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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 642
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Chapter 642 Kelly’s Malevolence

"I've already planned everything out, Kelly. You should get them to leave the house even if they're not in the mood

to have fun. Perhaps you can suggest a change in location. You should try to get them to head out. It'd be so much

easier for us to get things done today since Kendall and Master Dylan are not around," Rosemi uttered. She had

always been an impatient woman, and she was eager to end the Parker Family's lives that day.

Even if she couldn't kill Kendall, she was content with just killing Adam and Charlotte for Kelly's sake. Kendall was

the reason that the Whittle Family went bankrupt, and Rosemi wanted to give Kendall a taste of her own medicine.

"Give me some time to think this through. I'll contact you in a while," Kelly uttered before ending the call. After that,

she paced around her room as she contemplated the situation.

Mrs. Whittle is right. Our plan can easily be achieved today since Dylan and Kendall aren't around. I'll have to find a

way to get Mommy and Daddy out of the house. I can't use work as an excuse since it's a weekend, so… I'll have to

come up with a personal reason. Kelly thought about this for a long while, but she couldn't seem to come up with a

flawless plan. In the end, she decided to get herself involved—she figured she could act as bait.

After a few minutes, Charlotte noticed Kelly heading out of the house. "Your leg is still hurting, and it's still sunny

outside. Is something the matter? Why do you have to leave the house?" Charlotte asked.

"I have some urgent matters to attend to, Mommy. It's Brian, he… Anyway, I can drive, Mommy." Kelly intentionally

brought Brian's name into the conversation. When Charlotte found out Kelly was rushing out to meet Brian, her

expression turned hard and cold. Even Sally shot Kelly a rather disappointed frown. However, Kelly simply hurried

out of the house without providing much of a detailed explanation.

Eventually, Kelly succeeded in driving herself out of the house, and Charlotte was left fuming at home. "We still care

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for Kelly as much as ever, but look at her, Sally! I'm so disappointed in her. She's pregnant, and her leg is hurting,

yet she still insists on rushing out after receiving a call from Brian," Charlotte complained. "She… Mrs. Zorn called

me a few times to lecture me about the way I educate my daughter. She claimed that I was a bad parent to Kelly

and that I was the reason Kelly's so flirtatious. She even said she would break Kelly's leg if she ever saw Kelly hang

out with Brian!"

Charlotte continued, "It's a shame that Kelly doesn't listen to us. If she were more receptive to our words, then she

and Jackson wouldn't have… Kelly used to be such a levelheaded girl. I don't know what got into her." Her voice was

filled with exasperation and guilt. Both Charlotte and Adam used to be proud of Kelly—they used to think they were

good parents because of how well Kelly was doing. They thought they had done a good job in nurturing their

younger generation. So what if we don't have a son? Our daughter can be the heir, and she can run the business

just as well as any other man! That was what Charlotte used to think. However, she could no longer bring herself to

talk about Kelly in front of others at that point. Sally seemed somewhat troubled upon hearing Charlotte's words.

"It's not your fault, Mrs. Parker. Kelly is just… too ambitious." Kelly cannot bring herself to give up on everything that

the Parker Family has. She's competing against Kendall for the Parker Family's inheritance and is trying to find her

support system because Kendall has Dylan as support. But the men around Kelly are no match for Dylan! They

wouldn't even put up a fight! Sally thought.

"I'll talk to her when she's back. I don't care if she'll listen—I have to do my best to talk to her since I'm her mother.

I can't allow her to do this to herself anymore," Sally uttered.

Adam was silent for a while before he joined the conversation. "Milo, Sally… Since you guys are here, I'll tell you

what my plans for Kelly are. I'll officially terminate her position in the company during our meeting on Monday and

send her to Albarife, where she'll take over one of our branches. She'll inherit that company once we're gone. She'll

have to cut ties with Brian and Jackson once she's out of Orapolis, and she can start a new life in Albarife. This will

be good for both her and her child—she'd be able to focus more on parenting her child in the future. If she stayed

in Orapolis, she'd continue to mess around with those men and ruin her reputation even more. That would be

detrimental to her child's future," Adam explained. "Kelly might not be my biological daughter, but I watched her

grow up. We still have a bond between us, so I'll make sure to allocate a few other shop lots and properties for her.

I'll make sure she doesn't have to worry about money in the future."

Adam felt the need to explain himself, as he was worried that the Woodses would find him too heartless otherwise.

He didn't want them to think he was cutting ties with Kelly without giving her anything. "Kelly is a part of the Woods

Family, Adam. How could you share Kendall's inheritance with her? Kelly has already enjoyed tons of benefits that

weren't supposed to be for her. Now, we don't owe each other anything, and you don't need to repay us in any way.

She has the skills, so she can handle things on her own," said Milo. Sally seemed to agree with her husband as well.

"Milo, Sally, stop trying to convince us otherwise. Charlotte and I have spoken about this matter, and we'll stick to

our plan. We were the ones who raised Kelly, after all. She's still a daughter to us. We can't bear the thought of

mistreating her." Adam was insistent on sending Kelly away for good. He didn't want her to have any further

interactions with Brian, and he didn't want the public to criticize her for being a cheap woman. As a father, Adam

felt both angry and helpless to hear such harsh comments about his daughter. He felt helpless as he couldn't stop

his daughter from acting in ways that made her look cheap and flirtatious. "But—" Sally wanted to protest.

"Kendall has Master Dylan now, and it won't take much for her to find happiness. Parker Corporation will eventually

go to her, of course. However, I don't think Kendall can handle the whole company at the moment, so I'll hold onto

it for a few more years." Adam knew that he wasn't biased toward his biological daughter. Parker Corporation

belonged to the Parker Family, so he planned to leave the company for his biological daughter.

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On the other hand, Adam and Charlotte were also generous with what they gave to Kelly. "Of course. You guys have

already given Kelly more than we can ask for," Sally replied with a grateful tone. Meanwhile, Milo simply let out a

loud sigh without saying much. He was well aware of Kelly's personality, and he knew she would still be resentful of

the situation, no matter how thoughtful and kind the Parker couple were.

"I wonder how Kendall's doing." Charlotte changed the topic. "Her appetite has been huge since she got pregnant."

"That's good news! There are two of them to digest all the food that she eats, anyway," Sally replied. I've barely

developed into a living being, Grandma. What am I supposed to digest? The baby in Kendall's belly would have

protested as such if they could talk. Both couples seemed to be in a better mood once they started talking about

Kendall's baby. They were chatting for a while before Adam received a call from Kelly.

He picked up the call and was silent for a while before he shot to his feet. "Where are you right now? Send me your

location, and we'll rush over immediately. You need to calm down and call the police for now. We'll be with you in a

bit," he uttered in a stern voice.

"What is it? What happened to Kelly?" Both Charlotte and Sally were worried. "Kelly hit someone while driving, and

the victim brought a bunch of people over for support. She called me because she was worried about her safety,"

Adam explained after getting off the call.

"My gosh… Is Kelly okay?" Charlotte asked.

"She's fine. She's just in shock. She's probably afraid the other party might beat her up, too. Why don't we hurry

over now, Milo?" Adam suggested. Once they received Kelly's location, Adam got Charlotte to hand him the car

keys, and he asked Milo to come along with him. "Let me go with you guys," Charlotte uttered. She wanted to tag

along as she was worried.