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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 290.1: The Demonic Emperor Displays His Might (1)
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A deafening tiger’s roar was heard in the sky and half of the sky had become golden. An enormous golden bullet of light erupted and shot out of his hands as he raised them, heading for his opponent.

On the other hand, the other half of the sky instantly became black. The overbearing destructive will had obstructed the Divine aura emitting from the Tiger King’s body from spreading and expanding.

The Blood Red Hell’s Heavenly Emperor took a step into the void; his right fist simply faced the attack head-on. A loud rumbling sound was heard and the gold and black in mid-air started fluctuating violently.

The Divine bullet of light that was erupted by the Tiger King was smashed into smithereens as a result, transforming into specks of golden light before disappearing. What was even more terrifying was that the black Destruction aura had instantly curled backwards and completely disregarded all properties of the Saint Attribute - it frantically devoured the golden light. It only took a split second before the merits and drawbacks between both sides were rolled back.

The tyranny of the Destruction Energy had surpassed the expectations of several people. At least within Zhou Weiqing’s field of knowledge, he had never encountered such a powerful Destruction Attribute before.

While his earliest experience with the Destruction Attribute was just a small part of Shen Little Demon’s personal attributes, the current Destruction Attribute possessed by this Blood Red Hell’s Heavenly Emperor was a pure one, akin to Zhou Weiqing’s own Saint Energy. Zhou Weiqing could guess that even if this Blood Red Hell’s Heavenly Emperor did not condense the Destruction Core Nucleus, which was the opposing force of the Saint Core Nucleus, at the bare minimum, his personal Destruction Energy would have taken up more than half of his entire Heavenly Energy. Furthermore, the density of his entire Destruction Energy was far higher than all the previous Blood Red Hell powerhouses he had encountered from before - only the recent assassins sent by the Blood Red Hell that launched a sneak attack on Zhou Weiqing at the Heavenly Bow City were more or less on par with him. However, those assassins were only of the Heavenly King Stage, whereas this powerhouses before their eyes was a Heavenly Emperor. Naturally, his power was on a different level compared to them.

The tyranny of the Destruction Attribute had caused all the expressions of the onlookers gathered at the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain to change to varying degrees; even Xue AoTian’s face had become a lot more grave compared to before.

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Without a doubt, the appearance of the Destruction Attribute had already completely undermined the rules of all the attributes of the original four Saint Attributes that the leading Heavenly Jewel Masters possessed.

The inferior attributes could clearly be displayed during the battles. Even though the Tiger King Xue AoYing was technically on par with Yun Ruoyu in terms of power, however, there was still a bit of difference. The reason why he had launched a powerful attack the moment he soared up to the sky was because he wanted to take advantage of the fact that Yun Ruoyu had consumed his opponent’s Heavenly Energy from before, and under that circumstance, giving no opportunity for him to recover.

However, from the looks of it at this moment, his opponent did not seem to show signs of any depletion of energy. Instead, he seemed even more powerful than he was before, when he was fighting against Yun Ruoyu. The Destruction Attribute was completely released - its terrifying might had caused the Tiger King to be taken by shock.

He could clearly sense that all the attributes and elements in the air were frantically being ruined, trampled on and destroyed under the influence of the Destruction Attribute. Within the process of destruction, it further enhanced the power of the Destruction Attribute - akin to a black hole that devoured everything to boost its surface area.

Another series of rumbling sounds were heard once again. The Tiger King’s body flew upon impact in the sky. At this moment, the earlier golden sky had completely vanished. The entire horizon had darkened immediately. If not for the fact that the Destruction Attribute had not fully enveloped the entire sky, and thus there was still a bit of light from afar, the entire peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain would be have been completely shrouded in darkness to the point where nothing could be seen.

The Tiger King grunted in the sky; his entire body flew backwards. Rays of black light were revolving around his cool and dazzling Legendary Set, seemingly trying to continuously corrode it. Fortunately, he was equipped with the Legendary Set, or else he would have been severely injured from the earlier blow.

At the Heavenly King Stage and higher, several functions of technical skills would be unboundedly weakened. The powerhouses would be competing in terms of power, as well as attributes. This did not mean that skills were unnecessary - they were simply not one of the most important factors.

Clearly, the power of both parties were more or less evenly matched. However, in terms of attributes, the Tiger King was much more disadvantaged. From the looks of how things were, it was clear that he was almost at his limit.

Xue AoTian’s feet seemed to have slightly moved. Fen Tian smiled at him, “Brother Xue, do not worry. My subordinate will not kill him off. We are not enemies.”

