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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 298.2: A Reversal In Fortunes! (2)
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Zhou Weiqing had experienced this technique before - it was used by the Sidhe Empress when he had unintentionally summoned the sword of the Demon God. However, compared to the previous time, the amount of energy released by Mother Nature this time was significantly higher.

With Mother Nature at the center, a huge clear and dazzling crystal ball that was emerald green in color appeared in the air; it was also increasing in size at a rapid speed. On the other side, the dark red light ball released by the two enormous dragons was the same. One was red, and the other was green - they looked exceptionally visible in the sky.

Terrifying energy ripples caused the Destruction Celestial Territory in this particular area to shatter to pieces, so much so that the battle between the destructive God and the Demonic God had slowed down.

The two gigantic light balls had expanded to about a thousand meters in diameter in almost a blink of an eye. Even though red and green created an unattractive color combination, the light at this moment was very dazzling.

Due to their massive size, they could be seen from the ground. Following their expansion, a huge symbol respectively appeared above them.

Above the dark red light ball was a dazzling golden dragon-shaped pattern - it did not seem like an enormous dragon, but rather, it looked like countless golden blood vessels wiggling.

It was a completely different scenario for the emerald green light ball on the other side. Similarly it had a symbol above it, but its actual body evidently looked like it had more tactility, like an actual jade with leaf-like patterns on it. Dense Life Energy aura continuously dispelled the Destruction Energy in the surroundings.


The first to collide were not the enormous dragons and the Sidhe, but the Demon God and the Destruction God.

The Demon God swung his right leg and the Destruction God placed his palms together. A violent bang was heard and both parties flew backwards, transforming into two streams of light fleeing far away in an instant. They were different from the people on the ground - the violent energy collision in the air definitely had a direct impact on them.

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They did not have to wait for the collision to occur - sensing the energy ripples itself was enough to overwhelm them.

At this moment, the red and green gigantic light balls moved. They carried a dazzling tail of light with them, akin to two actual meteors, as they charged towards each other.

As for the ongoing battle below, the powerhouses of both sides had slowed down a lot. The situation in the sky was too shocking - almost everyone had channeled all their Heavenly Energy into defense.

The worst ones off were the two brothers, Shangguan Tianyang and Tianyue.

“The moon and the stars rotate, Boundless Infinitum,” shouted Shangguan Tianyang. All the Heaven’s Expanse Palace powerhouses suddenly unleashed their Heavenly Energy generously, without holding back.

The Boundless Infinitum Formation suddenly changed and a massive white vortex appeared out of nowhere. Terrifying energy ripples caused the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain to be covered with a layer of white luster. Immediately after a huge force had rushed out, two figures had been flung out, and they charged up into the sky like meteors.

Huang Xingyun and his wife, Yun Ruoyu, were completely oppressed within the Boundless Infinitum Formation. Even though they were still in a defensive stance, their own Heavenly Energy was still being drained after all. Even though it was not drained that rapidly, under the continuous draining, their chances of escaping the formation were getting slimmer and slimmer.

Earlier on, all of a sudden, the Boundless Infinitum Formation that was originally mild had suddenly started launching frenzied attacks towards them, forcing the husband and wife to resist with all their might. Huang Xingyun was burning with rage and the pair of husband and wife erupted with all their strength, in a bid to find an opportunity once more to break out of the formation.

And at this time, suddenly, the Boundless Infinitum Formation had eased up the pressure it was imposing on them. Immediately after, they had been forcefully flung towards the sky.

The feeling of finally being broken free felt extremely good - in that moment, Huang Xingyun and Yun Ruoyu felt as happy as birds that were being set free from their cages.

From the looks of it, the Heavenly Energy of the Boundless Infinitum Formation could no longer be sustained. This time, you will all be dead. Now that I’m out, I’m free to do whatever I want.

Just as Huang Xingyun and his wife were overjoyed and were about to display their might to scare the Heaven’s Expanse Palace witless, they had a sudden realization about their tragic predicament.

In order to completely break out from the clutches of the Heavenly Dippers and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation, they intentionally soared higher into the sky despite being flung up high. Hence, they did not pay attention to the vortex that the Boundless Infinitum Formation transformed into down below. When they had realized something was amiss in the sky and lifted their heads, all they saw was the red and light balls that had covered the entire sky.

The corner of Shangguan Tianyue’s mouth started twitching as he started bursting out laughing. Shangguan Tianyang, who was next to him, started mumbling to himself, “Ah, after knowing that fellow Zhou Weiqing for so long, I’ve been influenced by him.”

Zhou Weiqing, who had transformed into the Demon God a distance away, shuddered a little. He thought to himself: Who’s speaking ill of me? If he had known that both his master and the Shangguan brothers had placed the blame on him for them resorting to treacherous schemes, what would his reaction be?

