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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 296.2: Zhou Weiqing’s Other Hidden Trump (2)
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The Dragon Tribe had always been the most powerful amongst all the Heavenly Beasts. Even though the black dragon before his eyes did not possess the powerful Dragon Emperor Bloodline, it was still an enormous dragon after all! Its great power, coupled with the prestige of its bloodline’s aura - the joint forces of the Peerless Sect and the Heavenly Snow Mountain had no chance of winning.

Despair erupted from Xue AoTian’s body; even his God Vanquishing Heavenly Spirit Set released a layer of white misty luster. Determination appeared within Xue AoTian’s eyes. He was already prepared to die in glory. As the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord, he was prepared to lose his life on the battlefield - he was no longer going to resist the Destruction Attribute.

However, at this moment, Tian’er’s voice rang in his ear.

“Father, do not be reckless. It is ours.”

Hearing Tian’er’s words, Xue AoTian couldn’t help but stare blankly, “What did you say? That…that belongs to us?”

Tian’er looked slightly unhappy but ultimately, she nodded, “Thanks to the womanizing ways of your dear son-in-law.”

Earlier, Xue AoTian had quickly jumped to conclusions as a result of what happened before - according to his analysis, if the enemy was able to bring forth two enormous dragons, naturally, it was possible for them to bring a third one. Furthermore, this was a black dragon who released the Darkness Attribute. As someone who possessed the Divine Attribute, he was naturally prejudiced and hostile against users of the Darkness Attribute. Hence, he had immediately assumed that it belonged to the enemy. After hearing what Tian’er said, Xue AoTian looked at the dragon once again.

He saw a woman standing on the head of the black dragon with such grandeur. Because the woman was all decked in black, under the concealment of the Darkness Energy given off by the Tenebrous Demon Dragon, she could not be clearly seen. Leaning against the horn on the head of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon, she had an icy look on her remarkably beautiful face. Albeit faintly, one could see the unwavering killing intent and the superior dignified aura in her eyes.

Once the enormous black dragon appeared on the battlefield, it started spitting out tyrannical dragon flames. Even though the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley powerhouses were not afraid of it as they joined forces, this was a sudden attack. Furthermore, it was an attack from a Heavenly God. They had no choice but to swiftly retreat before putting up a defense together.

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This woman, riding on a dragon, who came at the most crucial moment of the battle was none other than Dongfang Hanyue, the woman who Zhou Weiqing had a fling with on the Xuantian Continent.

Indeed, this was Zhou Weiqing’s other hidden trump - one that had shocked everyone. To put it more accurately, it was his last resort hidden trump.

Not long ago, Dongfang Hanyue rode on the Tenebrous Demon Dragon and suddenly made an appearance on the Boundless Mainland. Using the trace of Saint Energy she shared with Zhou Weiqing, she managed to locate Zhou Weiqing, with the help of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon.

This was also the reason why Zhou Weiqing’s wives had an unhappy look on their faces earlier. Shangguan Bing’er was the only person aware of Zhou Weiqing’s relation with Dongfang Hanyue - the rest of them were in the dark. Since she came knocking on his door, it was no wonder they were unhappy.

Due to the fact that the Grand Tournament was about to begin, Zhou Weiqing did not have much time to explain himself. Hence, his wives had isolated him earlier. Furthermore, he had no right to blame Dongfang Hanyue - it was his fault that he could not suppress his lust.

The reason why Dongfang Hanyue came looking for Zhou Weiqing was simple - she wanted to tell Zhou Weiqing something, which had left Zhou Weiqing completely stunned, with no other choice but to accept her arrival.

Dongfang Hanyue told Zhou Weiqing that she had given birth to his son recently. Indeed, it was that one time - he had hit the jackpot, a match made in heaven, and Dongfang Hanyue was blessed with Zhou Weiqing’s son. The child remained on the Xuantian Continent, becoming the next successor of the Xuantian Continent. The reason why Dongfang Hanyue came was simple - she wanted to negotiate certain terms with Zhou Weiqing. It was not possible for the child to grow up without a father, hence she wanted to request for Zhou Weiqing to live on the Xuantian Continent for a month, every year from now on, to accompany her and their son.

As the Xuantian Palace Master, Dongfang Hanyue had a tough personality. Additionally, this request of hers had forced Zhou Weiqing to devote one month of his time every year - naturally, she did not get along that well with Tian’er, the three Shangguan sisters, and Little Witch.

Henceforth, the unlucky Zhou Weiqing was directly relegated to purgatory. During the few days before the Grand Tournament, his wives had completely ignored him.

Even though Dongfang Hanyue could not get along well with his wives, the moment she heard that there was a possibility that Zhou Weiqing could die in the battle on the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain, she tagged along. Naturally, she did not make her appearance earlier. She also refused to stick around Tian’er and the other ladies. However, during the crucial moment, she had finally decided to take action. Even though she was extremely enraged by Zhou Weiqing’s womanizing ways, she could clearly distinguish what was important.

Dongfang Hanyue took a deep breath, a copious amount of powerful energy erupted from within her body. In an instant, rays of dark golden light flickered from her body - she had directly entered the state of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon Transformation.

