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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 Luna Queen is behind all this, isn‘t she

“What do you mean the decoy was torn apart? We’re not even a full day into this journey!” Prince William

whisper-shouted. Doris hadn’t even realized there was another carriage on the road, she thought it was

just theirs. Why didn’t she see it this entire time? “I was sent to check their route a few hours ago and

when I found them-” The man swallowed, his eyes were larger than life. “There… there was so much

blood. They destroyed the entire carriage as if it were nothing.” A chill ran through Doris, she clenched

the cloak tighter around herself. Prince William’s eyes flickered towards her for a breath before he

glanced at the rest of the men that waited for his order. “We have to get moving. Our carriage will be next

if we’re not quick enough.” “How will we avoid them?” Doris asked. Prince William turned his sharp gaze

on her, she only lifted her chin. “We have to stay on the off roads. The decoy we sent went straight

through the main traveling road and must have been caught the instant it crossed the border. Two men

will travel ahead to search the area before we travel through, Any hint of another pack and we will do our

best to move around those areas.” “How many people died in the other carriage?” Doris asked quietly.

The guard hesitated and looked to Prince William for approval, “Around a dozen. Most of their bodies

looked as if they were dragged through the trees. I was lucky to get out of there alive.” Doris tightened

her grip on her cloak and for the first time, she wished she had a weapon on her. She wasn’t skilled with

knives or even used to holding one but having any sort of blade in her hand might comfort her a little.

What would she do if one of them got near her? She had nothing to defend herself out here. Every guard

that surrounded her had more than a few weapons to defend themselves. Prince William-well, he had

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himself. She was sure he had something under his coat but it would be nothing compared to his wolf-or

so she’d heard. “Let’s not waste more time, clear the area and leave no trace of our stop behind.” Prince

William said before he gripped her arm and led her to the carriage as if he was certain she wouldn’t

follow without his lead. Doris glared at him when he wasn’t looking and tried her best to cool her features

before he helped her back into the carriage. The door slammed after him and shut the warmth in tight

with them. Doris settled in her seat across from him and watched as the trees quickly started to pass

them by. Prince William leaned across the seat to close the curtain. “We can’t risk either of us being

seen.” “I think you mean just you.” Doris corrected. Prince William leaned back against the seat and

shrugged. “I’m sure it’s been a while since the rogues have seen a pretty girl around here. I wouldn’t risk

it.” Doris felt the blush light up her cheeks, she quickly pressed her cold hands against her warm skin to

cool it before he noticed. “Don’t tease me, please.” His eyes followed her movements like a predator in

the dark. Slowly, she lowered her hands to her lap.

“When did the decoy carriage leave the palace? Around the same time we did?” Doris asked. “We sent

them ahead about thirty minutes. It was the original time we were supposed to leave, but I thought it

would be better to have it go first.” “It’s just… it seems rather fast for it to already have been taken down.

Did anyone else know that was the time you were leaving?” “My father, brothers and Luna Queen were

the only ones to know. I didn’t tell them I was taking the servant carriage, though. The decoy was one of

the bigger ones so it was meant to appear as if a prince was inside.” Doris thought for a moment. “You

were right not to tell them.” William looked surprised at her words. “Why do you say that?” “It’s Luna

Queen behind all this, isn’t it?” > “What makes you suspect her? “Pardon me for saying this,” Doris

shifted in her seat, “but when Melody was poisoned at the party, she didn’t look the least bit shocked

when she saw her pass out. I didn’t want to think anything of it it, but it’s possible it might be her who

poisoned the soup. Jack was so insistent on trying to force me to blame it all on you. It made sense to

me after I heard the story from Lady Katherine. “If I may make a bold guess. I would say it was her out of

the rest of your family you told. I’m not sure how Melody is doing, but I hope she’s alright by now. The

portion she took shouldn’t have been enough to be lethal.” 1 William stared at her for a moment, almost

as if he was impressed. He leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes as if he were

ready to drift off to sleep. Doris crossed her arms and watched

him–was she allowed to kick him? No, but it would feel so good if she could. “Now that I think about it-”

His eyes shot open, he leaned towards her again. Doris held her breath for a moment, this carriage was

truly much too small for them to be this close. “Luna Queen happened to be nearby when I was

gathering the guards to relay the plans. She said she wanted to thank me for going, but she wouldn’t

leave. When she finally left the room, I was able to instruct them about the decoy but it’s possible she

was nearby to hear it.” Doris picked at her nails in thought. Why would Luna Queen want Prince William

caught by the rogues? The most popular gossip that tainted her reputation was that she had a hand in

William’s birth mother’s death. It was said that she was so jealous of King Charles’ love for her that she

poisoned one of her meals to get rid of her once and for all. It’s been dozens of years. Did she hate

William enough to set him up and get him killed? But why? She’s the Luna Queen and her soon is the

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crown prince. The Kingdom would be at her service sooner or later. Why would she have even bothered

with all this? 1 It didn’t make sense to Doris, but there was no other explanation as to

who might have tipped off the rogues to their arrival. Prince William’s eyes flickered to her bag on the

seat next to her. “So you think Luna Queen over one of my brothers? What about Martin? I’m sure he

would’ve enjoyed the news of my downfall.” “Prince Martin would never do such a thing!” Prince William

narrowed his eyes and leaned forward until his face was barely an inch from her own. She dreaded to

think what one bump would do with him so close to her. “Why are you so quick to defend him when you

hardly know him?” 21:42

“He’s been nothing but kind to me at the palace, I don’t think he would ever stoop so low to harm his own

brother.” A storm brewed in his gaze the more she talked. His hands curled into fists at his sides, she

quickly pressed her lips together. “Are you always so daft for every man that shows you kindness?” a His

harsh words stung, she felt them press deep into her chest like a bite. How is it that he could give her his

cloak to keep her warm one minute, and insult her the next? Doris changed the subject, “I still just don’t

understand. Why would she want you to come to the north? This obviously must be some sort of set up.

You must have realized it, didn’t you? She wanted to make sure you were seen here by the rogues-why

did you offer to come to the north?” “Are you more worried about me or yourself?” William teased. Doris

froze, unsure how to respond. Prince William only stared at her. Seconds felt like hours as his gaze dug

deep into her skin and threatened to unravel her like paper. “You don’t need to worry, I have my own

plans.” His words made Doris shift uncomfortably-would he betray his family? His own brothers? For

what reason would he ever have to do such a thing?

Her Unwanted Mate On The Thr