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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 300.2: The Perfected Hate Ground No Handle (2)
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Under the astonished gazes of Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er, the powerful Sword of Demon God had actually broken.

Immediately after, Fen Tian suddenly spread his body wide open and transformed into an enormous devouring mouth of nothingness, before devouring the Demon God together with the Sword of Demon God at one go.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing had made a move - he raised the Dual Legendary Hammers up high before swinging them down, without any fancy movements.


A black figure flew out and the Demon God had appeared once again. However, the Demon God had only appeared for a second before turning into a ball of gray gas and vanished into thin air.

Naturally, the black figure that flew upon impact was Fen Tian. He looked at Zhou Weiqing and appeared to be utterly astonished. Unfortunately, due to the fact that his entire body was jet-black, Zhou Weiqing could not even see the look in his eyes.

The eleventh piece of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set did not boost Zhou Weiqing’s strength by two-fold - instead, it boosted his strength by ten-fold. In other words, with the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set, the terrifying strength that Zhou Weiqing possessed was ten thousand times more than his original strength. It was ten thousand times the strength of a Heavenly God!

Upon reaching its pinnacle, any ability would undergo changes to a certain degree. As the saying went, there were different means of achieving the same result. Earlier on, Zhou Weiqing had used brute strength to forcefully hit Fen Tian so hard that he flew upon impact. Even though it was unable to inflict any injury upon him, it stopped him from fully devouring the Demon God’s energy.

He swung the Dual Legendary Hammers once again. In mid-air, an enormous hundred meter shadow of the hammer descended from the sky, in the direction of Fen Tian.

The black figure flashed and Fen Tian had vanished. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er had also vanished.

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The light reappeared. Fen Tian’s Destruction Sword happened to reappear at the spot where Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er were standing it earlier on. On the other hand, Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er had appeared on the other side.

Zhou Weiqing had used the Spatial Law. As for what Fen Tian used, Zhou Weiqing did not have a single clue.

The enormous hammer in the sky did not pause despite the fact that Fen Tian had disappeared. It bombarded in midair. Following a loud rumbling sound, the hammer had created a black hole with a diameter of a thousand meters. The powerful suction force was dragging Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er’s bodies, causing them to sway for a bit.

The Dual Legendary Hammers moved once again. It was as though the enormous hammer shadow in the sky went into a frenzy - it attacked in all directions.

Be it Zhou Weiqing or Fen Tian, regardless of how powerful their cultivation base was, they were after all not actual gods. They could not forcibly face the black hole head-on. Perhaps the black hole was unable to devour them, but it could still affect their strength substantially. In an instant, dozens of huge black holes had appeared in the sky; they had blocked off all of the routes taken by Fen Tian’s attacks.

“Do you think that this is enough to stop me?” Fen Tian’s disdainful voice rang through the air. His jet-black body expanded once again. Poof - he had engulfed a black hole, which disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Weiqing was extremely shocked. Was that possible? Did his Destruction Energy reach the point where it could even devour a black hole? Even if his Destruction Energy was not at its ultimate purest form, it was not far from it.

While he was shocked, he was not going to stay idle. As his opponent was devouring the black hole, at the same time, his Dual Legendary Hammers struck at lightning fast speed.

A loud bang was heard; the enormous hammer, coupled with the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set’s terrifying power, had completed erupted, forcefully sending Fen Tian flying once again.

However, Fen Tian was absolutely not bothered by an attack as such. His figure flashed and he pounced over once more. This time, his body had suddenly shrank and became extremely tiny. The effects of him devouring the black hole earlier had manifested. Cracks had appeared on the black hole that was originally protecting Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er within it. Fen Tian had actually managed to directly enter it. The jet-black figure suddenly got magnified and the Destruction Sword headed directly for Zhou Weiqing.

None of the techniques were of any use at this moment. His Dual Legendary Hammers struck once again. This was the first time that they were properly exchanging blows with each other head-on, after they had raised their cultivation bases.


The entire sky had darkened. A black figure flew backwards in an instant and even crashed directly into a black hole. Zhou Weiqing was extremely sharp-witted - he had accurately calculated the position the moment he had flung his hammer. In terms of brute strength, Fen Tian was not his match.

However, could the black hole really hurt Fen Tian?

Shattered; the black hole had shattered. Fen Tian’s body had actually crashed into the black hole and caused it to shatter upon impact instead, transforming into specks of black light that were scattered within the sky.

Standing on the other side, even though Zhou Weiqing had sent Fen Tian flying, he was not completely unscathed. A layer of black halo densely covered his body and his ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set violently radiated and the whitish golden light flickered in a frenzy. Evidently, he was unable to take the upper hand in terms of attributes. In fact, his Saint Energy could barely suppress Fen Tian.

After Fen Tian had shattered the black hole, he did not readjust himself. The black figure flashed once again, and this time, he was a lot more powerful than before.