The red and green lights had finally collided violently. The extremely intimidating light released by the two gigantic light balls was so terrifying to the point that terrorizing energy ripples erupted at the same time in all directions.

Upon collision, it could be clearly seen that the green light had the upper hand. The green light flashed and intentionally moved upwards. Hence, the collision fallout did not hit the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain hard.

However, it had only slightly moved upwards. As for Huang Xingyun and Yun Ruoyu who were approaching them - they were not that fortunate.

Shangguan Tianyang’s ability to seize opportunities at the right time was excellent. The moment their bodies had reached the highest point, it occurred at the exact same time as the collision of the red and green light balls. Additionally, the husband and wife happened to be flung right into the center of the collision.

An extremely loud bang that seemed as though it could even be heard by the entire Boundless Mainland rang through the air. In the sky, a massive black hole appeared out of nowhere above the point of collision. The diameter of the black hole spanned ten thousand meters - its massive absorption force frantically took in all the energy that was going berserk.

Huang Xingyun and his wife were akin to two little birds that were flying but got smacked down abruptly by a palm. They were smacked down at a speed that was ten times faster than the speed they were flying upwards at. Before they could even scream, they had already been transformed into blood-splattered masses of flesh.

Indeed, they were High Level Heavenly Gods. However, previously when they were trapped within the Heavenly Dippers and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation, they had drained a significant amount of Heavenly Energy. Additionally, the two parties that were colliding in the sky had a much higher cultivation base than them. Furthermore, they had conserved their energy beforehand. The amount of power in the center of the collision was extremely strong - even the Destruction God and the Demon God had fled away. It was practically impossible for them to escape death.

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The white vortex that the Heavenly Dippers and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation had transformed into was akin to a large mouth that was mocking them, swallowing their bodies once again. This time, the Heavenly Dippers and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation went all out without holding back - even if the attack was weaker, it was still the full force erupted by 108 Heavenly Kings!

If Huang Xingyun and his wife continued to stay within the formation, they might have lasted for a long time. However, having sustained serious injuries, how long more could they have sustained for?

As the husband and wife fell to the ground, in mid-air, two massive figures flew out at the same time - it was Hui Yao and Duo Si. However, before they could fly far out, two rays of green light had shot out, engulfing them within it before pulling them back.

Mother Nature’s figure appeared once again in mid-air. The massive black hole above her that was closing up seemed to have no effect on her.

The green luster revolving around the Sidhe Empress made her look even more divine. The twelve elders had also appeared next to her, supporting the Nature Celestial Territory together, isolating the black hole in the sky with ease.

The two enormous dragons were still struggling, but their strength had evidently been weakened. The emerald green light released from the Mother Nature’s scepter had directly pulled them back. Clearly, they had lost the ability to resist. Hence, the battle between the Sidhe and the two enormous dragons had come to an end.

Not much time had passed since the start of the war. However, the war had been extremely intense. The odds of both parties had been constantly changing. Earlier on, the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley had the upper hand. However, in the next moment, they had suffered three defeats out of the five battles.

When Shen Mo lost to Long Shiya, it was not significant enough to change the entire war situation. After all, a huge amount of Long Shiya’s energy and will had been drained. However, at this moment, the enormous dragons had lost to the Sidhe - allowing them to aid the others. This was more than enough to turn the war around. Moreover, the Heavenly Gods, Huang Xingyun and his wife, were definitely unable to escape the Heavenly Dippers and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation unscathed. In other words, the victors of the war had been determined.

When Fen Tian and Zhou Weiqing had retreated at the same time, Shen Mo was still full of hope. He did not think that Hui Yao and Duo Si would be able to defeat the Sidhe that was being led by the Sidhe Empress. He was hoping that there would be no winners with both sides perishing together. To him, the biggest threat was the Sidhe because their appearance was completely unexpected.

As he retreated, Huang Xingyun and Yun Ruoyu were being flung into the sky. Even if he wanted to rescue them, he could not. Moreover, he was not a selfless person. Under that circumstance, with a terrifying collision, if he were to approach it, he might not be able to escape unscathed.

Watching them lose their upper hand as things took a turn for the worse, the eyes of the Destruction God that Fen Tian transformed into looked even more gloomy.

Out of the five battles, the victory of two battles had been determined. There was absolutely no suspense. To him, there was no more hope,

The Sidhe Queen extended her right hand. Under the protection of the elders, she flew far away. Even though the two enormous dragons were temporarily being restrained, it was not easy to have full control over them. Hence, she was unable to intervene with Zhou Weiqing’s battle for the time being. However, it was clear that it was only a matter of time.