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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 296.3: Zhou Weiqing’s Other Hidden Trump (3)
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When Zhou Weiqing’s last resort hidden trump appeared voluntarily, their adverse situation on the battlefield immediately turned around. Even though Dongfang Hanyue was alone and all she had was a dragon, when they joined forces, the both of them, coupled with the eleven-piece Tenebrous Demon Dragon Set, they had the ability to fight against a Max Level Heavenly God. On the other hand, the Passion Valley and the Blood Red Hell did not have any more Heavenly Gods on their side. Who was able to stop Dongfang Hanyue’s attacks?

Under extreme helplessness, the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley had dispatched forty Heavenly Emperors to surround Dongfang Hanyue and attack her from all directions. Only then did the speed of her Dragon Spear reduce.

“Kill——” Dongfang Hanyue’s appearance had greatly decreased the pressure placed on Xue AoTian. He no longer had to put in all his effort and might to resist against the Destruction Celestial Territory. The Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord could finally participate in the battle by attacking the enemy.

In terms of the headcount, they had less than a hundred people on their side, whereas their enemy still had nearly 400 powerhouses. However, they had three Heavenly Gods - the battle was no longer tilted to one side. It was still hard to determine which side was going to emerge victorious. However, due to the terrifying destructive power of Dongfang Hanyue’s Dragon Spear, victory was leaning towards the Heavenly Snow Mountain and the Peerless Sect.

In the previous Grand Tournament, Xue AoTian was the only Heavenly God. But this time? Just within the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain itself, there were more than ten Heavenly Gods!

The battlefield on this side had stabilized. On the other side, the battle between the Shangguan brothers, who were leading the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation, and Huang Xingyun and his wife, Yun Ruoyu, was in full swing.

In terms of cultivation base, Huang Xingyun and Yun Ruoyu had the absolute upper hand. However, the current situation on the battlefield said otherwise - they were on the losing end.

For the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation to be considered as the Heaven’s Expanse Palace’s trump card, how could it be that easy to be dealt with? Without the presence of a Heavenly God to lead them, the Heaven’s Expanse Palace still managed to be the number one Saint Land for the past couple of years. It was definitely not because of sheer luck.

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The moment the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation had been unleashed, it made Huang Xingyun and his wife feel as though they became a pure, whole entity. Regardless of where they attacked or ran to, they were greeted by the combined energy and power of all 108 Heaven’s Expanse Palace powerhouses.

The Shangguan brothers, Tianyang and Tianyue, were the central “eyes” of the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation. The Destruction Celestial Territory had no effect within the formation. This was also one of the unique characteristic of the formation - disabling any effects of Celestial Territories.

Even though it was true that Heavenly Gods were powerful, Huang Xingyun and Yun Ruoyu’s own attacks were weakened by half as a result of the formation. Thereafter, the power of their attacks were equally split amongst the Heaven’s Expanse Palace powerhouses, who were able to rely on the profound nature of the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation to dissolve their attacks with ease.

The formation did not directly attack Huang Xingyun and Yun Ruoyu, and yet… every single time the faint white mist swept past them, they felt as though their lives were threatened, forcing them to mobilize their Heavenly Energy at full capacity to counter it.

High Level Heavenly God powerhouses presently had the highest status in the world. Even so, there was still a limit to the Heavenly Energy that they possessed. Continuous draining of their Heavenly Energy would constantly weaken their cultivation base. Since the Heaven’s Expanse Palace powerhouses were using the Heavenly Spirit and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation to create a fantastic energy circulation, each individual’s energy drain would be far less than Huang Xingyun and his wife.

If Huang Xingyun could make a choice all over again, he would have rather gone to fight against Zhou Weiqing instead of being trapped within the Heavenly Spirit and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation. It felt too painful to be unable to fully use his power. Furthermore, even if he wanted to escape, it was impossible for him to do so. Within the vast misty formation, he was unable to charge out of it - even with his will. Hence, he was also unable to sense what was happening in the external world.

I don’t think that the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation that Xue AoTian was faced with in the past was as powerful as the current one, right? Huang Xingyun lamented in his heart, and was filled with hatred. He could only hope that the other battles would end as quickly as possible, so they could go over to lend him a helping hand. Even though he and his wife were unable to break out of the formation, he could sense that the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation was already at its limit when faced with their joint attacks. As long as another Heavenly God was roped in to support them, they would definitely be able to break out of the formation.

Huang Xingyun still had a rather accurate judgment of the current state of affairs on the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain. From what he could tell, their people had the absolute upper hand in at least two of the battles.

One of which was the battle where the main forces on both sides were fighting head on - in terms of numerical strength and attributes, they had the upper hand. He believed that the battle would end within a short period of time. The other battle was naturally the one Fen Tian was in. Huang Xingyun knew Fen Tian’s strength and abilities very well. A Max Level Heavenly God could easily kill off the Peerless Sect fellow within a short period of time. By then, as long as Fen Tian gave him a helping hand, then naturally, his battle would end within the shortest time possible.

“Xingyun, we need to conserve some of our Heavenly Energy,” Yun Ruoyu’s voice rang in Huang Xingyun’s ear.