The whitish golden light on Zhou Weiqing’s body had suddenly shone brightly, causing the black light that was adhering to his body to disintegrate. At the same time, the Dual Legendary Hammers had lit up with the luster of the nebula. The orbiting nebula had directly appeared on top of the hammer head; he had activated his Celestial Territory right there.

All the Heavenly God powerhouses, who were watching the battle, were dumbfounded. They possessed their respective Celestial Territory as well, hence, they naturally knew how it looked like when being activated. An ability such as the Celestial Territory was much easier to operate when it was magnified. Even though there was a limit to how much it could be magnified, it would not result in any pressure on the user’s body. However, if it was a completely different story when it was shrunken. Shrinking a Celestial Territory was like compressing it. Shrinking a Celestial Territory as small as a hammer head, like what Zhou Weiqing did, was something unimaginable to them.

At this moment, Tian’er had changed her position and stood behind Zhou Weiqing. She hugged him from the back and placed her arms around his waist, pressing herself tightly against his body. Without holding back, her Saint Energy was channeled into Zhou Weiqing’s body, combining both their Saint Energy into a single entity.

Suddenly, the sky became darker. Immediately after, a light shone brightly. This time, Fen Tian did not get sent flying. Instead, he was stuck onto the hammer head.

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The whitish golden light of the Astral Celestial Territory had enveloped Fen Tian’s jet-black figure within it. Countless starlight appeared around Fen Tian’s body, clashing violently with the Destruction Energy given off from his body. Every time they clashed, everyone present could sense the violent energy ripples of the Destruction and Creation forces. The white and black light from Zhou Weiqing and Fen Tian’s body respectively could be clearly seen weakening at a speed that was distinguishable to the naked eye.

Could it be that Zhou Weiqing’s Saint Energy could not suppress Fen Tian’s Destruction Energy? Of course, the answer was no. After his cultivation base was raised to the Heavenly God Stage, the purity of Zhou Weiqing’s Saint Energy was not in any way inferior to Fen Tian’s Destruction Energy.

He was waiting for an opportunity for Fen Tian to walk into his trap. During the first collision, the reason why he allowed the Destruction Energy to adhere to his body was because he wanted Fen Tian to let his guard down, and the opportunity came in the next moment.

After combining Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er’s Saint Energy, perhaps it was still weaker than Fen Tian’s Destruction Energy. However, in terms of attributes, he ultimately managed to have a steady upper hand over Fen Tian. The vulnerability he had displayed earlier on had completely vanished. Even Tian’er, who was still hugging Zhou Weiqing, had a faint smile on her face.

Indeed, from the moment she blocked Fen Tian’s attack, Zhou Weiqing had already laid his trap. Their attributes might seem inferior but it was entirely a facade.

Fen Tian, whose entire body was jet-black, gradually revealed his original appearance. However, what astonished Zhou Weiqing was that Fen Tian did not have a tinge of panic on his face.

Zhou Weiqing’s objective was very simple - he wanted to use Creation Attribute within his Saint Energy to drain Fen Tian’s Destruction Attribute. Zhou Weiqing believed in his own self-healing ability. With the Astral Celestial Territory, as long as the stars that appeared during the creation were still present in the sky, his Saint Energy would continue to be replenished. On the other hand, Fen Tian had no other powerhouses by his side, who had possessed the Destruction Attribute.

“Do you think that the current me can only devour the Destruction Attribute?” asked Fen Tian coldly. The eight long legs on his back suddenly stretched open towards the back. Immediately after, a black light ball appeared at the end of each leg, as though eight miniature black holes had suddenly surfaced.

Eight rays of light shot out, heading in the direction of the spectators who were situated far away.

Crap! Zhou Weiqing exclaimed in his heart. However, it was too late. The people who bore the brunt of the attack were the eight Heaven’s Expanse Palace Heavenly King powerhouses - they happened to be in the direct path of the black light. In the next moment, before they had a chance to make any sound, they had vanished into thin air. On the other hand, the constantly diminishing black light on Fen Tian’s body had became brighter. What Zhou Weiqing was most worried about was the fact that the black light balls on Fen Tian’s eight legs had lit up once again.

However, this time, the eight rays of light were not aimed at the spectators. Instead, they struck the eight black holes in the sky that had not vanished. The eight black holes dimmed at the same time. In the next moment, Zhou Weiqing could only feel the overwhelmingly powerful Destruction Energy bursting from Fen Tian’s body. His Dual Legendary Hammers were no longer able to bind the Destruction Sword to it.

A loud bang was heard; Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er flew upon impact. The terrifying Destruction Energy transformed into a huge devouring mouth before biting Zhou Weiqing hard.

Splat—— Zhou Weiqing vomited a mouthful of blood. The terrifying Destruction Energy had completely erupted from within his body. Even the light from the Hate Ground no Handle’ Set had dimmed down.

It’s over……

Zhou Weiqing had never expected Fen Tian’s power to suddenly increase to such a significant level, after borrowing the power of the Lord of the Nether.