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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 The hell you‘re about to see.

“Have you given her blood before?” Eliza asked as she tapped her foot impatiently against the wooden

floors-she seemed a little surprised. Or perhaps Doris was imagining it all. It was getting harder to tell

what was real. “Yes, and she woke up an hour after I did.” William straightened his shoulders and looked

down his nose at Eliza. “If you don’t mind.” He said with a gesture to the door. It was almost funny seeing

him be talked down to for once. She wished she was better so she could have

enjoyed it more. Eliza glanced at Doris and squeezed her hand before she left the room, closing the door

silently behind her. William went to lock it before he returned to her side. She felt her nightgown already

sticking to her skin again with how much she was sweating. William surprised her by crawling into bed

with her, it dipped under her weight and almost sent her rolling into him. He sat himself up against the

headboard and pulled her weak body against him. She rested her back against his chest and closed her

eyes again. “Don’t do that, you have to stay awake for this.” He said more gently than before. William

lifted his wrist to his mouth and sliced it open with his teeth. Her eyes grew a little wide when she saw

him retract his fangs as blood dripped down his chin. He held his wound in front of her mouth and she

shook her head and tried to push away from him. “Come on, Doris.” He said through his teeth. William

gripped the back of her head and forced her mouth to his skin. The taste of copper hit her tongue and

made her want to gag. She tried moving away from him again more desperately, but he only held her

still. Soon, it took on a different taste. What tasted like a she was licking a coin turned to something

almost… sweet. A strange sugar taste filled her mouth that made her grip his arm so she could get more.

“Yes.” A voice said in her mind. Was it William’s wolf? Her own wolf woke up as if it had been sleeping

and curled

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around the voice like a blanket. “Come on now, Doris. Take more.” “My mate…” Her wolf said to his as

his blood slid down her throat. She could feel their connection open wide enough for her to feel it against

every ounce of her body. She looked up at him as she drank and he watched her with a tender, almost

lustful gaze. Doris moved herself closer to him, he held her against his body and their limbs tangled

together as the sparks exploded through her skin. She could feel his emotions, almost as if they were her

own. He was worried and angry, desperate and a little frightened of what was to become of her. Or them.

She wondered if he could feel her own emotions. The hatred and strange pull she had for him. She fit

against him like a piece in his missing puzzle. His blood flowed through her body and allowed her back

some of the strength she lost. The intense heat was fading rapidly, but a new one formed as she moved

on top of him and he groaned from her touch. His hand moved from the back of her head to grip her

waist through her thin nightgown. She wasn’t sure how much

blood she was supposed to take but it tasted better than anything that had ever hit her tongue. She

wanted to drown in it, to live every day if she could have a small taste. “Just a little more.” He said

against her ear. Their wolves felt like they were circling in her mind before they curled around each other

and took comfort in the others warmth. She couldn’t focus on what they said, but it felt like home when

they were together. Did William

feel that too? Or was she hallucinating all of this? William gripped the back of her neck and held her still

as he pulled his wrist away from her mouth and deprived her of what she wanted. His blood leaked from

her lips and stained her nightgown a gruesome color, but neither of them seemed to notice anything

except for the other He looked at her with a sort of longing that she knew she was imagining but allowed

herself to give in to the fantasy, if only for a moment in time. Her eyes flickered to his mouth before she

forced herself to look up at his dangerous blue eyes again-but he was entranced by her red lips. A crazy

part of her wanted to

dare him to close the distance and remake one of her darkest dreams. His eyes glazed over as if he was

already well into that dream where she didn’t allow herself to feel shame for her desires. Did he imagine

what it would be like to kiss her with his blood on her lips? Did he allow himself to wonder how soft she’d

feel beneath him? If felt as if she had been drugged, her mind grew foggy as she quickly moved herself

off him. What was she doing? What-on earth had she been thinking? His face turned to stone when she

looked at him again, as if it had never happened at all. Perhaps it hadn’t and it was all in her head. Beth

had once told her the blood of a werewolf was strong enough to drive someone insane. Her energy had

spiked higher than it had even before she was poisoned—and then it quickly started to decrease. She

wanted to believe that it never happened, that she hadn’t just thought about him kissing her and giving

into a dark desire she was forbidden to have. She wasn’t a stupid girl, so why had she allowed herself to

think like one? “You’ll need to eat before you sleep

again.” William said. The bed creaked as he stood and pulled food from the basket Enzo had brought her

the night before. It must have all been old, but she felt ravenous Doris sat up and ripped through the

sandwich he gave her. Too hungry to be ashamed of eating like an animal in front of him. He didn’t look

disturbed or disgusted, he only seemed to make sure she ate every bite of food he handed her. After she

finished the entire basket of food-which was easily two days worth

– he gave her cold water to wash it all down. “Are you still hot?” He asked. Doris froze and tried to

register how her body was feeling. It was jittery and desperate for rest at the same time-but not hot. In

fact, she felt the cold sneak up her bare legs and try to turn her into ice. “No. Can you close the window,

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please?” William did so without a trace of annoyance. Doris pulled the covers up over herself again

before the chill tore her apart just like her fever did. It felt like a shock in her body to have it change so

rapidly from one extreme to the next.

She lifted the blankets to her chin and watched as he lit the fire again. When he sat down next to her

bed, she hesitated. “You don’t have to stay with me if you want to go get some rest yourself. I’ll be fine

for a few hours.” “Did I say I wanted to leave?” “No, but,” “Don’t question my actions.” He snapped. She

clamped her lips shut. As harsh as he sounded, it was almost sweet of him. If he heard her think that,

he’d probably throw her out in the snow just to prove he wasn’t. Still… a small part of her trusted him

more than she wanted to admit. It felt like a betrayal to herself, this entire time she knew she didn’t want

to trust him or get close to him in case he snapped but – his actions spoke louder than any cruel words

he’d thrown at her. Doris drowsily looked around the room and realized what a mess it was. Did she

make that mess? Days worth of dishes were spread across the counters and male clothes thrown across

the floor that didn’t belong to her. When she looked at him again, she realized he must have been the

one to make the mess.

“Have you slept at all?” She asked softly as she took in the sight of his sleepy face. A wave of chills

passed through her body, he sat up a little and watched her until it passed. “I’ve slept plenty.” Was all he

said. Doris reached out to put her hand over his own that rested on his lap. He tensed under her touch.

“Thank you for staying.” She didn’t care if it scared him away, she wanted him to know how grateful she

was for him. He stared at her in silence for a few minutes, she wondered if he even allowed himself to

breathe. William gripped her hand and squeezed

1. it.

“Rest. I’ll be here when you wake from the hell you’re about to see.”