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I'll Quit Being a God-Novel

Chapter 507: The Bloodlust Demon Wheel
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Deep within the earth, the white wolf sighed softly, his emotions inexplicably stirred.

Outside Cangwu Abyss, a young girl with silver hair and beast-like ears tightly held onto Lu Heng's sole "relic", steadfastly fixing her determined gaze in the direction of the vanishing woman in red, tears streaming down her face.

Even at this moment, the young girl never truly shed tears.

However, that stubborn demeanor only made one's heartache even more.

Lu Heng hesitated whether to disclose to Xiao Ai the information of his survival, but suddenly he sensed a terrifying aura emerging beside him.

A sudden chill ran through him.

"Who goes there?!" Lu Heng coldly glanced in the direction, while the Heavenly Thunder Sword by his side also pointed towards that direction.

In this otherworldly space, separate from the Celestial Desolation Realm, a terrifying figure slowly emerged.

A colossal figure, resembling a majestic mountain.

The brutal aura of the ferocious beast that annihilates all things, is particularly unsettling.

The ancient fierce beast, known as Tao Wu, had somehow appeared within a mere ten kilometers distance from Lu Heng, existing in the sotherworldly space. Astonishingly, Lu Heng remained completely unaware of its presence?!

In Lu Heng's vigilant gaze, the enormous ferocious beast, Tao Wu, displayed an unsettling calmness, contrary to Lu Heng's expectation of it immediately charging towards him for a fight.

Instead, it stood ten kilometers away, respectfully bowing to Lu Heng.


The commotion of the massive ferocious beast bowing down and prostrating itself directly caused a seismic disturbance within the otherworldly space.

Fortunately, being independent of the Celestial Desolation Realm, this place remains unaffected by mortal affairs, and thus, it has not had any impact on the outside world.

In Lu Heng's astonished and bewildered gaze, the most terrifying of the four ancient evil beasts, Tao Wu, unexpectedly spoke in human language.

"Fu Shan City's Old Man Wu pays respects to the Wolf God!"

Lu Heng listened to Tao Wu's words with a faint state of bewilderment.

Fu Shan City… Old Man Wu…

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Upon seeing the terrifying beast before him, which knelt and bowed with respect while wearing a smiling expression, Lu Heng's countenance appeared peculiar.

"You are… Lord Wu?" A sense of immense absurdity arose within Lu Heng's heart.

And as the colossal beast Tao Wu nodded in acknowledgment, this sense of absurdity reached its pinnacle.

The dialogue before the passage of the reincarnation channel, vividly etched in memory.

"Dare I inquire the Wolf God, about the existence in this world that cultivates with extraordinary speed and possesses remarkable supernatural powers, be it human or demon… In my future life, I aspire to becsuch a being."

Lu Heng has always remembered Lord Wu, who, in those days, courageously faced the tribulations of premature death and willingly reincarnated as a foreign beast.

There have also been thoughts that, perhaps, the two may have a reunion in the future.

After all, the deep obsession of Lord Wu suggests that if he truly cultivates and ascends to immortality through the body of a foreign beast, he will undoubtedly recall the past and cin search.

However, Lu Heng had never expected that their reunion would unfold in such a manner…

Inside the extradimensional space, Lu Heng was both astonished and filled with delight.

He chuckled and said, "After four thousand years apart, I never expected to reunite with you again… When did you recall the various memories of the past?"

The mighty beast Tao Wu let out a thunderous laughter and said, "Only seven hundred years ago did I suddenly recall the memories of the past, only then did I realize the wretchedness of these years. The Wolf God, however, remains enviable. It has been four thousand years, yet your charm still endures."

Four thousand years of thave been sufficient to erode the existence of numerous antiquated souls.

For the beings of the Celestial Desolation Realm, four thousand years is an almost insurmountable expanse of time. Even cultivators find it difficult to attain immortality.

Among the many friends Lu Heng encountered when he descended from the mountains and entered the mortal world, only a few still remain living up to this day.

Gongshu Jie, Lianshan Jing, the Li Tribe's priests, the young girl Qian, Fu Shan City's Wuzhu, Helan Zhen… Among those who were once acquainted, even considered friends, only the undying demon Candle Dragon and the peculiar and mysterious Jiu Mie remain, while only Huo Feng is left alive in the world.

Even the Great Sage of Fu Feng, who was chosen by Fu Xi's Eight Trigrams, has long since gone extinct two thousand years ago, leaving no trace of his soul. The Roaring Goose Sword, which had intricate connections with Lu Heng, also vanished from the world with the Great Sage of Fu Feng's demise, never to be seen again.

Therefore, encountering old acquaintances now brings great joy to Lu Heng.

And in the conversation with Tao Wu, Lu Heng also learned more about the mysterious information regarding the Celestial Desolation Realm.

For example, these ancient Four Evil Beasts are actually vengeful spirits that crawled out from countless divine corpses when the Heavenly Court crumbled, and the bloodshed created rivers in the World of Eight Desolations. After devouring the flesh and blood of ancient immortals and deities, they underwent metamorphosis to becferocious beasts. Normally, they hide within a separate dimension, only emerging when the vitality of the Celestial Desolation Realm reaches its peak, causing ruptures in the fabric of tand space. They then break free into the mortal realm, causing havoc and reaping the essence of life.

