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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 219
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#Chapter 9 The Blame

"What the fuck happened?" William stormed into their room and brought all of his anger with him. It'd

been a long time since she had seen him that angry. The sight alone made her insides want to cower

away from him like she used to—but she stood tall. Doris had only just gotten their baby back to sleep

when he arrived, only for William to wake him again and set him screaming. William crossed the room

and took Alec from her grasp as if she was the one that had done that. He eyed her as if she was an

intruder in their own room and it sent a ping of hurt through her heart.

"The... the maid drugged me and took the baby." Doris rubbed her temples. Her head still ached from

whatever drugs she had put in her drink. "But Cordelia woke me and I got to him before she was able

to do anything—"

"How could you let someone near our child like that?" He shouted over Alec's screams. Did he realize

that he was the one causing his distress? "I told you that I don't want any servants near our baby and

you let her in here!"

"William —" Doris was stunned at his reaction. He used to be furious that someone would dare do

something to her but now it was like he didn't care that she was drugged. He only saw her at fault for

something she couldn't control. "She came in to drop off lunch and poisoned my food. I told her to


"You shouldn't have even let her through the door! If your wolf didn't wake you, she could have killed

him!" Doris took a deep breath. She understood his anger, but she didn't understand why he was

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blaming her. " I am not to blame for this, William. I told her to leave and she drugged me. You know that

I haven't let any of the servants touch our baby since he was born."

William started to rock the baby back to sleep. He didn't take his eyes from his little face. "I just think

you need to pay attention more and be more responsible. I told you that I didn't want anyone else

watching the baby."

"And I told you that she wasn't watching the baby! She took him from me when she knocked me

unconscious with the drugs! I never let anyone touch our baby unless it was Beth and Beth would

protect him with her life!"

"I'm sure she would until someone offered her a nice price on his head!" William hissed. Doris took a

small step back away from him in shock.

"How could you even say that? Beth would never do that to us—to him. She doesn't care about money

over family, she never has."

William just looked at her. She raised her chin slightly as if she was daring him to doubt her. He only

shook his head.

"Just tell me everything that happened."

"She came in with lunch and when she started to linger, I asked her to leave. Something about her set

off alarms in my head soI got up to get her out but it was too late. She drugged my food and I fell

before I could stop her. Cordelia forced me awake and I found her out in one of the old sheds behind

the palace. She told me that some man offered her millions for the baby but she didn't know his name."

Doris took another breath and continued. "She said she killed the real maid named Penelope and took

her place just to get to our baby. I don't know how long exactly she has been here, but she must have

worked her way up just to get near me.

Everyone else trusted her."

"T wish you didn't kill her." William grumbled.

"Why? She took our baby—" "Because I wanted to fucking kill her! " He growled. Doris sat on the edge

of the bed and ran her fingers through her hair. "I think I'm going to take Alec to my meetings from now


Doris looked up. "What? Why would you take him to all your meetings? He wouldn't be able to sleep—"

"T just think you need some time to yourself. You need more sleep or whatever it is that keeps you up."

William grumbled. He barely even looked at her and it made her realize that he truly did blame her for

this. "You don't trust me to watch our own baby?" Doris asked in a small voice.

"You need more rest. For now I will watch him. You can take care of him at night when I sleep." William

said before he turned and left the room with their baby.

Doris stared at the door foe a long, long time. She was too exhausted to yell at him, to run after him

and ask him why he was treating her like the villain. Perhaps she should have kept the woman alive

just so he had someone else to blame.

Anger replace her fear. She was furious at William for blaming her instead of comforting her. She did

everything she could and saved their baby. She curled her hands in her lap into fists. How dare he act

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like this!

"Why does he blame me? He only trusts me to watch the baby at night so he can sleep?" Doris snorted

and crossed her arms over her chest.

"He wants someone to blame and you are all that's left.'' Cordelia said in her ear,

"Why doesn't be blame his own staff! They didn't notice that this Penelope wasn't who she claimed!"

Doris wiped away her tears. "I just don't understand."

"He's anew father to his cub. He will do anything to protect that baby. All he sees is safety for the child."

"I do too and yet he doesn't see it that way. He sees it as me being a misfit mother because I went and

got myself poisoned." Doris fell back against her bed and stared at the ceiling. "I would do anything for

our baby. I haven't let anyone else touch him for a second. I would have killed an army just to get to

him. So why does he make me feel so awful?"

Cordelia was silent for a long moment in a way that made Doris feel as if she sympathized with her.

Doris closed her eyes and curled into the blankets and tried not to think about all that had happened.

"You know what..." Cordelia said gently. "You can lay here and sleep all day until he comes back—or

you could let me take control and go fora run. I have something to show you." Doris sat up instantly

and went to grab a cloak. It'd been a long time since she left her wolf free—since she was allowed to

wander out of the palace without anyone to follow. No one would care anymore, she wasn't a Queen

yet and the baby was already born.

A run was exactly what she needed. "Let's get out of here."