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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 We got a pretty one here

It all happened so fast, Doris was barely able to duck before William had thrown himself on her. A spray

of arrows thunked against the trees seconds later, she saw the wood splinter from how hard it hit right

where William had been standing. Shouts broke any sense of silence the night had, it turned into chaos

and Doris wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. William grabbed her arm and had her follow him in

a crouch across the clearing as a pack of men and wolfs fell upon the guards. William placed her behind

a large rock and fallen tree and threw his coat over her. “Stay here and don’t move. Call out for me if

someone comes near you.” He said before he turned to face the rogues that ambushed them. Doris

gripped the bark of the tree and held her breath as she watched. It was pure madness. Wolves rained

down on some of the guards before they could even get their weapons out. She shielded her eyes as

one of them got their throat torn out and stomach ripped open. She lost William in the crowd, she wasn’t

sure if he shifted to his wolf or if he was still human. There was so much blood in so little time, the entire

ground was stained with it. Her eyes tried to keep track of each guard, but they were so spread out it was

hard to follow them. Off to the right, a guard got the better of a rogue and slammed his knife through its

jaw, Doris quickly looked away and tried to find William again. Where had he gone? Surely he couldn’t be






We got a pretty one here A large wolf turned from the center of the chaos. His eyes locked on where she

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was hidden, Doris crouched down further and brought the jacker up higher on her head. The grey wolf

sniffed the air and backed up a little before it fully sprinted towards where she was hiding. Doris saw its

sharp teeth flicker in the moonlight as it opened its jaws wide. Doris started to move but stopped before

she got very far. A black wolf tackled the grey wolf before it could reach her. They slid across the snow

while snapping their jaws at each other. The black one grabbed a hold of the grey one’s neck before it

could even think to defend the area. Doris looked away quickly, she didn’t want to see anymore blood

shed. She moved across the trees and tried for a more secluded hiding space. When she turned, the

black wolf was behind her with a bit of blood dripping from its lips. She saw his blue eyes glow a little in

the darkness and felt her fear vanish when she knew instantly who it was. William sniffed her hand once

before he turned and put himself back in the fight. Doris picked up an arrow from the ground and tested

the sharp tip with her fingers. No one had bothered to give her a weapon to defend herself in instances

like this. She would have to make do with what she had around her in case any of them got too close to

her. Doris watched the black wolf move through the darkness taking down as many rogues as he could.

It was…hard to look away from him. He was truly a force and now she understood why everybody feared

him-especially when he was a wolf. A branch cracked behind her, Doris turned to stab the man in his leg

without a second thought. He went down hard, but he wasn’t alone. “You bitch!” The other man had

claws as fingers, it was worse

w gat a pretty one har than any nightmare her brain could torment her with. He grabbed Doris by her hair

and dragged her out to the middle of the fighting ground “Let me go!” She screamed. William tumed

away from his opponent when he heard her. The other wolf got in a nasty bite before William cracked its

neck. “I have a theory.” The man announced. Some of the fighting ceased at his words but the rest

continued on. William growled at the man who held Doris like a discarded doll. “I think the prince has a

soft spot for this one.” He pulled Doris up by her hair, she screamed and gripped the area he held.

William let out a louder, more furious warning growl but the man only smiled. “Let’s test it, shall we?” He

put one of his claws up to her throat. She felt a small sting before the warm blood dripped down her

neck. Her eyes blurred with tears, “W-William!” She screamed. The man was off her before she could

even finish screaming his name. William went right for his arm that held her and took it completely off his

body before he dragged him into the darkness and silenced his screams. Doris shakily stood, one of the

guards hurried over to try and put her in hiding again, but they all had seen her already. “Here, take this.”

He said. She only just realized it was Erik. He placed a small dagger in her hand that already had a bit of

blood on it. “Go for the throat or eyes and be quick about it. They can smell your fear.” Doris nodded

when no words formed. He tumed away and threw himself back into the fight with a wolf that met him

halfway. Doris tried to take count of how many guards still stood and she was surprised to see a large

amount of them did. The king must have really sent the best guards he had

We got a pretty one here to survive this long against a rogue pack. William stepped out of the shadows

with bloodied foot prints. Something about the way he walked told her it wasn’t his blood and she almost

felt sorry for the next rogue who put themselves in his way. He sniffed the air and turned to look at her

with his piercing blue eyes before he turned away and targeted the closest enemy. A cold chill ran down

her spine when the air thickened. She felt something warm caress the back of her neck. Her fingers

curled tightly around the hilt of the dagger, she closed her eyes and silently prayed to the moon goddess.

When it growled, Doris turned and plunged the dagger deep into his neck. A wolf light as the snow let out

a wounded cry before it fell hard onto the ground. Doris quickly moved away from him and found a new

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tree to hide behind. It felt as if it would never end, when would it stop? When one side is completely

dead? She hated to think it, she hated herself for being the reason someone was now dead or close to it.

Doris looked down at her bloodied hands and felt warm, thick tears trail down her cheeks. She had a

feeling that the sounds of death would follow her into her nightmares for many weeks to come, perhaps

forever if she survived tonight. Her chances were feeling less by the second. If she closed her eyes, she

might pretend she was at the palace in her warm bed still. Or perhaps gossiping with Beth late into the

night. Anywhere was better than here, away from all of the blood and death. Out in the clearing, she saw

William tear down another wolf as if it was nothing. His fierceness was extraordinary and at the same

time=terrified her in a way. She knew he wouldn’t harm her, but it was horrifying to see how quickly he

could tear through

Welgota pretty one here a whole pack of rogues: With his back turned, Doris noticed several other

wolves started to surround him. His guards were busy trying to stay alive to notice, but Doris did. They

crept towards him silently as he fought with another wolf and she knew exactly what they were doing

Doris stood, “William! Behind you!” William turned at her voice and found himself surrounded. They were

going to kill him, she knew they wanted to more than anything. They probably didn’t even care about the

rest of them, just him. Her heart raced with fear, she wanted to help him His guards must have heard her

shout. They turned their attention back to their prince and took down some of the wolves that cornered

him. Doris let out a relieved breath “Looks like we got a pretty one here,” a man said against her ear.

Doris tried to move but he wrapped his arm around her waist to force her against him . “I think I found the

prince’s favorite.” She could hear the smirk in his voice as if she was the

greatest prize he’d ever seen. “Let me go!” Doris clawed at his arms and kicked his legs as hard as she

could, but he acted as if it didn’t phase him in the slightest. In fact, he only laughed. “Will—” Doris wasn’t

able to finish before the darkness swallowed her whole.