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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95


After having dinner, they prepared to go to bed. Hope decided to tell Logan about the messages she again

received from the unknown number. “I have something to tell you, she said.

“Hmm? What is it?” Logan asked.

Hope showed him her phone and the messages she had received. “Alaric again contactedwith another

number. | don’t know what he wants from me,” she


“He apologized in the messages. Let's first track its location tomorrow and then, we will decide what we have to

do,” Logan suggested to her.

“Okay.” Hope put her phone away and lay down. Logan switched off the lights after clapping his hands twice and

let the bedside lamps remain on.

Logan had his hand on Hope's head, caressing it. “Hope, are you stressed?” He asked.

“No. | wonder if

savedthat dric is truly my uncle or he lied to me,” Hope stated. “This pendant

savedthat day,” she murmured as she moved her hands on it.

“Your mother knew you would be approached after sometime. That's why she left this for you, Logan remarked.

He too touched it when his eyes shone as he saw the image. of Hope's mother.

Promptly, he removed his hand from her pendant and furrowed his brows together. He stroked her hair and

realized she drifted off to sleep already.

‘Why did | see her mother’s figure?‘ Logan thought in his mind. He gently got out of the bed, without disturbing

Hope's sleep. As he entered his study room, Logan searched for the ancient books, where the mentions of the

witches could be found.

He found three such books and sat on the leather chair. Going through the directory of the books, Logan found

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the mention in the third one.

“The witches diminish in power in the late 90's. Only a few survived after a huge conflict happen amongst

themselves. The witches, who used to live in the City of Thaloria, but now, only the ruins exists there,” Logan

read and lifted his eyes.

“Where is Thaloria located?” He murmured. Logan had not even heard about it while growing up. As he searched

for it, he couldn't find anything. “I will talk to Grandpa regarding this,” Logan decided and read further more.

“The most powerful witch of that twas considered Yohana. She was toldbe blessed by heavens since she

could tell even future. However, one day she disappeared


Chapter 95

and no one could find out about her. Since then these conflicts arise among the witches.”

Logan tried to find out more about the witches, but there was no more information on them. He closed the old

book and leaned back on his chair. His hands rested on the armrest as he tapped his fingers on them.

Picking up his phone, Logan called someone and said, “Could you seetomorrow? Sure. I'll send you the

address, where we have to see each other. He hung up the call and smiled. “Hopefully, through this, | can reach

to Hope's mother’s truth,” he muttered.

“What do you want to do?” Henry inquired Olivia. “Do you wish to show yourself soon?” he asked as he turned

around, holding the wine glass in his hand.

“Not this early, Henry. I've a few matters to look into before | show myself to Logan. I think showing myself on

the day he will marry Hope will be the best,” Olivia said as she took the glass from him and took a sip of the


“You want to break off their marriage!?” Henry's brows arched in amusement.

“Kind of. | want to see how much Logan loves Hope. It's important to know your foe's weaknesses before

crushing him down,” Olivia proclaimed and crossed her arms across her chest.

“I still wonder why Logan is your foe,” Henry muttered. “I know you will not tellthe truth now, but | hope you

trustsoon,” he stated and drank more wine.

“I trust you, Henry. That's why | contacted you first,” Olivia stated and seductively placed her hand on his arm.

She roamed it over his chest. “Just be patient and you'll find the reason why | butchered Logan's heart.”

“Alright,” Henry said and placed the wine glass on the circular table. “These are the keys to my apartment in the

city. You should stay there instead of using this suite.” He placed the keys in her palm.

“No, | don’t want this,” Olivia refused to take the keys when Henry kissed her.

“I love you. | always wanted to share the house with you. Just stay there and I'll be happy,” Henry pronounced as

he stroked her hair ever so gently.

Thank you, Henry,” Olivia said. “I will be happy if you stay withsince we both are going to be each other's

future,” she asserted.

Henry was astonished to learn that. “Really? You want us to live together?” he inquired.

Chapter 95

to confirm.

“Yes. We are dating, no? We both like each other,” Olivia said with a smile tugged across her lips.

“If I'll shift outside the hsuddenly, my family will be suspicious ofand you don’t want to expose yourself

now. So, let's stay together after you show yourself to Logan. What do you think about this?” Henry advised her.

“Yeah, that will be better,” Olivia replied.

“So, what have you been doing all these years? Were you in this country or not?” Henry questioned her.

“I wasn’t here after | planned my death. | flew to USA and lived there until | returned again here. Now, I'm not

going to go anywhere,” Olivia asserted and held his hands. “Thank you for not letting another woman in your

heart, Henry. | thought after | rejected you, you would hate me. But you still carried a soft spot toward me,” she

stated. while keeping a gentle smile on her lips.

“I think I could never forget the woman, who once savedfrom the scolding of my grandfather. Do you

remember when | was new to business and ended up messing with the new project? | was deemed as a fool. You

were the only one, who gavethe support. That's why | could never hate you even though you rejected me,”

he explained to her.

Olivia caressed his arm and said, “You were always smarter than Logan. Just because hist parents died early,

everyone pampered him. | know what's the feeling of being neglected. I'm very sorry for not be able to support

you in those moments. However, now, the situation is different. You will be the Chairman of the Moore Group,

Henry. Also, you'll becthe next Lycan Prince!” She promised him with a glint in her eyes.

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“Thank you, Olivia. Only you have faith in me, Henry stated and captured her lips. He drew her close by placing

her hands on her waist and they passionately nibbled each other's lips.

Her feet slowly moved back and soon, she hit the wall behind her. “Henry,” Olivia moaned his nas she tilted

her head, giving his mouth an access to her neck.

“Your scent is like a drug for me,” Henry murmured. His lips suckled her skin and his hands expertly opened the

knots of her night dress. He caressed her curves as his lips journeyed to her shoulders, then to her arms.

He then carried her up, her legs locked behind his torso. She cupped his face and kissed him wildly. Their

pheromones were at the peak. Soon, they were in the bedroom and. Olivia found herself on the King-sized bed.

10:50 Fri, 1 Mar

Chapter 95

His lips were now her right leg, moving up her thigh. As he nipped the inner part of her thigh, Olivia arched her

back while smiling in pleasure.

“Just do it quickly, Henry,” Olivia begged to him and pulled him up by grabbing his air. Their lips connected and

their bodies were ignited with fire.

“Henry, you are an incredible kisser,” Olivia mutt with a smile when he freed her

curves from the bra. “Ahhhh...” She cried when he kissed one of them while played with the other one.

“And your body is f*cking gorgeous. Your taste is divine and you are so sensitive to my touch,” Henry said with a

smirk and continued pleasuring her.

“Your eyes are beautiful, Henry,” Olivia said when he gazed at her. “Ocean Blue with a tinge of green. Just as

deep and calm as an ocean,” she proclaimed.

“What is your wolf, Olivia? What's your form?” Henry suddenly asked her as he moved. to her level.

“You'll get to see it soon too,” Olivia stated.

Henry did find it weird that Olivia's pupils didn’t change any color even when they were so high im pheromones,

but he didn’t pressed on it further. “Let’s sleep. I've to go for work tomorrow,” Henry opined as he pulled up the

blanket and coveted them from it. Olivia slept close to him by hugging him while his fingers kept stroking her

hair before he drifted off to sleep.