Huang Xingyun nodded. The husband and wife held hands, as the distorted Darkness light continuously orbited around their bodies. Even though they were trapped within the formation and hence were unable to absorb the attributes’ energy from the external world, given their high cultivation base, the Heavenly Energy generated from the bodies could sustain them for a very long period of time.

The two brothers, Shangguan Tianyang and Tianyue, were calmly observing Huang Xingyun and his wife. Seeing them take on a defensive stance, the brothers could not help but smile.

They knew the essence of the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation best. In a way, this formation was almost perfect - regardless of where the enemy attacked from, the formation could not be broken, unless the opponent’s power was three times stronger than the combined power of everyone supporting the formation. Within the formation, all laws were rendered ineffective, and Celestial Territories could not be used either.

However, the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation had a weakness - its offensive power was insufficient. Based on Huang Xingyun and his wife’s powers, even if they had no defense mechanism put in place, the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends Boundless Infinitum Formation would still be unable to harm them. If that was truly the case, the situation would have been reversed - sustaining the formation would cause them to drain a large amount of energy after all. If Huang Xingyun and his wife were able to hold out, ultimately, the Heaven’s Expanse Palace powerhouses would be the ones to fully drain their Heavenly Energy.

It might be easy to say that, but under the threat of losing one’s life at any moment within the formation, nobody would dare to forgo their defense mechanisms, allowing them to attack freely. Furthermore, this weakness was aimed specifically at the Heavenly Gods. Huang Xingyun and his wife still did not have the courage to abandon their defense. Hence, it was destined that the battle over here would be a very long one. It also looked the calmest compared to the other ongoing battles.

At this moment, both battles on the ground had regained the state of equilibrium. However, the three battles in the sky were completely different.

The word ‘spectacular’ could be used to describe the battle between the Six Ultimate Heavenly God Long Shiya and the Blood Red Hell Deputy Hell Lord Shen Mo.

In terms of cultivation base on the whole, Shen Mo had a slight upper hand. However, in terms of the control over the Heavenly Energy, it was apparent that Long Shiya had the upper hand. If they had chosen to continue battling in their initial fight, both of them would have ended up fatally injured.

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However, they did not choose to continue fighting - instead, they had chosen to stop in the middle of their fight. This time, they would be competing based on the energy restored during the period of time when they were resting.

Once again, Long Shiya’s huge figure metamorphosed in the sky. However, this time, it was only a hundred meters in height. Even though his Heavenly Energy became a lot richer, it still could not be compared to the massive figure he had before.

On the other hand, on Shen Mo’s side, the enormous devouring mouth appeared again. It continuously launched frenzied attacks towards Long Shiya. Shen Mo hated the Peerless Sect people to the core - even Shen Bu got killed off by Zhou Weiqing; it was something that he could never accept.

They were both Heavenly Gods - naturally, they both have an accurate understanding pertaining to their battle earlier. Shen Mo knew his current condition very well. Even though he was injured and thus affecting his cultivation base, but from what he knew, Long Shiya should be more severely affected. This was due to the fact that Long Shiya had drained too much of his will, and it was harder for will to be restored, compared to the healing of injuries. Within such a short period of time, it was impossible for Long Shiya to make any substantial recovery. This was clearly seen within the battle - it was evident that Long Shiya’s will could only control a hundred meter tall figure at the moment.

The moment any of the five ongoing battles had an outcome, it would affect the overall situation. Shen Mo was a lot more optimistic compared to Huang Xingyun, because in his eyes, they had the upper hand in every single battle, apart from the one between the Sidhe and the two enormous dragons. What he wanted to do right now was to kill off Long Shiya, whose will was lacking, in the shortest time possible, before going on a killing spree. Only bloodshed could get rid of the rage in his heart.

Everything that was happening at the moment seemed to be developing in the direction that he wanted - under his powerful attack, Long Shiya was completely unable to launch any effective counterattack, and this was after the Destruction Celestial Territory was being subdued yb the Sidhe’s Nature Celestial Territory. Dealing with Long Shiya’s completely passive defense stance, Shen Mo launched unbridled attacks on all fronts. Every single time a part of Long Shiya’s hundred meter tall figure’s energy got ripped out by Shen Mo, it would shrink a little. It was a matter of time before Shen Mo defeated him.

The area in the sky occupied by the battle between the Sidhe and the two enormous dragons was the greatest. The Sidhe Empress became the main restrictive power within the formation.

Even though the Nature Celestial Territory Formation set up by the twelve elders was able to restrain Hui Yao and Duo Si, these two enormous dragons were too powerful and strong - especially after they had possessed the Destruction Attribute. It had caused their attacks to become extremely terrifying. Hui Yao’s cultivation base was even higher than that of Fen Tian’s.

If it were truly up to them to attack at full force, the formation would not be able to bind them.

From the looks of it, the Sidhe might have five Heavenly Gods on their side, but in truth, the four elders had only broken through to the Heavenly God Stage a while back. Without the Sidhe Empress, Hui Yao alone could easily defeat them all.

However, the present Sidhe were no longer as weak as they used to be when they were living in seclusion within their sealed grounds. With the evolution of the Sidhe Ancient Tree, as well as the Sidhe Queen’s evolution to the Sidhe Empress, they were not easy targets at all.

In ancient times, the Sidhe Empress was as equally renowned as the Dragon Emperor!