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I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary

Chapter 152
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Chapter 152

Translator: SFBaka

Editor: Thor’s Stone

The sisters were only taking a break from work because they were charging the maintenance bots and had them perform self-diagnostics . When the alarm alerting that the charging and self-diagnostics were complete rang out, they returned to work with a bit of reluctance present in their expressions . I saw them both off and headed to the Black Lotus’s cockpit next, where May was staying .

“What’s the matter, Master?”

As soon as I entered the cockpit, May noticed me and turned around . There was a cable extending out from one of her wrists, and it was plugged onto the cockpit console . She was probably using this particular direct interface method to control Black Lotus . But the ship was parked inside the base hangar right now, so I wonder what she’s actually doing?

“Uh, I was just checking on everyone before we set off for the mission . ”

“And you also wanted to check on me?”

“Yeah . You’re also part of the crew . May . ”

“I see . ”

I felt like I saw a glint of happiness in her eyes that were behind red-framed glasses . May remained as expressionless as ever, but I feel like she’s begun to show some subtle emotional changes through her body language and aura more often than before . Since I was able to pick up on them now, for the most part, it might be an indication that May’s range of expression really was developing . Well, it’s not like you can pick up on them normally at first glance, so it was a very subtle change .

“Master really is a mysterious person . ”


“Yes . In the empire, advanced independent AIs like me are nominally granted civil rights to an extent under the law . However, whether or not those rights are actually recognized is another story . ”


I was a little confused by May’s statement . Just what does she mean?

“Most people from other nations largely do not recognize the rights bestowed upon imperial AIs like me, and even a good number of imperial citizens have the same attitude . Of course, a lot of people do treat us appropriately as well, but someone like Master, who sincerely treats AI like me no differently from other people, is exceedingly rare . Your act of worrying about me right now before we head out for a potentially dangerous mission is a great example of how different your attitude is from most others . ”

While saying so, May gradually closed the distance between us and gave me a hug . I froze up after being hugged by a girl who was almost the same height as me .

Man, it’s just like always, but how does an android like her manage to smell so nice, I wonder . The slightly sweet and fragrant scent never fails to make my heart race .


“I am certainly a machine . But scary things are scary . Crystal lifeforms do not discriminate between organic and non-organic . They devour organic lifeforms and machines alike . This body that was designed by Master is no exception to that . Of course, Mimi-sama, Elma-sama, Tina, and Whisker are no exception either . All of them are my precious friends . If they were to be harmed, I would be sad as well . ”

May said all that in one breath . She then slightly relaxed her hug and stared up at my face from a close distance .

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“But I am most afraid of losing Master . Master is my sole reason for being . Even if Mimi-sama and Elma-sama were to survive, I would probably fall apart if I were to lose you instead, Master . ”

I nodded quietly to May, who was facing me with a serious gaze .

“In truth, I didn’t really want you to accept such a dangerous request . It would have been fine to leave dealing with the crystal lifeforms to the military . The profits you will potentially earn do not equal the danger you will be subjected to . Hunting pirates would be the safer and most efficient option for earning money . However, I believe Master would never leave Major Serena to undertake the mission alone . ”

“Yeah, I guess . ”

I would certainly regret it if I left the system just like this only to find out later that Major Serena died . I would like to lend her a hand as much as possible .

“That’s why I didn’t stop you . But I will do what I have to do for your sake . ”

“Sorry, May . ”

“It’s alright . I am already content that you are concerned about me as well . ”

I hugged May back . Her inner frame and her artificial muscles were made out of special metals . Her soft skin was an artificially synthesized material designed to mimic organic skin, and her body heat was generated by the heat exhaust of an ultra-compact power generator installed within her . Her glossy black hair, glittering obsidian eyes, and everything else about her was all designed to mimic humans .

However, for me, May was May . Her being fake or real didn’t matter at all for me .

“I won’t be brought down by the likes of crystal lifeforms . ”

“Yes . I believe in you, Master . ”

“Yeah . I won’t betray your trust . Ever . ”

We hugged each other in silence for a while and very naturally separated .

“Please leave the piloting and general operations of Black Lotus to me . This ship is the place Master comes home to . I will definitely protect it with my all . ”

“I’ll leave it to you . ”

“Yes . Please don’t worry . ”

I waved goodbye to May, who bowed toward me, and I decided to visit Mimi and Elma next .

Mimi and Elma were both inside Krishna’s cockpit .

“What are you girls up to?”

