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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 14
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Joseph looked at her coldly and replied, “No.”


Chloe did not dwell on the matter too much, thinking that she must have been hearing things.

“Are all your clothes this revealing?” Joseph suddenly asked in a cold voice.

Perplexed, she looked down at her nightgown, which reached her calves. “Revealing? What do you

mean by revealing?”

“Your collar,” he answered.

Chloe was speechless. “Only a little of my collarbone is shown…”

Joseph was not much older than Jake. She assumed that he was at most eight years older than him,

so why was he so conservative?

“Others won’t see a thing now, but what if you’re lying down?” Joseph stared at her, his magnetic voice

pleasing to the ear.

Chloe was stunned when she heard what he said and suddenly realized what the closing sound from

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earlier was all about. Her cheeks grew hot but kept calm and met his gaze. “If I were lying down, it‘d

only be in my own room. Unless…you have some sinister plot to secretly watch me.”

Joseph laughed and said in a calm voice, “Sorry, but I prefer D cups.”

In other words, Chloe was not his type.

Chloe’s ears were tinged with red as she realized that this shameless man was, in a roundabout way,

insulting her for her lack of bosom. Her lips twitched as she stared at Joseph, who sat lazily in his chair.

His chiseled features were like the most perfect work of God, but now that illusion had been shattered.

She knew he was sarcastic, but she never expected him to be shameless as well.

In a fit of anger, she stormed back to her room.

The next morning, Chloe received a call from the human resources department of Fairlight while she

was still sleeping.

“Hi, Ms. Chloe, are you available for an interview this afternoon? If so, I’ll send the invitation to your


She immediately woke up and replied, “Yes, I’m available. I’ll be there on time. Looking forward to

meeting you this afternoon.”

After hanging up, Chloe messaged Emily to share the good news, and Emily swiftly replied.

[Emily: Fairlight is so efficient! You should prepare well for the interview. Big companies usually have

several rounds of screening.]

[Chloe: Okay! I’ll go prepare now!]

Chloe quickly cleaned herself up. She then took a small notebook to jot down some questions that

might come up in the interview. During the bus ride, she occasionally took it out to review what she had

written down.

Soon, she arrived at Fairlight and followed the receptionist to the interview waiting area. The first

person she saw when she entered was someone she knew well—Melody Grace. She was Ava’s best


Melody was taken aback and clearly had not expected to run into Chloe here.

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When the receptionist left, Melody strutted over to Chloe in her high heels and said in a condescending

tone, “Oh, why are you here Ms. Chloe? If you’re here to apply for a job, I advise you to have some

sense and leave right now. Fairlight isn’t a plaxo.com fast updatece just anyone can get into.”

“You’re right. Fairlight isn’t a place just anyone can get into, especially someone who hasn’t even got

their university diploma.” Chloe sneered.

“Who are you trying to mock here?” Melody snarled.

“I’m mocking the ‘someone’ who’s talking to me,” Chloe replied coldly.

Melody was so angry that she could barely speak. “So what if I didn’t graduate from university? I still

have my family’s support and can find a decent job. Unlike you, who probably can’t even afford a

decent meal right now.”

Chloe’s expression darkened at the mention of her family. She did not bother responding to Melody and

instead sat quietly, flipping through her notes.

Melody surreptitiously took a photo of Chloe and sent it to Ava.

[Melody: Your sister is participating in Fairlight’s interview. My uncle happens to be one of the

interviewers. Should I get her kicked out?]

She then put her phone away and glanced at the interview number on Chloe’s arm.

Immediately, she sent a message to her uncle