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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 299.3: Lovers Return to Dust (3)
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Xue AoTian forced a smile and said, “I wasn’t even able to protect the Heavenly Snow Mountain, what’s the point of having the title of ‘World’s No. 1’? The Heavenly Snow Mountain has ceased to exist.”

“No.” Shangguan Tianyang faced Xue AoTian and said, “Brother Xue, I am deeply sorry about the calamity that fell upon the Heavenly Snow Mountain. However, both you and the Heavenly Snow Mountain have sacrificed everything for the sake of the Mainland. Before coming to the Grand Tournament, I received the news that the Dan Dun Empire had started a war with the ZhongTian Empire. It’s entirely conceivable that if we lost the war here, the entire Mainland would be in dire straits. Brother Xue, if it’s fine with you, the Heaven’s Expanse Palace can give half of the Heavenly Jewel Island to the Heavenly Snow Mountain for you to rebuild it to its former glory. At the same time, I can assure you that from now on, the ZhongTian Empire will provide the WanShou Empire with all the food that they require during the winter. Of course, you would have to command them to control their population.”

Upon hearing Shangguan Tianyang’s words, Xue AoTian could not help but be moved, “Tianyang, did you really mean what you said? I don’t need the Heavenly Jewel Island, but if you are able to keep the inhabitants of WanShou Empire warm and provide them with adequate food, the WanShou Empire is willing to help you in resisting against the Dan Dun Empire. AoYing, Yingbing, go now - select ten elite legions to aid the ZhongTian Empire.

“Yes,” answered Xue AoYing and Gu Yingbing respectfully. They turned around and were about to leave. Before they left, Gu Yingbing deliberately looked at Zhou Weiqing, who was high up in the distant sky.

“Wait a second.” Shangguan Tianyang hurriedly added, “You can’t show up without prior notification. Tianyue, accompany the Tiger King and the Lion King to make a trip there. I won’t go into formalities to express my gratitude, Brother Xue. Today, everyone from the Peerless Sect present today, I’m sure everyone has heard my words. I will honor my promise.”

A rare smile appeared on Xue AoTian’s face; he took the initiative to extend his right hand towards Shangguan Tianyang. Shangguan Tianyang laughed and similarly, he extended his right hand and shook hands with him.

The leaders of the two Saint Lords had spent their entire lives fighting but under such a circumstance, the both of them had thoroughly settled their disputes. At the same time, they had addressed the sufferings of the inhabitants in the northern part of the Mainland.

After Shangguan Tianyue had repeatedly warned his daughters, he brought Xue AoYing and Gu Yingbing with him and swiftly left. In truth, deep down in his heart, he was reluctant to leave at a moment as such. The war had not ended; whether or not Zhou Weiqing was able to defeat Fen Tian was of utmost importance. However, he had also understood that both Shangguan Tianyang and Xue AoTian were not confident of attaining the final victory - they had found an excuse to send the three of them away to ensure that their respective Saint Lands had their own survivors!

Just before Shangguan Tianyue and company left, whitish golden rays of light abruptly spread out from Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er’s bodies.

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“It’s done, Heavenly God Stage! They are both Heavenly Gods now!” Shangguan Tianyang was almost cheering in high spirits.

Indeed, neither he nor Xue AoTian were too optimistic about this battle - the difference between Zhou Weiqing and Fen Tian was too big. Furthermore, Fen Tian had been building up his power over such a long period of time - it was evident that his power would have been significantly enhanced as a result. However, it was different now. Tian’er was together with Zhou Weiqing, and they had both become Heavenly Gods. Not to forget, the both of them possessed Saint Energy! With the Creation nature of Saint Energy, the both of them combined stood a much higher chance to win against Fen Tian.

Zhou Weiqing gradually opened his eyes, experiencing the completely different Saint Energy within his body for himself, as well as the thrill that came after the breakthrough. He could not help but smile.

At this moment, be it him or Tian’er, they both felt as though their bodies had been completely cleansed - their personality traits had also undergone a dramatic change. Originally, Zhou Weiqing had a tinge of evil in him, but as of right now, he seemed like the world’s most upright gentleman. He was easy-going, warm, righteous, kind-hearted, and all the other positive traits could be easily found within him.

It was the same for Tian’er as well, except that the Saint Energy ripples on her body was a tad weaker than Zhou Weiqing’s.

A breakthrough with Saint Energy was always different from one with Heavenly Energy. Relying on the Astral Feedback, Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er became in sync with each other, and finally, they made a breakthrough to the Heavenly God Stage. Zhou Weiqing’s cultivation base was raised to the Mid Level Heavenly God Stage at one go, whereas Tian’er’s cultivation base was raised to the Low Level Heavenly God Stage. After all, Zhou Weiqing was the person who started the breakthrough process, and the person who benefited the most was Tian’er - she had overcome several bottlenecks at one go.

“Don’t get excited, the big surprise has yet to come,” said Long Shiya to Shangguan Tianyang and Xue AoTian in a slightly smug manner. Seeing his beloved disciple become a Heavenly God, and his abilities had far surpassed that of his own, it was expected that the Six Ultimate Heavenly God was extremely excited and happy, let alone proud.

Xue AoTian and Shangguan Tianyang did not hide their envy towards Long Shiya. After glaring at him, they looked at Zhou Weiqing, waiting for the miracle that Long Shiya told them about.

