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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 724
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Chapter 724

The scale of the Fairhaven Group premises, only the towering Abernathy Group

rivaled the might of it. The skyscraper, with its dozens of stories and thousands of

rooms, was a testament to power and intimidation. But within its labyrinthine

confines, Jareth’s heart raced with dread at the thought of his beloved Marilla

being- trapped in ssecret chamber, subjected to unspeakable horrors.

His fingers trembled violently, a physical manifestation of the pain that coursed

through his nerves, tormenting his nearly shattered heart with an excruciating


Gary would never divulge where he’d hidden Marilla; he relished the thought of

keeping his most treasured possession out of reach, twisting the knife in Jareth’s

heart, fueling his rage, his hatred.

Yet, what baffled Jareth most was Lily’s prowess. She could handle herself, no

doubt about it – one against ten or even twenty was child’s play for her. She was

armed and wouldn’t hesitate to take down any of Gary’s goons if push cto


He couldn’t fathom how the riff–raff under Gary’s command had breached his

hsecurity, snatched Marilla from under Lily’s vigilant watch, and spirited her

away to the Fairhaven Group’s fortress without a whisper of a lead.

“Did you check the surveillance?!” Jareth barked as he raced through the

corridors, his throat raw with urgency. Dean, hot on his heels, clenched his jaw,

“Checked. No camera shows any sign of Mrs. Fairhaven. Whoever brought Mrs.

Fairhaven here knows the Fairhaven Group premises inside out. It’s gotta be an

inside job.”

“It’s collusion, I bet!” Jareth’s voice was a harsh rasp of bloody vengeance as he

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called Lily, “Otherwise, that son of a b*tch wouldn’t have the guts!”

But Lily’s phone was off. Jareth’s heart tightened, a cold sweat breaking out

across his b*dy, a chilling premonition of something far worse than he’d


“Round up everyone. Search room by room! Whoever finds my wife, I’ll guarantee

them a lifetof riches!” He declared with a voice rising from a pain–wracked

chest, his pale l*ps trembling, his breaths erratic, “Also, call the police. Lily’s in


“Yes, Mr. Fairhaven!” Dean affirmed at once.

Jareth’s mind raced, piecing together the layout of the room where Marilla might

be held. It was an odd room, different in color and furnishings from the rest of the


Gary wanted to play mind games, to make it hard for Jareth to find her. That

meant the secret chamber was somewhere Gary was sure he wouldn’t know.

Suddenly, it dawned on Jareth that the top floor, the chairman’s private domain,

was off–limits to others. That had to be where Marilla was!

He sprinted off the elevator when it reached the top floor, calling out for his love

with a voice so hoarse it mangled the n“Marilla” into an unrecognizable


Then he stopped dead in his tracks.

At the end of the quiet corridor, a dark crevice had opened in the otherwise

immaculate wall. And there, Marilla’s favorite teddy bear sat obediently against the

wall, just as his darling wife would wait for him on the couch each night, a picture

of tranquil domesticity.

In the blindingly white room beyond, Marilla lay silent and broken on the floor, her

slender b*dy in a white cotton dress as fragile as a feather on the verge of being

scattered by the wind.

“Marillal Jareth’s whole b*dy shook uncontrollably as he kneeled beside her, pulling her limp form into his chest, “Marilla, Jareth’s here, your husband’s here.

It’s okay; It’ll be okay.

His words were incoherent, his teeth chattering, bitter tears spilling over his reddened eyes and Into the deptha of his heart.

Chapter 724

Marilla’s eyes opened slowly, dim and unfocused. She tried hard to open her

mouth, but it took a while to finally make a sound, her red eyes like a desiccated

well, “Jareth, why did you take so long? Why did you take so long?”

Each weak question felt like a bullet through Jareth’s heart. The guilt and pain

were overwhelming; his l*ps moved, but no words would form

“Something happened to Lily, is she going to die?”

The mere thought about the previous image on the screen sent Marilla into a

panic, her eyes wide open, her frail b*dy suddenly convulsing in Jareth’s arms. He

was terrified, each breath stabbing at his chest.

“No, Lily won’t die! Marilla, I’m taking you to the hospital right now!”


After what happened today, they had no choice but adjourn the board meeting.

The Fairhaven father and son were left alone in the boardroom.

“Did you see that, Dad? That Abernathy girl is completely unhinged.” Face swollen

from a beating, Gary spat out venomously. “We can’t let a woman like that into

the Fairhaven family. It’ll be a curse for generations! Imagine the gossip in

Elmsworth, saying we’re the Abernathy’s lapdogs, desperate to welctheir

deranged daughter into

our family. Sickening, don’t you think?”

Barry’s stern gaze and displeased downturn of l*ps gave silent agreement to his

son’s words.

“Dad, to leave today’s such an important board meeting for that lunatic! What

does Jareth think the board meeting represents? Does he respect you at all? Is he

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fit to be CEO? Gary fumed with indignation.

Barry looked at him sideways, ‘Jareth may not be fit, but do you think you are?”

Gary was left speechless.

“I’m your old man, kid. You think I don’t know how much you weigh in this game? I

might be getting on in years, but I’m not out of my mind. If I let the Fairhaven

Group fall into your hands, I might as well dig a hole and bury myself before the

frost sets in!”

A surge of fury shot through Gary’s veins. The old man had always favored the

firstborn’s family. After all the trouble of getting rid of Kris, his son was still

blocking Gary’s path!

He was green with regret. Back in the day, he should’ve had no mercy. When

Jareth was just a kid, he should’ve taken him out of the picture, and none of this

endless hassle would’ve followed!

Gary took a deep breath to compose himself, thinking that since the CEO seat

was out of reach, he had to make sure Jareth’s marriage to the daughter of the

Abernathy family fell through.

That young wolf had snatched his power; Gary would snatch away his beloved.

That would be fair that would be satisfying!

“Dad, you see how things are shaping up today. I don’t think Jareth has any

intention of giving up on the Abernathy girl.”

Gary’s gaze turned dark and brooding. “You know the kind of stubbornness in that

boy. If he’s set on marrying her, I doubt we can sway his choice.”

“Maybe we couldn’t before, but now, it seems we don’t have to lift a finger.”

What do you mean?

“If the video of Me. Abernathy having an episode goes viral, causing a stir across

town, do you think Frederic would still agree to marry his daughter Into our family?” Barry let out a cold laugh, “I dare say that not only Frederic but even his

best buddy Thaddeus wouldn’t stand by him then

Gary clapped his hands in delight as he gave a thumbs up in an instant, “Damn,

many a good tune can be played on an old fiddlel Ive still got a lot to leam from