Xue AoTian looked at him with profound eyes and said, “The Destruction Attribute is indeed powerful! Fen Tian, how did you exactly attain such a powerful attribute, and how did you equip everyone in the Blood Red Hell with it?”

Fen Tian chuckled and said, “After the end of the Grand Tournament of Saint Lands is over, I will explain to you in detail. As long as we solve the problem before our eyes, it is not impossible for me to share the Destruction Attribute with you, Brother Xue. Based on your Heavenly God Stage cultivation base, you will become the strongest powerhouse in the entire history once you have grasped the power of the Destruction Attribute.”

A light flashed across Xue AoTian’s eyes - he seemed to be tempted by his suggestion.

Fen Tian secretly smirked to himself. Of course, he was reluctant to face the Heaven’s Expanse Palace and the Heavenly Snow Mountain all by himself at the same time. Hence, he wanted to rope Xue AoTian in. As for whether or not he was truly going to share the Destruction Attribute with Xue AoTian, only he himself knew the truth. At the very least, with regards to the ongoing battle, he had no intention to let go of the Tiger King. In his eyes, the other Great Saint Lands were just stumbling blocks. The faster he could get rid of them, the better it would be. He had already thought of the perfect excuse - in the event that the Tiger King died, he could blame it on his subordinate for slipping up to avoid being blamed. After all, it was hard to show mercy in battles at such a level.

The ongoing battle in the sky was going according to Fen Tian’s plans. After another violent rumble was heard, Xue AoYing spat out a mouthful of blood. The Legendary Set on his body that was originally white had completely become black in color. One could well imagine the might and power of the attacks he had to endure.

At this time, the Blood Red Hell powerhouse had suddenly stopped in the sky. He raised both hands to the sky and the earth-shattering Destruction will, akin to a strong wind sweeping clouds away, heading towards Xue AoYing.

The terrifying shade of black had immediately took the form of a ten-meter giant in an instant.

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Everything happened too fast. The Tiger King Xue AoYing had barely managed to stabilize himself with much difficulty, but in the next moment, his opponent had already kept his Destruction will, sending out a ten-meter giant that was pouncing towards him.

“Stop, please have mercy on him!” Fen Tian shouted. He needed to fake it, as he was still not willing to fall out with Xue AoTian. He was really clear that even if Xue AoYing did not die from that attack, he would be severely injured. If that attack completely left the Tiger King crippled, but not dead, that would be the most ideal situation in his eyes.

Xue AoTian’s face became more solemn. However, this was the Grand Tournament after all. Even with his status as the world’s number one, he was in no position to interfere with the tournament, or else the rest of the Great Saint Lands would definitely join forces to go against the Heavenly Snow Mountain.

However, the speed at which the black gigantic figure was charging at was too fast. The moment Fen Tian’s voice was heard, the black gigantic figure had already rammed itself against the Tiger King’s body.

The powerhouses on the Heavenly Snow Mountain could no longer bear to watch this sight - most of them had closed their eyes shut. Even the Lion King Gu SiTe, who had spent his whole life in conflict with the Tiger King, could not help but have a sullen look in his eyes. Anyone could see that the Tiger King was already injured earlier, and the difference in power of their attributes was too big. The opponent absorbed the Destruction will and rammed into him at full force - how was it possible for him to survive the attack? Even a Legendary Set would not be able to lock such a powerful attack!


An ear-piercing exploding sound was heard.

At this moment, Fen Tian was looking towards Xue AoTian’s face that was filled with an ashen look. He said apologetically, “Brother Xue. It was a mistake, I……” Just as he was about to console Xue AoTian with an excuse to temporarily protect their alliance, he noticed that Xue AoTian’s ashen look had suddenly changed to shock. Additionally, surprised gasps and voices of disbelief were heard in the surroundings.

Fen Tian lifted his head instinctively and looked up into the sky. He saw two figures descending to the ground at the same time.

The first to fall was the Tiger King Xue AoYing. Xue AoTian’s figure flashed and caught his younger brother’s body. At this moment, Xue AoYing’s face looked extremely terrible. He had already completely passed out but his four limbs were still intact and he was still alive, except that he was severely injured.

Similarly, the other figure fell to the ground. Without Fen Tian taking any action, someone from the Blood Red Hell had already caught him. The person who caught him was the Heavenly Emperor from before.

However, compared to Xue AoYing, he was in a more miserable plight. In the middle of his chest, there was a huge hole with a diameter of a foot. He seemed lifeless.