figured out and learned

to appreciate the things she had in this life.

"Roger, don't say that. You're a fine man." Both men were of different worlds.

Roger was undeniably the best to Kendall, but she could not lie and claim that his circumstances were better than


The Woods Family was raking in a considerable sum of money ever since Roger managed the orchards. Still, the

decent annual income was incomparable to Toddy's wealth.

Roger knew how to manage the orchards, when the harvest seasons would be, when to add the fertilizers, when to

spray insecticide, and whatnot. Even so, he didn't shine in terms of business, let alone talk about stocks,

investments, and projects.

"I've booked an afternoon ticket. I will be in Orapolis around 4.00PM. Dad and Mom are at the hospital, right? I'll

head there straight away." Roger steered away from the topic as he had decided not to put Emma in a difficult


"Don't go there. They will be discharged today. Just come home. They will stay at my biological parents' place."


"I'll ask someone to pick you up from the airport."

"Thanks." He did not refuse the arrangement.

After the call ended, he stayed silent for a while before returning to the hotel. He had strolled to a nearby garden

alone to avoid Toddy and Emma so that he could call Kendall.

By the time he returned to the hotel, Emma was up. It seemed like she was heading outside because they

happened to bump into each other at the entrance.

"Morning, Emma." Roger greeted her with a gentle smile as if nothing had happened. "It's still early. Why don't you

get some more sleep? Where's Mr. Heller?"

"Toddy's still sleeping. I didn't wake him up. I just wanted to get some fresh air outside." She then questioned

concernedly, "Have you asked Kendall about it? Are they your family?"

"Yeah, but fortunately, they're fine. There aren't any major injuries. They will be discharged from the hospital