“Ah, Hiro-sama . ”

“We’re going to go up against crystal lifeforms on this next mission, right? I’m assisting Mimi in calibrating the radar so we can pick them up more easily . ”

“I see . ”

Although it won’t result in a dramatic increase in performance, it was indeed possible to adjust the sensitivity of the radar toward a certain target to some extent . Thus, the radar’s performance in picking up crystal lifeforms can also be slightly increased . However, the trade-off is a decreased performance in its ability to detect other objects apart from crystal lifeforms .

“If you adjust it once and save it on the preset settings list, you can change to that mode with a press of a button, right? That’s why we’re trying to save as many settings as we can . ”

“That’s a pretty good idea . If you can master it, you’ll be one step closer to being a full-fledged operator . ”

“I’ll do my best!”

Mimi replied energetically as she continued to fiddle with the radar console . I was watching over her from the cockpit entrance . As I watched Mimi, I remembered the first time she boarded my ship . She was really anxious and jittery back then . But now, she was looking more and more like a proper ship operator day by day .

How long has it been since I met Mimi anyway? When I’m staying inside my ship, my sense of time becomes vague, so I can’t say for sure . But it probably hasn’t been a year since then . Her improving this much after only less than a year might be a sign of talent, but it’s mostly due to her hard work . She picks up her tablet and studies about being an operator whenever she has a chance after all .

As I was thinking about that stuff, Mimi and Elma’s gazes turned toward me .

“What’s up? You’re spacing out over there . ”

“Are you nervous about the request, Hiro-sama?”

“Nah, it’s not that . I was just thinking about how much you’ve improved, Mimi . ”

“Eh!? N-No, I haven’t really improved that much . I’m still pretty much a rookie . ”

Mimi’s face turned beet-red as she frantically waved her hands in denial . It’s true that she was still pretty new, but she isn’t easily distracted during battles now, and whenever she performs her duties as the ship operator, there was a noticeable hint of confidence on her pretty face .

“Yes, you’re right . She can’t be compared to how she was back at Termaine Prime . ”

“Eh…… Why did you join in as well, Elma-san?”

Mimi’s expression turned even more embarrassed . Maybe she thought we were just making fun of her .

“I’m not sure about Elma, but I’m absolutely serious here . ”

“Huh? I’m serious too, you know . Well, I guess her turning out like this is only natural since she boarded your ship, Hiro . ”

“That’s right . It’s all thanks to Hiro-sama . ”


“Yep . Her growth is fast because she’s subjected to lots of practical experiences . ”

Mimi nodded repeatedly at Elma’s words . Well, I guess we do hunt pirates far more often than your average merc . So it’s just as Elma said . She earned a lot of practical combat experience . While it’s true that earning practical experience contributes greatly to growth, this was reality and not a game, so that alone won’t improve one’s operator skills .

“I think it’s more thanks to Mimi being really earnest in her training and studies . ”

“That’s true as well . So it’s a combination of Mimi’s diligence and Hiro’s spartan practical combat experience training . ”

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“Elma-san is a really great teacher as well . ”

“Yeah . All of that combined led to your current abilities, Mimi . ”

“……Mm . Maybe . So, um, what are you here for anyway, Hiro?”

Elma quickly tried to change the subject with a red face .

“That’s really cute, Elma . ”

“Elma-san can be so shy sometimes . ”

“Mou! Don’t tease me, you two!”

We apologized with a smile to the fuming Elma .

“So, what are you up to again, Hiro?”

Elma regained her composure and asked me once more .

“Nothing much, really . I was just checking up on everyone . ”


Elma snorted and approached me .

“……It seems you hit it off with the others really well, huh?”

“You’re scaring me . ”

“You’re right, Elma-san! Hiro-sama definitely has the smell of other women on him……!”

Mimi grinned and giggled teasingly after seeing my and Elma’s exchange . It ain’t something to laugh about, you . Elma’s really scary y’know .

“Okay then . If that’s how it is, then how about getting along with me and Mimi as well?”

“That’s a great idea, Elma-san . ”

“Please go easy on me, ladies . ”

“Hmm . Let’s see…… As your apology for leaving us last, we’ll have you serve us a lot, okay?”

Elma grabbed my left arm and Mimi grabbed my right . They then began to pull me out of the cockpit .

“Let’s eat some delicious stuff at the dining room first . ”

“Yes . What should we do after that?”

“Hmm . Maybe we’ll have him give us a massage next?”

“Yes, yes…… I’ll do everything you want me to . Sheesh . ”

I smiled bitterly as I continued to let myself be pulled by the two of them . Well, I don’t mind being pushed around by these two for a bit . Once we take on the request, we won’t even have time for flirting after all .