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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33 Prince William had done so much more


Doris wasn’t ѕurе hоw many hours passed wher she Tirually woke Light streamed in from the p ad

Curtains, F H ment she’d forgotten all abit prison and poison. Only the pain reminded her of the misery

she suffered from Prince Jack’s hands. “oh, Doris!” Beth’s familiar voice calmned Dons’s growing fear. “I

was so worried, you’ve been out for

Deris tried to sit up, Beth rushed over to help adjust her pillows. Suddenly she realized she was in their

room—the Toom she shared with Beth before Melody asked her to be her lady’s maid. “I they sent me

here?” Doris asked weakly.

Yes. Prince William asked for you to be moved here instead of the cell.” Beth smoothed out her blankets

and brushed back her hair. Doris was relieved to see she was no longer in the dreadful prison attire, she

was in her own night clothes. “He did?” Doris said, unable to keep the surprise from her tone. She was

thrilled to be back with Beth. It made her feel so much safer and happier than any other place in the

entire kingdom could. “Yes, I think he wanted to make sure you had someone to take care of you. The

palace gave me these days off to look after you.” Beth spoke gently. as if she were afraid her volume

might hurt Doris’s ears. She was surprised to hear the palace allowed Beth to stray from her duties just

for Doris, perhaps she was closer to death than she thought. “Prince Daniel came by twice already to

see you, I’m sure he’ll be here any minute to check on you


A knack i

ced beth, she bushed

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little win

cursied. “Your majesty, please come in, Dark is

Denis tried to sit up straighter: “Oh, please don’t on my account!” Prince Daniel hurried forward to help

Danis. She flushed a little at his touch, Heth med at her behind Prince Daniel’s shoulder “I’m going to get

more towels, I’ll be night back!” Beth said before she slipped out. Prince Daniel looked as if he hadn’t

slept much, he smiled down at Dons and cleared his throat. “I left you flowers earlier.” He gestured to the

pink roses by her bed, Doris slowly turned herself to be the bouquet. “I picked them from the gardens, I

saw you looking at them a few weeks ago so I took . guess that they might be your favorites.” “Oh my.“

Doris whispered and lifted her fingers to brush across the petals. “They’re lovely. Thank you, your

majesty.” *Please, call me Daniel.” He pulled up Beth’s chair so he could sit by the bed. “There’s no

reason for you to call me your majesty or Prince Daniel in private.” Doris opened her mouth to object, but

closed it after a moment and smiled at him. It was odd to even think of calling a prince by his first name,

but Daniel was different. He’d been a friend before he was a prince to her.

her tors and winced. “Doris, what’s wrong. Dort hurt? Daniel stond quickly and looked around the Tom.

He grabbed a small fans of medicine by her table and poured werVR of it on spoon Carefully, he brought

it to help and held the back of her head to help her sip lt properly.

1.CO After a few moments, the medicine started to settle in. She slowly leaned back against the pillows

and took a breath. Daniel set down the battle and naved to grip her hand that wasn’t banda.ped. “Are

you feeling okay?”

Yes, the pain is fading a little. Thank you, your—” Prince Daniel gave her a look, she smiled. “Daniel.”

**Did Prince Willian do that to you? Did he hurt you?” Daniel asked gently, though his eyes looked a little

angry at the thought. Doris shook her head. *Prince Jack did, he wanted me to confess but 1 wouldn’t.”

Doris said as she blinked away a few tears that threatened to come out. Nothing would be more

embarrassing that crying in front of a prince. A flash of anger crossed Daniel’s features, for a moment

she understood why he was a feared Warrior. When he was angry. even for a second, he looked

murderous. His face cooled back to normal and he squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry this happened, I know

it wasn’t you. I don’t care what any of them. say. I know you would never poison someone no matter how

cruel they were to you.” Doris weakly squeezed his hand back, “I appreciate your support, truly. Thank

you for standing up for me.” Daniel nodded, a fierceness in his gaze. “Of course. Always.”

Prince Daniel stayed through dessert where she

He only left the Hell returned from her very long trip to menee tawels but Daris didn’t mind. The Wills

glad to his company.

Prince Martin came by aller she was settled in bed

1. in. May I came in to see her?” He askada startled Leth. It was tare for any maid to s a prince up

close, let alone two princes in the same day. Beth curtsied and hadded, quickly allowing the Crown

Prince inside. Prince Martin stopped for a moment when he took in the sight of her. She bet she

looked horrible, she couldn’t even imagine what kind of bruising her face suffered. After a breath, he

stepped forward with a book gripped in his hand. “I wanted to see how you were feeling I’m sorry 1

can’t stay long.” He said gently. “I’m doing fine. Thank you for coming. your majesty.” The side of

Prince Martin’s mouth lifted, he gestured to the stat by her bed. “May 1?” He asked, Doris nodded

and he took his seat. “I brought you a book, I thought you might Now a bit bored in here.” “Oh! How

kind.” Doris took the small book and smiled when she realized it was the same poetry book he

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adored. She glanced up to see Beth watching them curiously. She would have thrown a pillow at her

friend if she had more energy. “It’s one of my favorites, I got you a copy so you could read it as well.”

Doris smiled as she flipped through the pages. Sadly, it seemed it was not the same copy he wrote

notes upon. Though, he did write her name on the first page along with his own to indicate it was

from him. Part of her heart warmed when she realized he must have purchased another copy so she

could read it as well. Who

knew the princes were so kind? She’d worked here in the palace for years and only recently had she

discovered that two of the princes were pure gentlemen. “Thank you, Prince Martin. I really appreciate

this.” Doris closed the book lightly and held it to her chest. He smiled at her, a light in his green eyes. “I

also appreciate the time you stood up for me.” He waved away her words with a frown. “It didn’t do

any good, clearly.” He said as his eyes raked over her injuries. *Prince Jack is quite persuasive when he thinks he’s right or when he wants something.” “Still, I’m thankful for your kindness. Not many people

would stand up for a maid like me.” Prince Martin glanced down at her bandaged hand before he met

her eyes again. “Some people are worth it, no matter their titles.” He stood and brushed the wrinkles off

his pants. “I hope you feel better soon, Doris. Perhaps I’ll see you in the library again.” Prince Martin

turned to leave before she could say another word. The door closed and both of the girls stared at it for a

moment in shock before they looked at each other. Beth grinned widely. “Are you sure there’s nothing

between you two? I can practically feel the tension between you!” “Tension?” Doris said, confused

“There’s nothing between us at all, Beth. He’s getting married to Lady Grace, remember?” “Yes, but do

you know what he’s been doing for you? Beth took the seat Prince Martin had just used. “He begged

Luna Queen to let you go when you were in prison. Every single day he tried to convince her to release

you, as did Prince Daniel.” “They did?” Doris glanced at the door he’d just left

through -Yes! But…” Beth glanced back at the door as well to make sure it was closed. “Surprisingly.

Prince william had done so much more than both of them.”