The strongest emotion that they felt at this moment was regret. When they first got to know Zhou Weiqing, they had the opportunity to take Zhou Weiqing under their wing. Unfortunately, they did not express enough sincerity towards him at that time.

After Long Shiya finished his words, Zhou Weiqing had slowly lifted his right hand up high over his head. Immediately after, a resonant dragon’s roar erupted from his hand. An emerald green halo rushed out in an instant, transforming into an enormous emerald green dragon in the sky, circling above Zhou Weiqing’s head.

The whitish golden light that was spreading in the sky suddenly dwindled and frantically rushed into the emerald green dragon’s body, changing the color of its body to white-gold. After the enormous dragon had finished circling nine times, it charged straight down towards Zhou Weiqing’s body.

In this moment, Zhou Weiqing temporarily released Tian’er’s hand in order not to affect her. The white light flashed and rushed directly into the enormous dragon’s body. The intense whitish golden light, that was revolving around Zhou Weiqing, had erupted.

“What is that?” asked Xue AoTian, while he was in a daze.

Shangguan Tianyang answered with a slightly shaky voice, “That is the eleventh piece of his Legendary Set. He actually has the eleventh piece of his Legendary Set. How is this possible……”

Shangguan Tianyang was very clear that Zhou Weiqing’s eleventh piece was different from the eleventh piece of the Boundless Infinitum Set. Only a Heavenly God was able to fully bring out the power of the God Set. Moreover, Zhou Weiqing was not an ordinary Heavenly God powerhouse! He was a Heavenly God that possessed Saint Energy. Even if Tianyang himself had also become a Heavenly God, he would not be able to bring out the power of the Legendary Set as much as Zhou Weiqing did. At this moment, the Boundless Infinitum Set had been replaced by Zhou Weiqing’s Legendary Set as the world’s best Legendary Set.

Also at this moment, the purplish black light ball on the other side started to undergo some changes.

Layers of purplish black halo started started to shrink towards the center; the enormous light ball gradually became smaller. Furthermore, the huge crab in the sky also began to disappear. However, a catastrophic will soared up into the sky and forcefully pushed the surrounding whitish golden light away. The overbearing Destruction Energy erupted in a way that made everyone feel despair.

Just like how the Demon God vanished, the Destruction God had vanished as well. Once again, Fen Tian’s body re-emerged before everyone’s eyes. However, the present him was very different from what he was like before.

The Legendary Set on his body had transformed into a strange shade of dark purple. His arms had become exceptionally thick. Four long legs had grown out of each side of his back, as though he had grown eight crab legs from out of nowhere.

The most terrifying thing was the weapon in Fen Tian’s hand - the dueling sword. It was still a dueling sword, but it was not the one that belonged to Fen Tian. It was the Destruction God’s thousand-meter long dueling sword.

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Seeing a man that was no more than two meters tall, holding a thousand-meter long dueling sword that was entirely flickering with purple light - what kind of image was that?[1]

There seemed to be a black hole on Fen Tian’s back. To put it more accurately, it was a purple hole, that was deep blackish purple on the outside, and its center was in a shade of dark green. A halo was continuously pulsing on it, and every time it pulsed, it would create layers of distorted light around it that frantically devoured every type of attribute energy in the air. Even the golden light within the whitish golden Saint Energy was stripped away and devoured by it, causing the white light to be dispelled.

“Zhou Weiqing.” Fen Tian’s thunder-like voice rang through the air. Two intense rays of dark purple light shot out from his eyes; he raised the Destruction Sword in his hands and swung it down, creating a frightening curtain of light that charged towards Zhou Weiqing who was in mid-air.

“Ah——” A sudden shriek was heard and a strange golden light struck Fen Tian hard at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. Even with Fen Tian’s current cultivation base, his body slowed down for a bit, and so did the speed at which the Destruction Sword was swinging down at.

The golden light was shot from Tian’er’s forehead. With the Spirit Attribute, coupled with her Saint Energy, even Fen Tian would be affected by Tian’er, who had acquired the Saint God Nucleus.

She pointed her God Spirit Staff towards the sky and a clear whitish golden light transformed into an enormous light shield before it met Fen Tian’s attack.

A loud bang was heard - it was the collision between Creation and Destruction forces.

The whitish golden light flew in all directions - the shield shattered. However, the Destruction Sword was being thrown off upon impact and did not land on Zhou Weiqing’s body.

Tian’er leapt forward and arrived within a hundred meters of Zhou Weiqing. She stared at Fen Tian who was at a distance away; circles of whitish golden halos were continuously emitted from her body.

The God Spirit Staff drew a circle in the air and the Astral Celestial Territory quietly appeared. A myriad of splendid white-gold starlight headed straight in the direction of where Fen Tian was.

Fen Tian snorted furiously. The space behind him instantly became purplish black. Terrifying Destruction Energy transformed into a layer of halo and started spreading out. All the whitish golden starlight that erupted from the Astral Celestial Territory that were outside of the area of a hundred meters in front of him turned into ripples before vanishing. He swung the Destruction Sword in his hand once again. This time, his target was Tian’er.

“Divine, seal.” Tian’er shouted in her delicate voice. The Astral Celestial Territory within the sky had suddenly experienced some changes - it had transformed into an enormous seraph (six-winged angel), hovering there. In an extremely short period of time, both its hands created a mysterious symbol. A light flashed and the symbol shot directly towards the Destruction Sword.

1. RWX: A ridiculous one? ☜