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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 835
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"No problem," Andreas said as he led Bonnie to the second floor, gesturing towards a row of rooms. "You can choose any of these rooms. Just pick one that you like." Bonnie looked at the empty rooms before her, and her suspicion grew. "It's peak tourist season. Why do you have so many vacant rooms? It should be fully booked, given how nice this place is. Are you sure this is a guesthouse?" Despite her doubts, Andreas didn't seem like a bad person. She wasn't sure what his intentions were for bringing her here.

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Andreas had initially wanted to concoct a lie, but he found himself unable to do so when he met Bonnie's penetrating gaze. He decided to tell the truth.

"You're right. This place isn't a guesthouse. I saw you struggling to find a place to stay, and it remindedof how many people helpedwhen I visited Arvandor. So, I wanted to return the favor and help you out. I didn't expect you to see through it so quickly." "I see," Bonnie nodded, understanding the situation. She then looked at him closely. "So, who exactly are you?" Andreas puffed out his chest proudly. "I am the prince of this country. So, you can ctofor help if you encounter any problems here. I can solve them for you." "A prince?" Even someone as composed as Bonnie was slightly surprised. Who would have thought that in her search for a place to stay, she would accidentally run into the prince of the country? Her luck seemed almost too good to be true.

"Yeah, don't you believe me? How about I take you to the palace for a tour to prove my identity?" Andreas suggested and started to pull Bonnie along. Bonnie quickly withdrew her hand from his grip and shook her head. "No need to prove it. Your extravagant attire alone convincesyou're a real prince." Moreover, she noticed many valuable items in the hall when she entered earlier, and the luxurious decor of the rooms confirmed Andreas's claims. "Good, I'm glad you believe me. So, feel free to stay here. It's completely safe. Letknow if you find anything unsatisfactory, and I'll fix it." "Alright, thank you," Bonnie replied. She then remembered her original purpose and asked, "By the way, do you know where blue barberry grows? I chere specifically to find it." Andreas thought for a moment and then nodded. "I do know, but it's located in a rather remote and dangerous area. Are you sure you want to go there?" "Yes. Can you tellthe exact location? I'll set off first thing tomorrow morning and return once I've got the blue barberry." Bonnie had call this way specifically for the blue barberry and was determined to retrieve it regardless of the dangers.

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Andreas stared at her for a moment before making a decision. "It's not safe for you to go there alone. Stay here for a few days while I handle I smatters. Then I'll take you there with my bodyguards.

Bonnie thought it over. She was in a foreign place, and having Andreas accompany her with his bodyguards would significantly increase her safety and reduce the likelihood of getting lost. She agreed. "Alright, thank you. After this is done, I will reward you as a token of my gratitude."

Even though Andreas probably lacked nothing as a prince, she still felt it was necessary to show her En appreciation. Andreas laughed at her offer. "I don't need any reward. Just considera friend."