And when the World of Eight Desolations brings about the devastation of the world, it often happens at this particular time. Therefore, people consider the manifestation of the Four Evil Beasts as a harbinger of the imminent arrival of the Earthly Catastrophe.

However, after delving deeper into his inquiries, Lu Heng made a surprising discovery.

Within the separate dimension where the ancient Four Evil Beasts normally reside, there are actually eerie entities such as malevolent creatures and vengeful spirits?

Tao Wu's predecessor met a tragic fate, falling victim to a brutal assault orchestrated by eerie and ferocious creatures.

However, Tao Wu was born in the treacherous and unfathomable realm of the separate dimension, leading an incredibly arduous existence. Countless times on the brink of death, it is through an unwavering determination that Tao Wu has managed to survive to this day, persevering in cultivation and growth.

Lu Heng can ascertain that the separate dimension mentioned by Tao Wu is vastly different from the separate dimension he is familiar with!

Because in the cultivator's perception, the separate dimension is desolate and barren, spaces like the Green Hell Cave, which are teeming with living beings and vibrant life, resembling a celestial paradise, are created and opened up by the cultivator themselves using their own magical power to bring living creatures from the mortal realm into it.

However, those eerie and malevolent beasts mentioned by Tao Wu have an unknown origin and are definitely not ordinary creatures of the mortal realm. Moreover, they are incredibly active within the separate dimension where Tao Wu resides.

Moreover, the separate dimension spoken of by Tao Wu is vast and immense, resembling a world in itself! It is far from being an ordinary small realm with restricted boundaries and varying sizes!

"Would you be willing to takeon a visit to the separate dimension where you usually reside?" Lu Heng furrowed his brows and made a request.

His intuition told him that the separate dimension where Tao Wu dwells is undeniably of great significance, and it may even conceal extraordinary secrets!

Because such a mysterious space exists, unknown even to the World of Eight Desolations, which has witnessed countless apocalypses!

Within the vast expanse of the Celestial Desolation Realm, only the Four Great Malevolent Beasts are privy to this information!

Lu Heng's proposal caused the colossal malevolent beast to hesitate slightly.

Even for extraordinary individuals like Tao Wu, the instinct deep within their souls rejects the idea of bringing outsiders into that eerie space.

And if it were not for Tao Wu being the reincarnation of a living soul, as well as the four malevolent beasts being born under normal circumstances, they would not even disclose the existence of that eerie space to outsiders!

From the moment they were born, they possessed an instinct to conceal the existence of this eerie space!

At present, when Lu Heng proposed the idea of visiting, Tao Wu was momentarily rendered speechless.

The emotions and rationality told it that it should bring Lu Heng along, without any reason to refuse.

However, an indescribable instinct restrained it from agreeing to this matter.

Just as the colossal beasts were caught in a bewildered and agonizing dilemma, a sudden change occurred at the distant Arctic Skyark Palace.

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With a eerie loud noise, the ferocious beast Tao Wu in front of Lu Heng let out a sudden piercing cry, as a burst of bloody mist erupted from its body.

Its eyes unbelievably gazed towards the north.

There, in the direction where the All Souls Blood Magic Array unfolded, the All Souls Blood Magic Array presided over by Demon King Sun Yan, astonishingly managed to subdue three ancient ferocious beasts by sheer force?!

Under the guidance of the All Souls Blood Magic Array, as the sole remaining ancient beast outside the blood array, Tao Wu immediately sensed an intangible yet immense force tearing at its body and assaulting its spirit.

Tao Wu's gaze carried a hint of disarray.

"Senior Wolf God!" exclaimed Tao Wu in panic, "Your disciple…"

Before Tao Wu could finish speaking, Lu Heng had already discerned the cause of the unforeseen circumstances.

He looked to the north with astonishment.

Even though separated by billions of miles, yet the direction of the Arctic Skyark Palace still gave rise to a blood-red halo that was clearly visible throughout the Celestial Desolation Realm.

The crimson blood-red halo, akin to a newly risen blazing sun, astonishingly pierced through the darkness, casting a gloomy, blood-soaked hue upon the entire Celestial Desolation Realm.

Under the suppression of Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie, Sun Yan unexpectedly managed to fully activate the All Souls Blood Magic Array?!

How is this possible!

Even with Nine Phoenix assisting to divert attention, the remaining individual among Jiu Mie and Candle Dragon is definitely not someone Sun Yan can contend against!

Moreover, there remains Sword King Huo Feng, whose swordsmanship alone can surpass myriad heavens…

The Heavenly Thunder Sword by Lu Heng's side sensed the horrifying malevolence of the demonic aura, causing it to buzz and tremble uncontrollably, as if readying itself for an imminent strike!

While Xiao Ai outside the Cangwu Abyss, she suddenly realized with astonishment, gazing bewilderedly at the empty underground space.

There, she faintly sensed the aura of the Heavenly Thunder Sword.

However, in this world, besides her, who else can wield the Heavenly Thunder Sword… It seems that only one other person remains…

The links of our ebooks on Amazon: 【KillMore Times, I'll BecInvincible】【The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t LetSlack Off】【I'll Quit Being a God】【The Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up Treatment】【The God of Sky & Earth】【Samsara Games: Very Easy!】【Cultivation: Being Immortal】

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