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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 869
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Once outside, Andreas gave Bonnie a thumbs up and said, "I never noticed how well you teach others a lesson. You didn't even have to do it yourself. Instead, you called his dad and had utter control over him." Bonnie turned to him, saying, "Do you think that was a big deal? You don't know the half of it, Andreas." A hint of gloominess flashed across Andreas's eyes. "If only I could always stay with you in Pyralis. Then, I'd be a part of your life and know everything that happens around you." Suddenly, something occurred to him, and his eyes sparkled. "It doesn't matter. We'll always be together once you becmy princess and return withto Zudale." Bonnie felt a headache coming on when he mentioned the word princess. "Yeah, about that. I think it's-" Andreas cut her off when he realized she was about to say something he did not want to hear, "I think the professor wants us to go to the lab for his lecture. Let's hurry, or we'll be late." Bonnie knew he changed the topic on purpose. She could only shake her head and drop it. That said, she had to resolve it instead of stall.

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'Maybe I'll tell Andreas how I truly feel this Friday night. I'll end things with him once and for all.' Friday arrived in the blink of an eye. Bonnie was reviewing sdocuments in the lecture hall when her phone buzzed. She looked over and saw a text from Andreas. "thave something to attend and won't attend classes today. Make sure you're there at five." His following message was the address of the rose garden. It would be a romantic spot, and he had skipped classes to make preparations.

Bonnie thought, 'I felt something was up when Andreas first askedto meet. His texts only confirmed my suspicions. It's my first tdealing with something like this, and I don't know what to do.' Although she genuinely did not want to go, she had promised Andreas she would. It would be unseemly for her to stand him up. Meanwhile, she also wondered how many people he would invite. If people were present, it would be challenging for her to reject him.

The more Bonnie thought about it, the more stressed she felt. Her om expression showed that she was distressed. She would rather conduct ten research projects simultaneously than be tortured by such a scenario.

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Avril walked past Bonnie and noticed the latter's tense expression. Avril could not help but ask, "What's wrong, Bonnie?" Bonnie was about to say something when her eyes twitched. She felt like it would never stop.

Avril noticed it and asked again, concerned, "Did something get in your eyes? Do you needto blow at them?"

Bonnie sighed before looking at Avril, saying, "It's not dust. My eyes aren twitching, and I don't know why. I feel like something terrible is about to happen." X