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I Became His Sweetheart by Bright Eyes

Chatper 435
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Chapter 435 Old Flame

“If you’re in doubt about the ingredients she used, she can leave all the fragrances she personally

made here. You can do whatever analysis you want. All seven Ingredients wouldn’t cost more than 200

dollars in total anyway–It wouldn’t even be enough to buy feed for our cattle!”

Shane was feeling much more confident now. Not only did he translate what Pamela wanted to say, he

even added his own wrath into his tone.

Pamela once again explained that the cost of her fragrance was very low, and that was enough to shut

up all the foreign doubters!

“The perfume made by contestant number sixteen is quite fresh and fragrant. Smelling it is enough to

make me feel relaxed. Its smell and the method used to make it are both simple, and on top of that, the

cost is very low. All of this fits the criteria of this competition. It’s only natural for her to win the first


The judges from within the country summarized in time.

Aiden bit his lip. The staff member that had given him the hand signal was also very nervous since he

couldn’t give him any clues. His inquisition had failed.

The competition was over!

Contestant number sixteen Pamela had won first place!

She was still wearing her overalls and a mask, and she went to receive the prize as everyone looked

on. Despite being a warden for a mountain for so long, Pamela acted magnanimously. which could be

seen from the way she moved and the way she looked at everyone. She wasn’t as fearful as the

siblings at all.

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All the netizens were curious as to what this graceful old lady looked like.

A seventy–year–old grandmother was able to beat a foreign contestant on behalf of their country…

That was so encouraging!

At that moment, the screen was filled with all kinds of messages about learning until one’s old



Melanie had quickly changed before heading to the lounge belonging to contestant number

sixteen. “It’s me!”

Someone quickly came and opened the door. Melanie looked at her, surprised. “Pam!”



The young woman in her early twenties yelled excitedly as she turned around and said, “Mom! It’s


Pamela had already changed as well and came to greet her.

She was wearing an aqua–colored traditional dress. It managed to show just how pale her skin was

compared to the time back on the mountains, where she had been wearing a leather robe. Despite her

age, even the colors of her wrinkles looked harmonious. Her grace was beyond


When Melanie saw her, she couldn’t help but be happy. “To think that you’d be joining the

competition… I couldn’t have expected this at alll”

Pamela tried to speak as she signed with her hands, upon which Pam said, “Mom, I know what you’re

trying to say. Let me explain: Mom didn’t register for the competition herself. Someone

came to the mountain and asked for her help a few days ago!”

“Who?” Melanie asked curiously.

“This is the guy…”

Pam searched for her purse and got a name card out.

Melanie gave it a look. It was Elder Gibson’s assistant!

“In the beginning, he told us that this competition is a plot set up by a foreigner against the contestants

from our country, and asked if my mom knew how to blend any fragrances. He even said that he knew

you gave her a set of fragrance–blending equipment earlier. My mom refused him, saying that she

didn’t want to join the contest.”

“However, that man said that if you lost to a foreigner, it’ll ruin your reputation and you’ll get scolded by

everyone. After that, Mom agreed to it!”

Pam was also very excited as she shook Melanie’s arm with a smile. “Melanie, you’re so impressive!

I’ve asked my mom for many years, but she refused to even take a step out of the



Melanie was touched. She had countless words inside her heart that she wanted to say, but all she

could manage in the end was a thank you.

Pamela gently smiled and shook her head.

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“Pamela… Is that your real name? Or did you remember something?” Melanie asked.


Pam then replied on her mother’s behalf, “No. That man said that she needed a name to register for

the competition, but she didn’t have one, so she gave herself one and even used my name as


Melanie said with a smile and said, “I don’t even know what to call you. By age, I should call you

grandmother. But… Pam calls you mom, and it makes things weird.”

After that, both Shane, Pam and even Pamela smiled. After pausing, Pamela said something and Pam

translated it for her. “My mom said that you can call her Pamela.”

“Thank you, Pamela,” Melanie thanked her sincerely again.

Pamela held her hand with a gentle smile and pointed at the trophy on the table, saying something.

Shane then explained, “My mom said that she did manage to bring a champion’s trophy back home, so

it’s not a loss.”

Melanie knew that Pamela was worried that she would feel pressured, which was why she said. that.

She had lived a life that cared little for reputation, so she wouldn’t care whether or not she was

acknowledged by the world.

Melanie gave back the name card back to Pam. Suddenly, she remembered something, and her eyes

opened wide.

If the person that asked for Pamela’s help really was Elder Gibson’s assistant, then… The old flame

that Elder Gibson couldn’t continue with any longer… Could she be… Pamela?