Dongfang Hanyue had the Tenebrous Demon Dragon bloodline within her body. Even though her Tenebrous Demon Dragon Transformation was still inferior to Zhou Weiqing’s Dragon-Tiger Demon God Transformation, the biggest advantage of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon Transformation was that it allowed her body to be perfectly merged as one with the Tenebrous Demon Dragon itself and engage in combat. This was something that the Heavenly Snow Mountain powerhouses could not do with their respective Heavenly Beast guardian.

An enormous pair of wings spread wide open on Dongfang Hanyue’s back. She had also equipped herself with the Legendary Set that she had shown Zhou Weiqing previously.

One by one, dark golden plates of armor appeared on her body. Very quickly, six pieces of them had been completely pieced together. The seventh piece was a helmet - her helmet was akin to a dragon’s mouth. It did not look feminine or beautiful, but it was filled with a powerful aura. A mask had covered her beautiful face.

After she had equipped herself with all seven pieces of her Legendary Set , immediately after, the eighth one started to appear. The eighth piece extended out from her waist, within the intense dark golden light, the eighth piece merged with the horn of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon behind her back, firmly anchoring her body on the head of the dragon. The dark golden armor continued extending downwards, combining itself with the head of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon.

A layer of terrifying Darkness Attribute energy erupted from within the body of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon. A rich bout of Darkness Energy was frantically channeled into Dongfang Hanyue’s body via its horn.

At this moment, the ninth dark golden ray of light appeared. This time, the armor directly appeared on the body of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon. The dark golden armor extended from Dreamwake’s feet, anchoring both her legs on the head of the dragon. The armor extended downwards from the Tenebrous Demon Dragon’s neck, covering the dragon’s lower neck - which was its vital point.

Indeed, this was Dongfang Hanyue’s Tenebrous Demon Dragon Set. She had used this Legendary Set to cooperate with the Tenebrous Demon Dragon and forcefully defeated the Terror Sea Dragon at that time.

The present Dongfang Hanyue could not be compared to how she was like back then - even Dongfang Hanyue did not expect herself to have a true Saint Energy seed within her body. When she had given birth to her son, even the her cultivation base was forcefully increased from the Max Level Heavenly Emperor Stage to the Low Level Heavenly God Stage.

A Low Level Heavenly God, coupled with the Tenebrous Demon Dragon which was also a Low Level Heavenly God… their combined power should not be underestimated!

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Once again, the tenth dark golden ray of light had appeared. This time, the dark golden ray was glowing from the top of Dreamwake’s head. Thereafter, a melodious dragon’s roar was heard from the Tenebrous Demon Dragon’s mouth. The powerful roar made the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley powerhouses in the surroundings retreat. The combined energy ripples created by two Heavenly Gods was too intimidating. At this moment, although vaguely, a thousand-feet long enormous dragon figure appeared in the sky. Because it was also black, it was hard to distinguish how it looked within the area covered by the Destruction Celestial Territory. However, its existence was real. It was the Demon Dragon Celestial Territory released by the Tenebrous Demon Dragon and Dongfang Hanyue together.

Next, the eleventh dark golden ray of light appeared on her body.

An enormous dark golden spear suspended before her. The spear was seven meters in length; it was thick in the middle, and tapered at both ends. Its entire body was jet black in color. It had the relief sculpture of two enormous coiling dragons on it. In the middle of the spear, where the two enormous dragons converged, there was a dazzling bright red pearl.

In the next moment, Dongfang Hanyue’s right dragon claw wrapped around the pearl, which was right in the middle of the spear.

Buzz ——

An extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted from the bodies of the Tenebrous Demon Dragon and Dongfang Hanyue.

A bright shade of red, like blood, had replaced all the dark golden light in almost an instant. The entire Legendary Set and the spear had become red in color, including the Tenebrous Demon Dragon’s horn.

It was completed - the eleven-piece Tenebrous Demon Dragon Set was finally completed. The Boundless Infinitum Set, that also had eleven pieces, seemed as though it paled in comparison the moment the Tenebrous Demon Dragon Set had appeared. This did not mean that the Boundless Infinitum Set was inferior to the Tenebrous Demon Dragon set. Instead, it was due to the power of the user. Only Heaven Gods had the ability to fully display the power of a God Set!

The Tenebrous Dragon Slaying Spear in Dongfang Hanyue’s hand connected the dots in the air, and ten rays of blood red light came descending from the sky. Immediately after, ten balls of blood red mist exploded in the sky. The ten powerhouses of the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley did not even have the opportunity to guard themselves against the terrifying Tenebrous Dragon Slaying Spear, and ended up turning into blood red mist in an instant.

Zhou Weiqing had also channeled Saint Energy into Dongfang Hanyue’s body previously. She was not afraid of the Destruction Celestial Territory at all. Moreover, as the Demon Dragon Celestial Territory orbited in the sky, it forcefully broke open a huge hole within the Destruction Celestial Territory.

It could be said that apart from the Sidhe Empress, Dongfang Hanyue was the strongest powerhouses on the battlefield on Zhou Weiqing’s side. Furthermore, Dongfang Hanyue was not as compassionate and merciful as the Sidhe. As the Xuantian Palace Master, she was firm and resolute when it came to killing the enemy. As long as the other party was an enemy, he would end up dying in her hands.